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Rule of law doesn't exist in America


May 31, 2012
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Are political connections protecting Jon Corzine from prosecution?

Considering the magnitude of the failure at MF Global, where over a billion dollars’ worth of client’s money was “vaporized” under legally questionable circumstances, many observers are amazed that chief executive Jon Corzine hasn’t gotten in more legal trouble. Corzine, of course, has huge Democrat Party political connections, including a career as the Democrat governor of New Jersey, and in the Senate. He’s a big money bundler for the Obama re-election campaign, and has continued putting big bucks in the Obama coffers long after his disgrace.

But there might just be some other reasons for Corzine’s remarkably smooth skating after the MF Global collapse, as reported by Wynton Hall at Breitbart News: documents uncovered by the Government Accountability Institute reveal that “now-defunct MF Global was a client of Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer’s former law firm, Covington & Burling.”

Furthermore, MF Global’s bankruptcy trustee hired the former law firm of Associate Attorney General Tony West. The trustee is former FBI director Louis Freeh, who hired Eric Holder as a trial counsel when Freeh was working as the general counsel for MBNA America Bank in the early 2000s. Freeh was a character witness at Holder’s Senate confirmation hearings for the Attorney General position.

The tight web of connections between Justice officials and the banking industry have led many members of Congress to demand a special prosecutor to investigate the MF Global collapse. It looks like one more affair that Eric Holder’s politicized Justice Department cannot be trusted to investigate.

Jon Corzine political connections protect him from prosecution - conservative news
This guy is on a mission, aren't you, chief. But what he forgets is CHINA !!! Just about the most polluted, corrupt, oppressive places on earth !! :rofl:
Nope i'm trying to show you the truth about America that you won't see from you're mainstream media. And since Americans are so good at criticizing others i think this is just fair.
Nope i'm trying to show you the truth about America that you won't see from you're mainstream media. And since Americans are so good at criticizing others i think this is just fair.
Wha? Our own media criticize us.
This guy is on a mission, aren't you, chief. But what he forgets is CHINA !!! Just about the most polluted, corrupt, oppressive places on earth !! :rofl:

You're the ones that's trying to deflect attention away from America. When you're face with the truth you just begin to call names and go off topic. And what happend to all that "We Americans can take criticism" i guess that's a myth too.
Nope i'm trying to show you the truth about America that you won't see from you're mainstream media. And since Americans are so good at criticizing others i think this is just fair.

Watch out Bro, they might put some trumped up phony charges, like they did to Assange, on you and extradite you from Belgium. If you're in China they can set up a CIA/NGO operation on you on a so called 'extraordinary rendition' .
I think China's Ministry of Propaganda is reallocating/increasing the number of US Internet specialists.
I think China's Ministry of Propaganda is reallocating/increasing the number of US Internet specialists.

You're favorite refuge name calling. How about we talk about the issue at hand. John Corzine has bankrupted MF Global and stoll 1,25 billion dollars from his customers segregated accounts. Instead of being charged and let away to prison he's now one of the biggest campaign fundraisers for president Obama's re-election campaign. And he is not the only one. In fact no one on Wallstreet has been arrested for their wrong doings and in fact got a 16 trillion dollar bailout on the publics dime. If you we're to pinch a package of cookies in a supermarket you will be arrested now is this what you call the rule of law ? The only rule here is that if you are rich and powerful then there is one set of laws for you and then there is a set of laws for everybody else who are not rich or powerful. But that's not everything the US government together with the Federal Reserves are now guaranteeing most of the banks assets and activities. So the next time a major bank where to fail the US government (the taxpayers) would be on the hook for trillions of dollars of liability exposures. If i where you i would keep a close eye on what is happening at JP Morgan Chase. It will affect you're life much more than China, Russia, Iran and al-Qeada put together. Now don't tell me i didn't warn you.;)
This guy is on a mission, aren't you, chief. But what he forgets is CHINA !!! Just about the most polluted, corrupt, oppressive places on earth !! :rofl:

Either way, does corruption in China justify corruption in America? Don't use China as a cover for your (our) own mess.

Geez, and i thought Pakistanis, indians, and Middle Easterners had this bad habit of trying to deflect attention from their own shortcomings by hiding behind others mistakes/shortcomings but i guess i was wrong.
Either way, does corruption in China justify corruption in America? Don't use China as a cover for your (our) own mess.

Geez, and i thought Pakistanis, indians, and Middle Easterners had this bad habit of trying to deflect attention from their own shortcomings by hiding behind others mistakes/shortcomings but i guess i was wrong.

Corruption is worldwide. So why does this clown ALWAYS post negative pieces ONLY about the U.S. ?
Corruption is worldwide. So why does this clown ALWAYS post negative pieces ONLY about the U.S. ?

Well, lets just say he's concerned about the freedom of American people, you know, kinda like how we were about the Iraqi people and then the Libyan people, so much so that we even helped al-qaeda to overthrow Libya's government, give them weapons and training, and now we're on our way to assisting al-qaeda in Syria as well.

Just be thankful that China hasn't reached the level of launching "Operation American Freedom" yet, otherwise they would have brought us the fruits of "Wealth distribution" and "class equality" while directly and indirectly killing 1 million Americans, you know kinda like how we did it to the Iraqis.


On a serious note, this is PDF, expect people of other nationalities posting negative news about ones country, especially if they are from a rival nation.

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