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Rule of law doesn't exist in America

Either way, does corruption in China justify corruption in America? Don't use China as a cover for your (our) own mess.
Actually, the reason why threads like this one exists is because others are trying to use US to justify the mess in their own countries.
At common man's level it is going to be really tough to find corruption in US. That matters the most. I went to so many government offices and most of them treat you with respect and help you in every possible level. Who cares if there is some one guy who is getting protected. US is a model country of governance, if we can become even half as good we will be rock star.
This clown is simply giving the Americans a tast of their own medicine. And apparently it's to bitter for them !
Do you really think that YOU posted revelations about this? :lol: You are too late. Your fellow Chinese countrymen have done all this before. We think nothing of it. We are amused by their actions and now -- amused by yours.
Do you really think that YOU posted revelations about this? :lol: You are too late. Your fellow Chinese countrymen have done all this before. We think nothing of it. We are amused by their actions and now -- amused by yours.

You seem to be pretty emotional about it to me.
At common man's level it is going to be really tough to find corruption in US. That matters the most. I went to so many government offices and most of them treat you with respect and help you in every possible level. Who cares if there is some one guy who is getting protected. US is a model country of governance, if we can become even half as good we will be rock star.

You are missing the point the corruption in the US and Europe is not like in India or China where local officials ask you for bribes. So its far less visible but its there which in some ways make it even more dangerous. Because you are not aware of it happening and people will be more surprised when the house of cards comes crashing down. But the corruption is happening on a much higher level and on a much bigger scale the sums involved are astronomical. The bailout of the financial sector in the US has already cost the US taxpayers more than 16 trillion dollars and counting. Millions of Americans have lost their homes because of the fraudulent mortgages being sold to them by the major banks. Not only are the bankers not arrested but they got bailed out on the publics dime. its just a simple fact that there will be another collapse of the US economy very soon even worst than in 2008. Just take a example the libor fixing scandal in the UK. Its has effected more than 500 trillion dollars of assets on the balance sheet of banks world wide but formost in the US and UK. Trillions of dollars of assets on the banks balance sheet are wrongly priced. And in the future needs to be corrected, the last time that something like that happened was with the subprime mortgage assets and we all know how that went.
At common man's level it is going to be really tough to find corruption in US. That matters the most. I went to so many government offices and most of them treat you with respect and help you in every possible level. Who cares if there is some one guy who is getting protected. US is a model country of governance, if we can become even half as good we will be rock star.

Well said.

Corruption exists in every country. What matters most is if it touches me or you at our level.

Tell that to the millions of Americans who have lost their homes.

You are confusing bad investments with corruption. Perhaps they are linked at some level. But an ordinary American who decided to mortgage his/her home for more than its worth, made a bad investment or may be "gambled" at its worst. But lumping it with corruption is bad logic.

You are confusing bad investments with corruption. Perhaps they are linked at some level. But an ordinary American who decided to mortgage his/her home for more than its worth, made a bad investment or may be "gambled" at its worst. But lumping it with corruption is bad logic.

Very good, sir. Individual responsibility is conveniently covered up in all the rhetoric. Nothing is said about those like us who lives within our means, including our mortgages. Foolishness, bad business conditions and decisions, or incompetency are not crimes.
In some cases I'd say this was an accurate statment. When you have draconian laws suxch as "stand your ground" and the like being passed where cold-blooded murder can be easily passed of as "self-defence" when you have cases such as Trayvon Martin where a murderer used such a defence to murder a young,innocent teenage boy through no fault of the later. Where it is only after huge public prsssure that the police actually do their jobs and investigate the death. In a nation where there are politicians actually calling for MORE guns to be owned by untrained citizens with little to no checks on who is getting these weapons or their intentions for owning such a weapon nor checks done on their mental health. Where members on the TERRORIST WATCH LIST are not allowed to board an airliner but are allowed to buy a gun/guns. In a nation where almost anyone in some parts of the nation can walk around with a deadly weapon on their hips in the open. Then YES, the rule of law doesn't exist to some extent.
In some cases I'd say this was an accurate statment. When you have draconian laws suxch as "stand your ground" and the like being passed where cold-blooded murder can be easily passed of as "self-defence" when you have cases such as Trayvon Martin where a murderer used such a defence to murder a young,innocent teenage boy through no fault of the later. Where it is only after huge public prsssure that the police actually do their jobs and investigate the death. In a nation where there are politicians actually calling for MORE guns to be owned by untrained citizens with little to no checks on who is getting these weapons or their intentions for owning such a weapon nor checks done on their mental health. Where members on the TERRORIST WATCH LIST are not allowed to board an airliner but are allowed to buy a gun/guns. In a nation where almost anyone in some parts of the nation can walk around with a deadly weapon on their hips in the open. Then YES, the rule of law doesn't exist to some extent.
Good script. A bit stale, but still a little bit provocative. By the way, I was in the UK for 3 yrs around the Bicester-Banbury-Oxford area. A lot of Britons there have firearms and wish the UK's gun laws are more like ours.
What a comedy thread. Are the bots that desperate now and would come up with something so hilarious or are they just plain gullible?
Good script. A bit stale, but still a little bit provocative. By the way, I was in the UK for 3 yrs around the Bicester-Banbury-Oxford area. A lot of Britons there have firearms and wish the UK's gun laws are more like ours.

I think you'd have a hard time comparing the UK and its gun ownership to the US. I have lived in the UK all my life (19 years) and have NEVER once met anyone who owned a UK gun. I suspect those whom you encountered were living in the sticks (countryside) and had farms or went hunting so had a legitimate need to own a firearm. Now with 88.8 guns per 100 people (~89%) in the US I would say it is unlikely these 88/89 have a legitimate need to own a firearm, or am I wrong? Some retarded of the constitution, notable the 2nd amendmanet, and then that too taken out of context, being used to justify these ridiculously high numbers of guns in the US is absurd. As if those writing the amendments in the late 18th centuary could remotely foresee the world in 2012 and weren't merely writing in the context of their time. FFS! Laws are updated but apparently the amendments and Constitution are scripture and must be followed verbatim, anyways- I digress.

The numbers speak for themselves.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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