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Malaysia warns Rohingya crisis could lead to Isil attacks in Myanmar
Tribune Desk
Published at 12:44 PM September 14, 2017

A burnt house is seen in a village near Maungdaw, in the north of Rakhine state, Myanmar, September 12, 2017 Reuters
Malaysian militants had already been recruiting Rohingyas affected by the last mass exodus of the minority in October, and dispatching them to the Philippines for training

Southeast Asia could “pay the price” of Islamic State supporters seeking to exploit the persecution of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, Malaysia’s defence minister has warned.

Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin cautioned that Isil (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), which has been seeking to establish a bigger foothold in the region, could use the current crisis to recruit members of the Rohingya community who were left vulnerable and without a choice.

“We cannot leave them (the Rohingya) desperate and wanting, because if they are and they turn to these groups, countries in this region would have to pay the price,” he said, reports the Telegraph quoting the New Straits Times.

The warning comes as Rohingya refugees continue to flee a brutal crackdown by the Myanmar army, which human rights groups have accused of burning down villages and killing thousands of civilians since the end of August.

Over the past two weeks an estimated 370,000 refugees have entered into Bangladeshi fleeing the fresh spell of atrocities in Rakhine state.

Muslim-majority Malaysia, which already hosts over 100,000 Rohingya refugees from previous crises, and this week offered to take in even more, has been warning for months about the risk that Islamists could turn the plight of Rohingya terrorists into a jihadi rallying cry.

Malaysia is already on edge after hundreds of Isil-affiliated militants invaded the southern city of Marawi in the Philippines, a regional neighbour. The two countries have pledged with nearby Indonesia to step up sea patrols to search for extremists.

According to Malaysian think-tank Iman Research, Malaysian militants had already been recruiting Rohingya affected by the last mass exodus of the minority in October, and dispatching them to the Philippines for training.

In January, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak told the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation that violence against the Rohingya had fuelled an outflow of refugees that could destabilise the region, warning that Isil would infiltrate the group if the violence did not stop.

His top counter-terrorism official, Ayob Khan Mydin, later warned that extremists had already set their sights on Myanmar, reporting that the authorities had detained an Indonesian man who had planned to travel there to carry out a revenge terrorist attack.
On Tuesday, with no solution in sight for the unfolding humanitarian crisis, Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina toured refugee camps and urged Myanmar to take back hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims.

“My personal message is very clear, that they should consider this situation with the eyes of humanity,” she told the BBC.

“Because these people, innocent people, the children, women, they are suffering. So these people, they belong to Myanmar. Hundreds of years they are staying there. How can they (Myanmar) deny that they are not their citizens,” she added.

Officials in Buddhist-majority Myanmar claim its security forces are fighting Rohingya combatants.

“The government of Myanmar fully shares the concern of the international community regarding the displacement and suffering of all communities affected by the latest escalation of violence ignited by the acts of terrorism,” said a foreign ministry spokesman on Tuesday.
মিয়ানমারে মুসলিম অধ্যুষিত নতুন এলাকায় সেনা অভিযান
Myanmar Army carrying out New Offensive's in Muslim dominated areas.

গোলাম আজম খান, নাইক্ষাংছড়ি তুমর‌্যু সীমান্ত থেকে
14 September,2017
১৪ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭,বৃহস্পতিবার, ১১:৫৯ | আপডেট: ১৪ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭,বৃহস্পতিবার

পুরনো ছবি old picture
কক্সবাজারের নাইক্ষ্যাংছড়ি তুমুর‌্যু সীমান্তের ওপারে মিয়ানমার সীমান্তে অবস্থিত মুসলিম রোহিঙ্গাদের নতুন এলাকায় অভিযান শুরু করেছে মিয়ানমারের সেনাবাহিনী।

Yesterday the Burmese Army attacked new muslim domited areas গতকাল থেকে মুসলিম অধ্যুষিত গ্রাম তুম্রু গামে সেনাবাহিনী অভিযান শুরু করলে তাদের সাথে যোগ দেয় স্থানীয় বৌদ্ধরাও। তুম্রু গ্রামে প্রায় ৫ and they burnt down 95 houses শতাধিক বাড়ির মধ্যে গতকাল ৯৫ বাড়িতে সেনাবাহীনি আগুন ধরিয়ে দেয়।

Today, since morning fresh operations have started by the Burmese Army আজ বৃহস্পতিবার সকাল থেকেও আবার অভিযান শুরু হয়েছে। বাড়ির নারী-পুরুষ সহ সবার উপর আক্রমন ও তাদের উপর গুলি চালানো হয়েছে। লুটপাট করা হচ্ছে বাড়ি ঘরে।

গ্রামের অসংখ্য ঘরে আগুন দেয়া হয়েছে। আগুনের কুন্ডুলী ওপারে বাংলাদেশের নাইক্ষ্যাংছড়ি তুমর‌্যু সীমান্ত থেকে স্পষ্ট দেখা যাচ্ছে। Sound of loud explosions and continious gun fire could be heard from the bordering areas in Bangladesh গুলির শব্দে প্রকম্পিত হচ্ছে সীমান্ত।
আতঙ্কিত মানুষ সীমান্তের কাটাতারের many more are fleeing into Bangladesh বেড়া অতিক্রম করে বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশ করছে।

শেষ খবর পাওয়া পর্যন্ত সীমান্তের ওপার থেকে মিয়ানমারে চলা সেনা অভিয়ানে গুলি ও বিস্ফোরণের শব্দ পাওয়া যাচ্ছিলো।
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Not a one sided circus show like it has always been in our history.
We do a disservice when we utter such sweeping statements and forget that during from 60 to 79 Pakistan had pretty independent foreign policy and also during brief period of BB foreign policy was much better.
For principled upright people.... human blood matters more. Nations are made of humans and not interests.

Suppose Pakistan starts killing xyz minority people .......... let me guess old farts here who openly support killing Muslims would be the ones raising human rights voices ............. hypocrites? Well I think AT did destroy some stupid statues and the whole world went apeshit ........ now killing humans is perfectly okay and for some old farts Pakistan shouldn't raise a voice because these cowards think it would be against the national interest ......... as if national interests are unilateral dependence only.

No please spare me your lectures on common sense, you don't make any sense to me.

Only in your head, not in reality,

Even after killing Millions of Muslims in Iraq and Afganistan, Entire GCC is buying $100B + arms from US , They are their key trade partners,

What ever be the right thing, but National interests matter in Real World,
Only in your head, not in reality,

Even after killing Millions of Muslims in Iraq and Afganistan, Entire GCC is buying $100B + arms from US , They are their key trade partners,

What ever be the right thing, but National interests matter in Real World,

There is that annual Muslim pilgrimage called Hajj ............ try observing it, may be realty would dawn upon you.

There are two things ......... humans and nations. And Ummah is for living beings, now try understand which one is relevant and which one is a man made concept to enslave millions.
রোহিঙ্গাদের গণহত্যায় সমর্থন দিয়ে এখন ত্রাণ পাঠাচ্ছে মোদি!
After supporting Genocide, Modi now sending Relief materials


মোদী হাসিনা
রোহিঙ্গাদের গণহত্যায় সমর্থন দিয়ে এখন ত্রাণ পাঠাচ্ছে মোদি!

বিতরণে বাধা : ট্রাকের ত্রাণ নামিয়ে রাখা হচ্ছে বিএনপির জেলা কার্যালয়ে
গণহত্যার মুখে মিয়ানমার থেকে পালিয়ে এসে কক্সবাজারের বিভিন্ন ক্যাম্পে আশ্রয় নেয়া রোহিঙ্গাদের জন্য ‘মানবিক দৃষ্টিকোণ’ থেকে ত্রাণ সহায়তা পাঠাচ্ছে ভারত। আজ বৃহস্পতিবার ত্রাণবাহী বিমানের প্রথম ফ্লাইট দিল্লি থেকে রওয়ানা দেয়ার কথা রয়েছে।

ঢাকাস্থ ভারতীয় হাইকমিশনারের কাছ থেকে পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জেনে গতকাল বুধবার ভারতের পররাষ্ট্র সচিব জয়শঙ্কর ত্রাণ পাঠানোর প্রক্রিয়া সম্পন্ন করেন।

ত্রাণ সামগ্রী চট্টগ্রামে পৌঁছানোর পর ভারতীয় হাইকমিশনের কর্মকর্তারা সেগুলো বাংলাদেশি কর্তৃপক্ষের কাছে হস্তান্তর করবেন।

ভারত সরকারের সূত্র উল্লেখ করে ইন্ডিয়ান এক্সপ্রেসের এক প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়, দিল্লিতে বাংলাদেশি হাইকমিশনার সৈয়দ মুয়াজ্জেম আলীর অনুরোধ এবং ঢাকায় ভারতীয় হাইকমিশনার হর্ষ বর্ধন শ্রীংলার কাছ থেকে পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানার পর চলমান ইস্যুতে এই ‘মানবিক দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি’ গ্রহণ করে।

প্রসঙ্গত, গত সপ্তাহে মিয়ানমার সফর করে ভারতীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদি রোহিঙ্গাদের গণহত্যায় মিয়ানমার সরকারের পক্ষে অবস্থান নেন। অন্যদিকে ভারত সরকার সম্প্রতি সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে সেদেশে অতীতে বিভিন্ন সময়ে আশ্রয় নেয়া ৪০ হাজার রোহিঙ্গাকে ফেরত পাঠাবে

This is from the book written by Chanakya.
US Ambassador to UN

Nikki Haley (@nikkihaley) · Twitter

Today, the UN Security Council was united in calling for an end to violence against innocent civilians in Rakhine State. #CrisisInBurma
12 hours ago · Twitter
We thank Bangladesh for hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees, fleeing violence, with nowhere to go. #CrisisInBurma pic.twitter.com/aaxqTjZ…
13 hours ago · Twitter
We need to see the restoration of @UN humanitarian agency access in Rakhine State. #CrisisInBurma pic.twitter.com/tmh9Sg6…
13 hours ago · Twitter
US Ambassador to UN

Nikki Haley (@nikkihaley) · Twitter

Today, the UN Security Council was united in calling for an end to violence against innocent civilians in Rakhine State. #CrisisInBurma
12 hours ago · Twitter
We thank Bangladesh for hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees, fleeing violence, with nowhere to go. #CrisisInBurma pic.twitter.com/aaxqTjZ…
13 hours ago · Twitter
We need to see the restoration of @UN humanitarian agency access in Rakhine State. #CrisisInBurma pic.twitter.com/tmh9Sg6…
13 hours ago · Twitter
That won't make any difference. Only a sanction can make Myanmar think otherwise.

Myanmar is looking at a short term repercussions from the west. Jut like Sri Lanka faced.
All need to step up..India , China and raise this matter in UNSC.UNPKF needs to be in Burma right now.i just read some rohingyas limbs we're blasted when crossing Burma border die to mines.I appeal to fellow Indians not to make it a religious issue..appeal to fellow Chinese not to make it a strategic issue and remove their threat of veto over this and paint it what it is...A GENOCIDE
All muslim countries should expel family politicians, develop economy and build as much weapon as we can... or we will all be doomed, one by one.
Only stronger economy can't help you, like Libya, Iraq or present day rich ME.. but strong defence can.. like N.Korea...
All muslim countries should opt for thermo nuclear weapons
Exclusive: ‘Both the generals and Suu Kyi sing from the same Buddhist nationalist hymn book’
Syed Zainul Abedin Eiffel
Published at 02:36 PM September 14, 2017
Last updated at 03:46 PM September 14, 2017

Dr Maung Zarni Courtesy
Myanmar's army has great political, economic and strategic interests in keeping the ethnic conflict alive in Rakhine and carrying out the purge of Rohingyas from their homeland
Dr Maung Zarni, a Burmese man exiled from Myanmar, is an academic, activist, commentator and expert on his country’s politics. Currently he is a London-based scholar with the Documentation Centre of Cambodia, at the Sleuk Rith Institute.

In an exclusive interview with Dhaka Tribune’s Syed Zainul Abedin, Maung says Myanmar’s army has great political, economic and strategic interests in keeping the ethnic conflict alive in Rakhine and carrying out the purge of Rohingyas from their homeland.

“My own late great-uncle was deputy chief of Rohingya district and deputy commander of all Armed Forces in Rakhine Division in 1961. That was at the time when the Burmese military embraced Rohingyas as an ethnic group in Burma (Myanmar) as full citizens. They were fighting the Rakhine secessionists at the time,” he says.
Can you tell us what is happening in Arakan and the Northern Rakhine state?
Using the pretext of fighting terrorism, Myanmar Tatmadaw (the armed forces) are engaged in the largest wave of systematic killings and destruction of a large segment of Rohingya population in an area that spans over 100 kilometres. They are using air force, navy and army units, as well as police and urban riot control special units in these attacks which have resulted in 370,000 Rohingya fleeing their villages.

Meanwhile, the Aung San Suu Kyi-led civilian government in partnership with the Armed Forces are selling this large scale scorched earth operation as national defence in the face of Rohingya “terrorist” attack which killed 12 police officers and soldiers. This official narrative is patently false: Myanmar is not fighting terrorism, it is speeding up what its Commander in Chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing reportedly told the rank and file members of the Tatmadaw as pursuing “the unfinished business” of the World War II (1942) during which local Rakhines and Rohingya Muslims fought one another.

Rohingya villages and towns can be described accurately as “vast open prisons” and the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army’s attacks against Burmese border guard posts in Oct 2016 and Aug 2017, resemble the Nazi victims’ uprising at Auschwitz in Oct 1944, more than a properly organised and properly armed “insurgency”. In October 1944, the Jewish inmates killed 4 SS officers in one barrack at the concentration camp called Birkenau and the SS responded by killing about 500 Jewish and Polish prisoners and blowing up the entire barrack. Similar waves of large scale terror campaign by the Burmese military were launched in February – June 1978 and 1991-92, expelling upwards of 260,000 in each wave.
Why is the Rohingya community being targeted by the Myanmar government?
The Burmese military took an anti-Muslim turn when Ne Win came to power in a coup in 1962. The generals have purged the entire armed forces of all Muslim officers in the last 50 years, painted the Rohingyas as having cross-border cultural, linguistic and historical ties to the populous Muslim nation of the then East Pakistan, and framed this as a threat to national security, as early as the mid-1960s. There are other bi-national communities along the Sino-Burmese, Indo-Burmese, Thai-Burmese borders such as Kachin, Chin, Shan, Karen, Kokant, Mon etc, as well as Buddhist Rakhine (with ties to Chittagong). But none of these communities are Muslims, only the Rohingyas are. So despite the Rohingyas’ historical presence in Rakhine or Arakan dating back to pre-British colonial days, the military hatched an institutionalised policy of cleansing Western Burma (Myanmar) of Rohingyas, the largest Muslim pocket in the country, numbering over 1 million. Myanmar is engaged in the destruction of the Rohingya using national laws tailored to exclude, disenfranchise and strip them of any basic rights, using the armed forces and police, educational and cultural institutions to demonise and de-humanise them, and physically debilitate them through denial of proper food, access to food systems (such as farms, rivers, creeks), control of their birth rate through marriage restrictions, denial of access to preventive and emergency medicine as well as restriction of freedom of movement. There are other Muslims throughout Burma (Myanmar) but only the Rohingyas have their own geographic pocket – North Arakan – which was officially recognised in the 1950s and early 1960s as the predominantly official Rohingya district.
Would you call the persecution being carried out by Myanmar Army on Rohingyas genocide?
Yes, absolutely. As Professor Amartya Sen put it – this is “institutionalised killing” by the state of Myanmar. He based that on the three-year research work done by me and my researcher colleague in London “The Slow Burning Genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingya”. Myanmar can be proven to be engaged in the fully fledged crime of genocide, in terms of both the Genocide Convention of 1948 and as defined more broadly sociologically by the original framer of genocide the late Polish Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin. Out of the five acts of genocide in the legal Geneva Convention, Myanmar is guilty of four, except for the last crime which is transferring victim children to a different group to change the character of the population singled out for extermination. Myanmar does not even bother transferring children alive for adoption: the troops and the Rakhine burn and kill infants and children, according to eyewitness survivors.
Could you please speak about the communal divide in Myanmar?
Burma (Myanmar) is a multi-ethnic country of about one or two dozen distinct ethnic communities. The official list of 135 national races, from which Rohingyas are excluded, is really a fiction. But in this multi-ethnic web of people with different faiths, there have been many divisions, prejudices and ethno-racism. The military employs the international, colonial ‘divide and rule’ principle that the British used. So in Arakan or Rakhine state, Rohingya Muslims and Rakhine Buddhists have been divided and there has been mutual distrust and hostilities since WWII. But that is not unique to Rakhine. Many other divisions and past armed conflicts between the majority Buddhist Bama and Karens with 20% Christian population, or Bama and predominantly Buddhist Shan, or Bama and predominantly Christian Kachins and Chins are to be found. Virtually every non-Bama minority group attempted to seek independence from the Bama-controlled Union of Burma since independence – at various points in history. Rohingyas and the Rakhine had their own armed secessionist movements as well.

But other communal tensions and past histories of bloodbath are no longer stoked by the Burmese military. But it has systematically made sure that Rakhine and Rohingya do not seek or achieve communal reconciliation like the rest. One major reason is Rakhine nationalists still maintain the dream of restoring their sovereignty which they lost to the colonising Bama from the central Burma in 1785. The military has pitted the Rohingya and Rakhine Buddhists, who have long shared Arakan as their common birthplace, in order to maintain its colonial domination over Rakhine and focus on extracting valuable resources and control the strategic coast line.

Yes, there are communal aspects to Rakhine and Rohingya conflict. But it is the Burmese central Armed Forces which is the primary player keeping this conflict alive and calibrating it to its strategic goals of the control of Rakhine state economically, strategically, politically and militarily.
Does the minority and majority issue play a role in this situation?
For the non-Rohingya minorities, they have been brainwashed through a systematic campaign of misinformation about the Rohingya to think of the latter as “illegal Bengali migrants”, although many Rohingyas have been in western Burma decades before the British colonial rule, which began in 1824 – and others have put their root down in Rakhine after the British arrived and started the industrial rice economy in the fertile soil of western Burma. These minorities and the Bama majority are brainwashed to think that only they are the true indigenous peoples of Burma, despite the fact that they too migrated to Burma during pre-colonial times in various waves of migration from Southern China, Tibet, Indian subcontinent, etc. So this thinking that “we are hosts and indigenous and Rohingyas, Muslims, Christians etc are guests who live in our country at our pleasure” fuels deep racism towards Rohingyas and to a lesser extent, Chinese and Christians. But China is too powerful for the military to try to stoke anti-Chinese racism. So, the military diverts public discontent and frustration over hardships of life under failed military leaders towards the Rohingya – making them a scapegoat.
How is geopolitics playing a role in this?
The Rakhine state, especially North Rakhine of predominantly Rohingya population, is rich in natural resources – off-shore natural gas, fertile agricultural land, untapped titanium, rare earth materials, aluminum, natural deep sea harbours for deep sea port, and land for tax-free Special Economic Zone. The coast line is strategic for China, which wants to have an alternative to the narrow Straits of Mallaca near Singapore, for fear of future conflicts with US and US allies. Rakhine is that alternative. Because it is important to China, it becomes important to players with anti-Chinese strategic visions namely, US, India, Japan, South Korea – all allies and friends.

Just last week Myanmar announced that today’s killing fields of North Rakhine will be turned into a vast Special Economic Zone near the Bangladeshi borders.
How would you explain the situation in light of the emergent democracy in Myanmar and Aung San Suu Kyi’s stance on the military crackdown?
Aung San Suu Kyi is a well-documented and widely reported anti-Muslim racist and a Buddhist nationalist. She is utterly misinformed about the Rohingya situation – their identity, history, politics in Burma (Myanmar) – by her ex-military senior colleagues and Rakhine supporters. The army has cleansed its ranks of any Muslims, and she has cleansed the NLD party of all Muslims.

Both the generals and Aung San Suu Kyi sing from the same Buddhist nationalist hymn book and their vision of Burma (Myanmar) does not have much space for Muslims – and no space for Rohingyas. Her stance is nothing less than 100% genocidal if you take Lemkin’s original conception of a genocide as “destruction of the group starting with the erasure or denial of the group’s identity”. The generals view Western Burma (Myanmar) as originally Muslim-free region and part of kingdom of Burma – despite all evidence to the contrary that Rakhine was a rich, cosmopolitan, multi-ethnic and multi-faith kingdom. So out of this historical misconception and revisionist history, the generals want to make Rakhine a Muslim-free region.
What does Myanmar stand to gain from all this – in terms of economy and politics – in the future?
The army is regaining popularity even among Buddhist monks who were historical threats to the army’s rule as evident in the Saffron Revolt of 2007. The army is making the traditionally hostile Rakhine nationalists who are anti-Burmese and pro-independence dependent on the army for their safety now. And it has derailed Suu Kyi’s majoritarian democratic transition. Economically, the army has the lion’s share of all commercial and development projects in Rakhine.

But the major losers are the peoples of Burma (Myanmar) at large. The society is now moving into the terrorism-obsessed mental space. The public will continue to be reliant on the army and the army’s whims because it is afraid of “jihad”. The military and Suu Kyi are unable to find a Big Tent vision for every ethnic group in Burma (Myanmar). They will continue to work together in the wrong policy framework of preempting “terrorism” from Muslims at large inside Burma (Myanmar) and the Rohingyas. That will become self-fulfilling as their anti-Muslim racist policies and the genocidal violence against Rohingyas has stoked deep rage within 1.7 billion Muslims around the world.
Ultimately, Burma (Myanmar) is going to become a site of major conflicts and terrorism.
Myanmar blocks discussion of Rohingya at Asean meeting
Tribune Desk
Published at 08:39 PM September 13, 2017
Last updated at 11:50 AM September 14, 2017

Rohingya Muslim refugees arrive from Myanmar after crossing the Naf river in the Bangladeshi town of Teknaf on September 12, 2017AFP
Asean’s inter-parliamentary assembly is due to meet in Manila on Thursday
Myanmar has blocked discussion on the plight of Rohingya Muslims at a meeting of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) lawmakers next week, Turkey based news agency Anadolu reports.

Indonesia had proposed including the current Rohingya crisis in the discussions of Asean lawmakers but Myanmar objected, broadcaster ABS-CBN News reported, citing lawmaker Artemio Adasa.

“Myanmar objected… So, definitely we cannot place this [among] the issues to be deliberated during the plenary,” Adasa, deputy secretary general of the Philippine House of Representatives, said.

Asean’s inter-parliamentary assembly is due to meet in Manila on Thursday.

Despite Myanmar’s objections, Adasa said “there might be some bilateral agreements” on the Rohingya crisis.

The refugees are fleeing a fresh security operation in which they have said security forces and Buddhist mobs have killed men, women and children, looted homes and torched Rohingya villages.

Around 3,000 Rohingya have been killed in the crackdown.

Adasa said the issue of the Rohingya was a “national concern” for Myanmar, where they are considered “problematic constituents”.

House Secretary General Cesar Pareja, chairman of the assembly of Asean lawmakers, said member nations would be free to make separate bilateral agreements outside the framework of the assembly.

Rohingya, described by the UN as the world’s most persecuted people, have faced heightened fears of attack since dozens were killed in communal violence in 2012.
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