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Ron Paul Would Have Crushed Obama in the Presidential Debate

At one time when I was more naive, I used to support his policies. In 2008 election, I spent $300 to buy his yard posters and had them screwed to the front of my house facing a very busy road.

The more I found out about him, the more I understood that he is not good for America or good for the world. He is an odd mix:

- Ayn Randian Liberterian supporting Austrian Economic school (no fiat money, some commodity based currency)
- small govt., no foreign base
- he is white nationalist to the core (racist) and I have no problem with it, but 35% of America is non-white!!!

Liberterian wants small govt. and the smallest govt. is in Somalia. The highest tax and biggest govt. is in Nordic model, Scandinavia.

No foreign base, will not work, America has to transition from current situation to a different state, but a sudden withdrawal of bases and power projection will create vacuum and will be catastrophic for world geopolitics and current global order.

About racism, well I accept it as a reality, a human condition I call it, but 35% of America would never vote for him!

Like white nationalists in stormfront, he does not like Zionists or Jewish people.

So he may get a lot of support from some fringe Republicans (even Evangelists are in Jewish/Zionist "Judeo-Christian" pocket), but he has no realistic hope to ever come to power and even if he did by a miracle, his policies will be ruinous for the US.

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