Erwin Rommel's Art of War
A set of possible major categories of operational principles was compiled during research. The purpose of selecting major categories, as they became evident during research, was to focus the research process. Also, the categories allow an organized presentation of Rommel's operational principles, and will laid the comparison with Bernard Montgomery. The categories are:
- Combined Arms
- Offensive Action
- Momentum
- Command and Control - Decision-making
- Risk
- Strategic Linkage
- Operational Sustainment
- Reinforcement of Success - Exploitation of Opportunity
The operational principles of Erwin Rommel, organized into those major categories, are:
Combined Arms
o Use the air arm (or other long-range fire support) to disrupt the enemy in time and space.
o Use non-mobile forces, where best suited, to deny enemy options; use mobile forces, in large groupings, against the (enemy's dispersed mobile forces.
o Plan to reduce the effect of the enemy's combined arms force; plan to create multiple combined arms effects for which the enemy is neither physically nor mentally prepared.
o Air-ground cooperation is imperative. Air reconnaissance,- long-range bombing, and close support are required for a successful ground plan.
o Tanks protect the infantry by destroying anti-infantry weapons and positions; infantry protects tanks by destroying anti-tank weapons and positions.
o Maneuver-fire support coordination is a must for successful operations. Planning and liaison must be coordinated at all levels.
o Organize forces so as to produce the maximum amount of cooperation among the arms.
Offensive Action
o Offensive action (attack or counterattack) decides the issue.
o Attack to a depth beyond the enemy's reserves to reach the operational goal. -. "He wins who fires first and can deliver the heaviest fire."
o The enemy's sustaining base is a proper operational objective. Attack it and the enemy's ability to continue the fight is greatly reduced.
o Flanking and enveloping attacks threaten the enemy, attack, his will, and cause him to pause. The pause creates further opportunity to attack.
o Keep moving at the greatest possible speed to the objective (and beyond it if the circumstances dictate).
o Do not limit the counterattack to reducing enemy forces in the main area of battle. Continue the counterattack into the enemy rear.
o Time is the critical element of mission accomplishment. Speed is the critical element in accomplishing the mission in the prescribed time.
o It is allowable to bypass points of local resistance. Follow-on detachments can reduce these. The main force must continue to its assigned objectives.
o Demand and continue to accept nothing less than all-out performance from subordinate commanders and the staff when conducting high-tempo operations.
Command and Control - Decision-making
o Lead well forward.
o Consider the enemy's mentality and war-fighting methods when making decisions.
o Locate the small command and signal element at the decisive place.
o Look beyond merely countering the enemy's plan for today.
o Use simple techniques to facilitate rapid transmission of orders.
o Make decisions in order to reduce the greater risk. Risk may be reduced through surprise and speed of operations.
o Logistics risk may be reduced by seizing logistics centres, ports, and airfields. (This action sustains momentum.)
o Risk disobeying higher orders when favourable opportunities arise.
o Bluff, daring, and bold action confuse the enemy and, thereby, reduce risk.
Strategic Linkage (Note that Rommel failed here.)
o Ensure that operational goals are consistent with strategic objectives.
o Ensure that operational goals are within strategic means.
o Do not revise strategic objectives to be consistent with operational goals and methods.
Operational Sustainment (Note that Rommel failed here too.)
o Consider logistics requirements for achieving operational goals.
o Consider the depth of operational objectives in terms of sustainment.
o Consider the planned time of operations in terms of sustainment.
o Selection of proper objectives can mitigate initial logistics restraints.
Reinforcement of Success - Exploitation of Opportunity
o The enemy's sound estimate of our possible actions is a main ingredient for our success; his estimate allows opportunities to be created; once created, take full advantage of them.
o A pause in enemy thinking or action creates an opportunity to be taken advantage of.
o Do not stop pursuit because planned time or distance has been reached; continue with the successful action to deeper goals.
o Maintain the integrity of the main force in order to achieve the higher end.
Bernard Montgomery Art of War
The operational principles shown here were deduced from the information presented throughout the chapter. Each section of the chapter addressed, in part, the operational principles of Bernard Montgomery -- the development and evolution of his notions of war-fighting, the influence of prevailing doctrine, and the decisions he made in battle.
The operational principles of Bernard Montgomery, organized into the major categories are:
Combined Arms
o Air-ground cooperation is required for success in the land battle.
o Air superiority in the area of attack is required for a successful attack.
o Air force and army staffs should be located at the same headquarters.
o Mobile and non-mobile troops should be used to perform complementary tasks.
o The essential requirement is the cooperation of all arms. The cooperation is ensured through detailed planning.
Offensive Action
o Offensive action is required for victory.
o The defense can be used to wrest the initiative from the attacker; once gained, begin the offense.
o The object of all offensive action is to throw the enemy off balance and to keep him off balance.
o Momentum can be maintained by keeping the enemy off balance.
o Switch major formations to the front of the attack to maintain momentum.
o Use concentrated firepower to break through the crust of enemy defenses.
Command and Control - Decision-making
o The commander must make the plan.
o The commander must not become immersed in details.
o Train staffs and subordinates to work and act on verbal orders.
o The scope of operations must be limited to that which has a good and reasonable chance of success.
o Match the objective with the capabilities of the force.
o It is imperative that the commander understand what is required to succeed in battle.
o The commander's major effort is to ensure that the basic operational aspects of the plan remain intact.
o Simplicity is vital in planning operations.
o Planning and preparation reduce uncertainty and risk.
o Do not take risks that involve unaffordable losses.
Strategic Linkage
o Match the strategically desirable to what is tactically possible with the forces available.
o Decide the development of operations before the initial blow is struck.
o View the plan as one whole; not only the operation at hand, but also the operation in the context of the campaign and the war.
Operational Sustainment
o Proper administration in the rear is required for a successful battle in the front.
o The plan must be resourced to achieve overwhelming power at the decisive point.
Reinforcement of Success - Exploitation of Opportunity
o Plan to maintain your own balance and to upset the enemy's balance; continue to press the enemy to prevent his regaining his balance.
Further Reading,
B.A., Washington College, 1965