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Romanian coast guards open fire on Turkish fishermen

"The incident took place approximately 50 miles off the Romanian coast"

If they were 50 miles from the Romanian coast then the Turkish fishermen and their boat were in the Romanian Economic Exclusive Zone (likely fishing turbot, an expensive flat fish). The fish, oil, gas and other resources that might be there belong to Romania. A foreign boat can not fish inside EEZ without permit.

Yes but that doesn't warrant firing upon non-combatant people. They should arrest and try them.
The fishers did not stop when they were warned to do so. There was no other method to stop them except firing upon them. Honestly, the coast guard just wanted to scare the poachers because if they really wanted to disable the fisher's boat they were able to do so. Anyway, this was the third time when the fishing boat Ostik Șenol was caught in the EEZ of Romania. It was an old client.
This is not bravery to fire on unarmed fishermen. These poor fishermen were just earning for family & kids. And this is international water.
EEZ is International Waters except the territorial waters but a foreign or domestic ship is not allowed to take anything from there without approval. The fishers might be poor but if the coast guard does not act like this the fishing boats fill the EEZ and take all turbot (an expensive flat fish) from there.
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