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Rohingyas should be citizens or be given their own state: Mahathir

It is only fair that Northern Arakan gets annexed to BD in exchange for absorbing Rohingya.
That is the medium-long term plan for BD.

On this one I am with Hasina, the land is plenty if it can be managed properly. This is not a time to get bogged down in conflicts. You can return fire and do hot pursuits across the border, but getting involved in long term hostilities is just a bad idea.
However, creating high pressure diplomacy will be a great move.
We think India is a loser all the time. 1971 war was won by us with Indian sacrifice of a mere 1300 lives. But, you claim it is your own singular win. In contrast, how many lives did we lose? It is our lives that caused India to win in 1971, do not forget that. It is like England won in the WWll because American lives were sacrificed.

Military preparation of West Pakistan was far better, stronger and modern than East Pakistan, East Pakistan was barely protected, because your masters thought that safety and security of East Pakistan lies in the strength of West Pakistan. And Pakistan had to be defeated in the western front too.

And as I said earlier, probably it is good dose of fine Yaba supplied by the Rohingyas that is making Bangladeshis to think that they fought the war with West Pakistan with Bangladeshi tanks, subs and fighter jets.

@Nilgiri, say whatever makes you guys happy about the 1971 war. But, reality does not change. It is we who sacrificed and not the IA troops. No one contests that without Indian help it would have been difficult to get separated from Pakistan. But, we sacrificed our lives for that.

You guys sacrificed for your freedom but proved to be ineffective, hence we had to make some sacrifice and get you your coveted freedom.

It is only fair that Northern Arakan gets annexed to BD in exchange for absorbing Rohingya.
That is the medium-long term plan for BD.

When, in 2030?

They surrendered to both Bangladesh and Indian forces. Read the instrument of surrender. You Indian's such attitude of claiming all for itself is the reason, more and more Bangladeshis are hesitating to acknowledge the Indian contribution in our liberation war and raising the question of Indian motifs to join the war.

Join the war? It was India who fought the war from the beginning by other means, Mukti Bahini was just another tool created by India, and so was Mujib. But you guys are too naive to figure that out. :)
Join the war? It was India who fought the war from the beginning by other means, Mukti Bahini was just another tool created by India, and so was Mujib. But you guys are too naive to figure that out. :)
Believe whatever boost your ego. We will believe in our narrative. And rest of the world do not give any crap of who won what in 1971. We have hundreds of war memorial dedicated to the freedom fighters and victims of the war, but none for Indian soldiers. Probably it will remain the same in the future.
Military preparation of West Pakistan was far better, stronger and modern than East Pakistan, East Pakistan was barely protected, because your masters thought that safety and security of East Pakistan lies in the strength of West Pakistan. And Pakistan had to be defeated in the western front too.

That's the whole point, West Pakistan being that far away meant having such military strength was practically ineffective. They couldn't resist guerrilla warfare not being familiar with our plains. And in reality, many Pak forces were not even familiar with the geography of Bangladesh.

You guys are fed with fantasized history, not all of Bangladesh wanted freedom, good numbers of Bangladeshi military officers and soldiers didn't defect, and there were rajakar militia supporting the Pak army. If Niyazi wasn't made to surrender to us, then those defecting East Pakistani officers, soldiers, and Mukti Bahini members would have been tried as traitors. History is written by the victors.

Btw, do you know when WWI happened?

Very rich coming from you, India is the epitome of what you just said there. Actually majority of them did defect. I can name a couple off the top of my head whom stayed. MM Alam?
Believe whatever boost your ego. We will believe in our narrative. And rest of the world do not give any crap of who won what in 1971. We have hundreds of war memorial dedicated to the freedom fighters and victims of the war, but none for Indian soldiers. Probably it will remain the same in the future.

We got our objective fulfilled, it was a 20 years project, and we won a lot more than some useless Bangladeshi medals. But as I said earlier, you guys are too naive to figure that out. :)

That's the whole point, West Pakistan being that far away meant having such military strength was practically ineffective. They couldn't resist guerrilla warfare not being familiar with our plains. And in reality, many Pak forces were not even familiar with the geography of Bangladesh.

What prevented West Pakistan from bringing all they have to East Pakistan and rain fire? Mukti Bahini? Without the blockade your resistance would have been wiped off within weeks.

Besides, West Pakistan had a portion of the Bangladeshi officers and local rajakars with them, and they were winning.
We got our objective fulfilled, it was a 20 years project, and we won a lot more than some useless Bangladeshi medals. But as I said earlier, you guys are too naive to figure that out. :)
As I said earlier, believe whatever boost your ego. But do not cry when Pakistan give you the payback in Kashmir. Even after bifurcating Pakistan, you could not get rid of your ''Pakistan problem''. Rather you have got a wounded tiger. Remember, a wounded tiger is more dangerous than a normal tiger. Preach this ''20 years'' theory more and more, loathing for India will only increase in Pakistan and Bangladesh. At least Pakistan will not leave you in a peace, not even in the next hundred years. We are quite satisfied about that.:cool:
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How about Malaysia give full rights to its own citizens to Indians and Chinese and eating on their hard work, having reservation for majority instead of promoting pan islamism or talking about something hypocritical.

Old people become pious. With all due respect to his legacy, his time is up. You are 92.
As I said earlier, believe whatever boost your ego. But do not cry when Pakistan give you the payback in Kashmir. Even after bifurcating Pakistan, you could not get rid of your ''Pakistan problem''. Rather you have got an wounded tiger. Remember, a wounded tiger is more dangerous than a normal tiger. Preach this ''20 years'' theory more and more, loathing for India will only increase in Pakistan and Bangladesh. At least Pakistan will not leave you in a peace, not even in the next hundred years. We are quite satisfied about that.:cool:

We have solved half of our Pakistan problem in 1971, in the east. :)
Kashmir issue is much older than 1971, but look what it did to Pakistan, they have ruined their whole country over it. For us, Kashmir is a regional problem, nothing more than that.
As I said earlier, believe whatever boost your ego. But do not cry when Pakistan give you the payback in Kashmir. Even after bifurcating Pakistan, you could not get rid of your ''Pakistan problem''. Rather you have got an wounded tiger. Remember, a wounded tiger is more dangerous than a normal tiger. Preach this ''20 years'' theory more and more, loathing for India will only increase in Pakistan and Bangladesh. At least Pakistan will not leave you in a peace, not even in the next hundred years. We are quite satisfied about that.:cool:

Indians were subjugated for a 1000 years for a reason. These guys just don't know how to fight a war. These folks got 600,000 military force in Kashmir without any resolution. There are places in mainland India where cops don't even venture out at night because of Maoists. There are 10 states in India where there are active insurgencies going on.
We have solved half of our Pakistan problem in 1971, in the east. :)
Kashmir issue is much older than 1971, but look what it did to Pakistan, they have ruined their whole country over it. For us, Kashmir is a regional problem, nothing more than that.
Pakistan's issue with you are not only about Kashmir, even if you hand over Kashmir to Pakistan, still they will not trust you nor become your friend. They will continue to be rival and support the people who want to weaken India. 1971 humiliation, loss run deep within Pakistani psyche, they will never forget and forgive, how you shamelessly and opportunistically jumped into the crisis and harvested rich reward at the expense of their loss, humiliation and trauma.

If Kashmir is a regional problem, why do you need to station 7 lakhs troops there? Why BJP win election by doing propaganda of so called ''Surgical strike'' and mythical ''300 dead'' ? It clearly shows, how big is Kashmir issue for you.

Pakistan have not ruined their country for Kashmir. Pakistan's problem is not related to it's defence spending. They are spending just 3 percent of their GDP in defence and still giving you sleepless nights. Many other successful economy spending higher than this amount and still thriving. Their problem is related to reckless spending on luxury projects, ignoring the export and revenue generation. In one word, fiscal mismanagement. Under the leadership of Imran Khan, they may bounce back pretty quickly at the dismay of you.
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Indians were subjugated for a 1000 years for a reason. These guys just don't know how to fight a war. These folks got 600,000 military force in Kashmir without any resolution. There are places in mainland India where cops don't even venture out at night because of Maoists. There are 10 states in India where there are active insurgencies going on.

Some Indians were subjugated but never sold their souls, and some Indians were subjugated and sold their souls, lost their identity, and still singing praise of their oppressors. Many of those rootless weaker Indians are now known as Bangladeshis.

Pakistan's issue with you are not only about Kashmir, even if you hand over Kashmir to Pakistan, still they will not trust you or become your friend. They will continue to be rival and support the people who want to weaken India. 1971 humiliation, loss run deep within Pakistani psyche, they will never forget and forgive, how you shamelessly and opportunistically jumped into the crisis and harvested rich reward at the expense of their loss, humiliation and trauma.

If Kashmir is a regional problem, why do you need to station 7 lakhs of troops there? Why BJP win election by doing propaganda of so called ''Surgical strike'' and mythical ''300 dead'' ? It clearly shows, how big is Kashmir issue for you.

Pakistan have not ruined their country for Kashmir. Pakistan's problem is not related to it's defence spending. They are spending just 3 percent of their GDP in defence and still giving you sleepless nights. Many other successful economy spending higher than this amount and still thriving. Their problem is related to reckless spending on luxury projects, ignoring the export and revenue generation. In one word, fiscal mismanagement. Under the leadership of Imran Khan, they may bounce back pretty quickly at the dismay of you.

Oh, they were brutalized by certain invaders and now assumed their oppressor's identity and singing their praise. And this time around they will either mend their ways or go down further, not an issue.
And we do not even have half of the numbers in Kashmir that you claim, we have only three army corps stationed in the border of Pakistan with Kashmir, this has been discussed umpteen times in this forum with proper data, educate yourself.

They are spending just 3 percent of their GDP in defence

You are so naive! :)
And we do not even have half of the numbers in Kashmir that you claim, we have only three army corps stationed in the border of Pakistan with Kashmir, this has been discussed umpteen times in this forum with proper data, educate yourself.
What a liar! 700,000 troops are an accepted figure by all. Even Indian govt. do not deny that. Do not tell us, you know more about Kashmir than Kashmiri themselves.

'Do you need 700,000 soldiers to fight 150 militants?': Kashmiri rights activist Khurram Parvez
Military preparation of West Pakistan was far better, stronger and modern than East Pakistan, East Pakistan was barely protected, because your masters thought that safety and security of East Pakistan lies in the strength of West Pakistan. And Pakistan had to be defeated in the western front too.
Bold part: Do not forget that it is still true that the military strength of Pakistan plays a defense role for Bangladesh. We want India to look forever towards its western border leaving us free to organize our economy as well as military.

A strong Pakistan is a good defense for Bangladesh. However, a stronger BD military is also helping PA. We almost had no military asset before 1971, but now we have quite an asset. This is why your Advani of BJP criticized Indira Gandhi policy in 1971 saying India would be facing two strong Pakistan in the future. It is already happening.

This is why your generals and ministers keep coming to BD to kowtow our leaders.
Some Indians were subjugated but never sold their souls, and some Indians were subjugated and sold their souls, lost their identity, and still singing praise of their oppressors. Many of those rootless weaker Indians are now known as Bangladeshis.

The only rootless and weak men are Indians who think joining far right groups is a fitting place for them yet hesitate to express their political views out in the open. Or the ones who call themselves quintessential English names like Jack & Paul who think they can pass as a white man but fail terribly.
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