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RSS :A Rare Photograph of 1963 Republic Day Parade at New Delhi.

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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I am not a karsevak/swayamsevak of RSS, and I do not intend to make any political statements. I am not a politician, but I think a whole lot of misinformation and vilification of RSS is being carried out for political expediency about this organisation. Some politicians come on the TV channels and make statements that only belie their basic knowledge of the ground realities.

Some make political speeches at public meetings and misinform the crowds. What a shame that they see only the negatives and do not recognise the positives of RSS. We all know for a fact that these swayamsevaks are always in the forefront whenever a natural calamity or an accident has taken place and provide yeomanry service, irrespective of the religious or caste background of the affected person. To them all are Indians and all are human beings.

Majority of today's generation are not aware, in 1963, Jawaharlal Nehru - then PM of India had invited RSS at the Republic Day Parade, as a respect of gratitude on RSS Swayamsevak's for assisting Indian Armed Forces in fighting the Indo-China 1962 War.

During the China War in 1962, the Swayamsevaks of the RSS swung into action mobilising support to the governmental measures in general and to the jawans in particular. Pandit Nehru was so impressed that he invited a Sangh contingent to take part in the Republic Day Parade of 26th January 1963. At a mere two days’ notice, over 3500 Swayamsevaks turned up at the parade in full Sangh uniform.

Their massive march became the major highlight of the programme. When, later on, some Congressmen raised their eyebrows over the invitation to Sangh, Pandit Nehru brushed aside the objections saying that all patriotic citizens had been invited to join the parade.


In 1934, when Gandhiji visited a 1500-strong Swayamsevaks camp at Wardha, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the Swayamsevaks were not even aware of the castes of one another, not to speak of any ideas of untouchability. The visit had left such a deep impression on Gandhiji’s mind that he referred to it full thirteen years later.

In his address to the workers of Sangh in Bhangi Colony at Delhi on 16th September 1947, he said, “I visited the RSS camp years ago, when the founder Shri Hedgewar was alive. I was very much impressed by your discipline, the complete absence of untouchability and the rigorous simplicity".
For RSS,country is first.They will not tolerate national traitors .they dont care their religions or even if the traitor is an Hindu .
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