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RQ-170 footage released

500 why can't you understand that flying wing is inherently unstable and cant stop rolling over if its not micromanaged with its inboard computer , for God's sake B2 need 3 different computer just not to roll over itself .
So what? Very possible that there was some failure in engine but fly by wire system kept working. As result UAV slowly glided to earth.
So what? Very possible that there was some failure in engine but fly by wire system kept working. As result UAV slowly glided to earth.

and that fly by anything need electricity to made the hydraulic system work and if that plane loose it's single engine ,well then it loose its only source of electricity .
also this plane is not a glider if it loose engine it will loose airspeed and made a beautiful dive from 10km high
You are contradicting your statement,no one talked about 'importance' of the videos. so why trying to change the subject?
You and just about everyone else did. Videos are data and how gleeful were you about them in past posts?

You said these drones don't store data, but send it to the base immediately, what Iran did shows otherwise.
These are no different than other flight data such as navigation way points, fuel consumption, fuel quantity, etc. There are local copies as well as transmitted ones.

Besides, believe me, these low quality black and white movies from a base in Qandahar is not the most precious thing Iran can get out of drone. :lol:
The tech used in it are most important, in a way that even China and Russia badly want access to it.
The technology? Assume this is true...When Iranian engineers and technicians take apart this thing, just about everyone is going to slap themselves silly because not of the technology involved, which is quite commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS), but because they finally see how these components are put together to accomplish a goal. And you can 'believe me' on that.

Unmanned Vehicles (UAV) / Drones - FPGA COTS Boards & Solutions - BittWare: FPGA Computing Systems
Unmanned vehicles must process a barrage of signals to assess multiple potential threats. They must keep power, size, and weight to a minimum; and they require processing architectures that are reconfigurable and can perform real-time processing. BittWare offers COTS solutions that combine FPGAs and DSPs to allow for scalable, reconfigurable designs in high-speed signal processing.
The problem for Iran, China, and Russia in this matter is that they underestimated the creativity and resources of the commercial sector, assuming the generosity they have such in the first place. The cat is out of the bag, so to speak. The only thing that will interest them is the satellite link design, not the technology itself.
and that fly by anything need electricity to made the hydraulic system work and if that plane loose it's single engine ,well then it loose its only source of electricity .
also this plane is not a glider if it loose engine it will loose airspeed and made a beautiful dive from 10km high
Engine failure does not necessary mean a complete turn off. In most of cases it means loss of some thrust. Also it could be a FBW failure, as result plane is still overall stable but starts slowly spin or something like that.
and that fly by anything need electricity to made the hydraulic system work and if that plane loose it's single engine ,well then it loose its only source of electricity .
Please stop...

If an F-16 lost engine power, the hydrazine fueled emergency power unit (EPU) kicks in to provide enough electrical power to support the 3000 psi hydraulics system.

Emergency power unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...the EPU used in the F-16 aircraft employs gas turbine powered by the engine bleed air or by hot gases generated by catalytic decomposition of hydrazine, which then drives the emergency electricity generator and the emergency hydraulic pump.
A UAV have no need for such powerful hydraulics simply because of the fact that it was not designed for high performance maneuverability. So even if a UAV is designed with hydraulics, the engineers would have battery backup at least long enough to allow the aircraft to either loiter to transmit off important data or to have a controlled landing.

also this plane is not a glider if it loose engine it will loose airspeed and made a beautiful dive from 10km high
Keyword search for you: 'uav glide ratio'. Plenty of information available.
Engine failure does not necessary mean a complete turn off. In most of cases it means loss of some thrust. Also it could be a FBW failure, as result plane is still overall stable but starts slowly spin or something like that.
talk like the one who found a key, then built a lock for it.
very nice story: half corrupted engine, lost thrust ,slowly started spinning, short circuit in self destructive system (add this one,it makes you more cute), and finally landed intact.
you remind me of Scheherezade from "Arabian Nights" movie.;)
after all if i believe this drone has landed due to system failure then i have to believe this land is protected by angels, 30 years ago US special forces (with 6 month training) came to Iran and had a system failure, now this high tech spy drone.:angel:
previously commander said this drone has technologies that we even were not aware of, recently he said there are some advanced technologies in it which we wont talk about them, I'm wondering how much technologies (read gifts) US have given to us ?
as it's said in the clip they montaged it .. that's why wings are seperated

Now why would they dismantle wings if it were intact and in coherent structural integrity? to transport it? the helicopter could have easily lift it intact, truck could have easily transport it and it could have been easily fitted into the aircraft fuselage. But the most important question of all is, if RQ-170 was hacked and under control of Persian kittens why would they land UAV in a middle of nowhere, dismantle it(while it was perfectly intact), then use a helicopter a truck and cargo aircraft to transport it to wherever?
That's the problem in your posts oldman. The RQ-170 has not 'crashed', you can see it's almost intact.

Do you have any idea what GPS-spoofing is? You can not make a drone land exactly on a highway when you are giving it false GPS coordinates,it's only possible when you have access to control center of the drone which was either in Afghanistan or U.S.

According to Iranian officials, they have tricked the drone by giving it wrong coordinates not by taking full control of its systems, which explains why it has been landed in desert.

Where, please show me photo of almost intact
A little extra for the on going drama....


Perhaps you can provide us with a example of a drone crashing in another country, being fully intact?

You see, unlike majority of UAVs RQ-170 has solid wing structure, this design is prone and perfect for "falling leaf departure".

See maple seed

See also autorotation
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In the clip the IRGC commander said that this drone was involved in the operation of killing "Bin Laden" , that means the IRCG may have real footage of that mysterious night !
Imagine ... just Imagine if by any chance we have that footage !
You made a claim that Iran captured 2 Watchkeepers. So where are they? RC toy that you posted is not Watcheekep.


It was not landing without gear. It was a crash without pilot after pilot ejected.
a proof?
anyway thats impossible.the pilot might eject while touching the ground only.and it was without gears.
Please stop...

If an F-16 lost engine power, the hydrazine fueled emergency power unit (EPU) kicks in to provide enough electrical power to support the 3000 psi hydraulics system.

Emergency power unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A UAV have no need for such powerful hydraulics simply because of the fact that it was not designed for high performance maneuverability. So even if a UAV is designed with hydraulics, the engineers would have battery backup at least long enough to allow the aircraft to either loiter to transmit off important data or to have a controlled landing.

Keyword search for you: 'uav glide ratio'. Plenty of information available.
well f-16 can do many thing and have many system that RQ-170 don't have , one of them is an Emergency Power Unit .unless you can prove me wrong.
and please stop this BS about controlled landing in Enemy territory. That plane made a controlled landing , but the problem is that it thought it is, its mother base not somewhere in middle of nowhere in Tabas Desert and it was impossible for IRGC find it sooner than US satellites.

about UAV Glide ratio well non of them were a flying wing without any power , and better model for gliding is sort of straight wing

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