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Romanian coast guards open fire on Turkish fishermen


Nov 4, 2011
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Romanian coast guards open fire on Turkish fishermen
ISTANBUL – Demirören News Agency
  • February 26 2019 18:00:00


showing Romanian coast guards opening fire on a sailing Turkish fishing boat with rubber bullets and live rounds has emerged.

Three Turkish fishermen were wounded, and the fishing boat, which had set sail from Turkey’s Black Sea province of Ordu on Feb. 20, was damaged by the bullets.

The incident took place approximately 50 miles off the Romanian coast, while the fishing boat was sailing in international waters, according to statements by the fishers.

Fisherman İsa Memiş was wounded by a live round on his hand, while Serdal Memiş, the captain of the fishing boat, and crew member Samet Demir were injured by rubber bullets, the video recorded by a mobile phone showed.

The fishing boat, carrying eight panicked fishermen, anchored in Istanbul after escaping the Romanian coast guard boat.



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Hmm is romania nato?

If not then Nato should come and **** romania up!
Romania is also part of NATO. Western NATO will side with Romania than Turkey. That is how they ganged up against outsider. :enjoy:
Will EU the next one that Turkey will pick on? After US, Russia, Saudi Arabia and China.

Hmm is romania nato?

If not then Nato should come and **** romania up!

The Nato countries are: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy,Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
Will EU the next one that Turkey will pick on? After US, Russia, Saudi Arabia and China.

The Nato countries are: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy,Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.

O well nato vs nato.. Not a good thing
"The incident took place approximately 50 miles off the Romanian coast"

If they were 50 miles from the Romanian coast then the Turkish fishermen and their boat were in the Romanian Economic Exclusive Zone (likely fishing turbot, an expensive flat fish). The fish, oil, gas and other resources that might be there belong to Romania. A foreign boat can not fish inside EEZ without permit.
Turkish fisherman should have fired back or lay some sea mines
Turkish embassy in Romania should have complained if the coast guard acted illegally against the fishers. They said nothing also the incident happened nearly a week ago.
Turkish embassy in Romania should have complained if the coast guard acted illegally against the fishers. They said nothing also the incident happened nearly a week ago.

What can they say? Obviously these fisherman violated the law, stealing is a crime in any country

Good on Romania for standing up firmly to this thuggish behaviour.

What a downgrade, from land to fish?
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Turkish embassy in Romania should have complained if the coast guard acted illegally against the fishers. They said nothing also the incident happened nearly a week ago.

To be honest we have Turkish coast guard also firing on Greek fisherman.

Fishing thing seems to have loopholes with some fisherman crossing into other countries fishing territory to take their fish.

International waters along with the coastline of a country seems to be a grey line.

Either the fisherman were in international waters or crossed into another one hoping they dont get caught.
The Turkish boat was 65 miles off the coast, inside the EEZ of Romania.
Here is a video containing images filmed by the coast guard.
Finally the fishers were helped by a big blue cargo vessel named NAZLIM (Istanbul).
What I liked most is the determinations and courage of the fishers. There is a sequence (see the picture) when NAZLIM is in front, followed by the fishing boat a few meters behind and the Coast Guard about 50-100 meters behind them issuing warnings: "Stop the engine. We will open the fire." They did not stop and escaped.

NAZLIM and Ostik Shenol followed by the Romanian Coast Guard.jpg

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