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Rohingya crisis: Maldives ceases trade with Myanmar.

This would be a great idea if it weren't for the fact that Pakistan would once again be forsaking our national interest for Bengalis who betrayed Pakistan and Islam in 1971 which has left them with a nation with a indian leash around their neck

Many Pakistanis also betray Islam. Allah will surely punish them along with Bangladeshis.

Don't you agree?
Many Pakistanis also betray Islam. Allah will surely punish them along with Bangladeshis.

Don't you agree?

Of course its up to us to identity our enemies

We understand Hindus we revel in our animosity towards you

We want Bangladesh, Iran, GCC and the rest of them to understand Hindus through our eyes
Of course its up to us to identity our enemies

We understand Hindus we revel in our animosity towards you

We want Bangladesh, Iran, GCC and the rest of them to understand Hindus through our eyes
Good luck with that.... as of now .. the world sees Pakistanis through India's eyes... so much so that you guys have to sell your food calling it Indian... You hide behind your subcontinental looks and claim to be Indian in order to avoid scrutiny...
Of course its up to us to identity our enemies

We understand Hindus we revel in our animosity towards you

We want Bangladesh, Iran, GCC and the rest of them to understand Hindus through our eyes

Chick Hindus. They are dead.

Only matters is whether every Muslim born in this planet fulfills his duties and responsibilities towards Allah?

World will judge you from that.

Do you feel you have done your bit?
Home World South Asia
01:17 PM, September 05, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 03:43 PM, September 05, 2017
Rohingya crisis: Maldives ceases trade with Myanmar


Displaced Rohingya refugees from Rakhine state in Myanmar rest near Ukhia, at the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar, as they flee violence on September 4, 2017. A total of 87,000 mostly Rohingya refugees have arrived in Bangladesh since violence erupted in neighbouring Myanmar on August 25, the United Nations said today, amid growing international criticism of Aung San Suu Kyi. Photo: AFP
Star Online Report
Condemning the atrocities committed against the Rohingya community, Maldives today ceased trade ties with Myanmar.

“The Maldives is deeply concerned by the recent cycle of violence that resulted the death of dozens of Rohingya Muslims and displacing several thousands,” a press release issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives on September 3 reads.

The Government of Maldives has decided to cease all trade ties with Myanmar, until the Government of Myanmar takes measures to prevent the atrocities being committed against Rohingya Muslims, according to the release.

The country requests the United Nations Secretary General and the United Nations Human Rights Council to look into the grave violations of human rights against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
Salute to Maldives Govt, and shame to rest of the world. Where are the champions of humanity.

We are with our Buddhist friends...
yes we know you support state terrorism,
Burma dosent have enough trade with muslim world, we are too far away from them

Only Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia can exert pressure
Only "Muslim" nuclear power eh? Why don't you sent some cruise missile hailing down on them?
Of course!!

We in Pakistan understand that, we hate hindus because we know you.
Jinnah understood the hindus better then Gandhi, Nehru and the hindus themselves

Its why we have built up 150+ nuclear warheads

Its up to Indian muslims, Bangladesh followed by Afghanistan, Iran, GCC snd rest of the muslim world to understand why Pakistan hates india so much

I understand what you are trying to imply. Unfortunately, we (Muslims) are not on same page. We are lost and we are not even trying to find our way home.
Good luck with that.... as of now .. the world sees Pakistanis through India's eyes... so much so that you guys have to sell your food calling it Indian... You hide behind your subcontinental looks and claim to be Indian in order to avoid scrutiny...

What world

Pakistan has superb relations with most of the world

Subcontinent looks are dark and ugly, we do our utmost trying to look as unindian as possible

Being told you look Indian is like being told your dark and ugly

We have always believed Hindus were our enemies, we didn't trust you, like you or wanted to live in the same nation as you

As India turns hindutva we have been proven right its now up to other Muslim countries to understand why we hate and distrust Hindus so much

Only "Muslim" nuclear power eh? Why don't you sent some cruise missile hailing down on them?

Tell me why you want Pakistan to utilize our precious nuclear warheads to protect Rohingya Bengalis?

The whole point of Pakistan in 1947 was to create a Muslim state for the subcontinent Muslims able to fight back against such atrocities
This is why we have built up over 150nuclear warheads to ensure our enemies won't exist if they try to harm us

It was you Bangladeshi's who broke this covenant and now you are subservient to India and can't even protect or fight back to protect the Rohingya

We can't help those who won't help themselves

Tell me why you want Pakistan to utilize our precious nuclear warheads to protect Rohingya Bengalis?

The whole point of Pakistan in 1947 was to create a Muslim state for the subcontinent Muslims able to fight back against such atrocities
This is why we have built up over 150nuclear warheads to ensure our enemies won't exist if they try to harm us

It was you Bangladeshi's who broke this covenant and now you are subservient to India and can't even protect or fight back to protect the Rohingya

We can't help those who won't help themselves

I partly agree with you.

It was actually West Pakistan's fault that led to break-up of the old Pakistan. Mujib was the rightly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan and he should not have been stopped by the West Pakistani elite.

However, BD is acting shamefully as regards the Rohingyas. Due to the land border and also the fact that the Rohingyas share close genetics to some BD'shis, BD should at the least be arming the Rohingya's and also threatening war if Myanmar does not change course. The fact that Myanmar has labelled 2 million of it's own citizens BD'shi and is actively pushing them into BD is a declaration of war on BD.

BD has superiority on both land and sea. All that Myanmar can do is use it's airforce to try to blunt the BD army offensive to capture northern Arakhan if not the whole of it. As their airforce is neither large or sophisticated enough, coupled with the fact that BD is equipped with the sophisticated FM-90 SAM in numbers, there will be little more than pin-pricks on the BD army in reality.

The military option is actually open to BD but it is not being pursued due to who knows what.
I partly agree with you.

It was actually West Pakistan's fault that led to break-up of the old Pakistan. Mujib was the rightly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan and he should not have been stopped by the West Pakistani elite.

However, BD is acting shamefully as regards the Rohingyas. Due to the land border and also the fact that the Rohingyas share close genetics to some BD'shis, BD should at the least be arming the Rohingya's and also threatening war if Myanmar does not change course. The fact that Myanmar has labelled 2 million of it's own citizens BD'shi and is actively pushing them into BD is a declaration of war on BD.

BD has superiority on both land and sea. All that Myanmar can do is use it's airforce to try to blunt the BD army offensive to capture northern Arakhan if not the whole of it. As their airforce is neither large or sophisticated enough, coupled with the fact that BD is equipped with the sophisticated FM-90 SAM in numbers, there will be little more than pin-pricks on the BD army in reality.

The military option is actually open to BD but it is not being pursued due to who knows what.
Don't forget the actual war will be fought on mountainous regions.Spies from Bangladesh will provide key information such as movements of troops and artillery.
Aircraft will have limited capabilities to attack well camouflaged soldiers in dense forests(Bangladesh will obviously have the upper hand).Tanks can't fly over these landforms.
Ships from both countries will be having heated exchanges.Type 056 will prevent any attempts from Burmese Navy to penetrate Bangladesh's defence.The two Ming class submarines will be stalking the Burmese frigates from a safe distance and pop up to give Burmese frigates surprise.The Burmese will be busy in searching and engaging the submarines.Then BNS Bangubandhu will drive the nail through the coffin by firing the Otomat mk2 block IV missiles and the Burmese frigates.
Don't forget the actual war will be fought on mountainous regions.Spies from Bangladesh will provide key information such as movements of troops and artillery.
Aircraft will have limited capabilities to attack well camouflaged soldiers in dense forests(Bangladesh will obviously have the upper hand).Tanks can't fly over these landforms.
Ships from both countries will be having heated exchanges.Type 056 will prevent any attempts from Burmese Navy to penetrate Bangladesh's defence.The two Ming class submarines will be stalking the Burmese frigates from a safe distance and pop up to give Burmese frigates surprise.The Burmese will be busy in searching and engaging the submarines.Then BNS Bangubandhu will drive the nail through the coffin by firing the Otomat mk2 block IV missiles and the Burmese frigates.

Yep BD can conquer Arakhan and teach these savages a lesson even with the military it has now.

Myanmar army is a joke compared to the professional BD one. In any past border clash with BD army, they have been easily defeated.
What world

Pakistan has superb relations with most of the world

Subcontinent looks are dark and ugly, we do our utmost trying to look as unindian as possible

Being told you look Indian is like being told your dark and ugly

We have always believed Hindus were our enemies, we didn't trust you, like you or wanted to live in the same nation as you

As India turns hindutva we have been proven right its now up to other Muslim countries to understand why we hate and distrust Hindus so much

Tell me why you want Pakistan to utilize our precious nuclear warheads to protect Rohingya Bengalis?

The whole point of Pakistan in 1947 was to create a Muslim state for the subcontinent Muslims able to fight back against such atrocities
This is why we have built up over 150nuclear warheads to ensure our enemies won't exist if they try to harm us

It was you Bangladeshi's who broke this covenant and now you are subservient to India and can't even protect or fight back to protect the Rohingya

We can't help those who won't help themselves
Do you understand Bengali?
There language and culture is totally different from bd. Heck they at best looks like gurkas who migrated to bd and lived in Chittagong.
Shouldn't have start killing and discriminating bengalis else the country would have been together now.
Anyways Pakistan takes pride in being the only "Muslim nuclear nation" and protector of the "umma" so for that the least I would expect is drop cruise missile conventional weapons and the most, getting a coalition formed with turkey to fight back instead of selling fighter jets to the enemy.

That reminds me of Muslim military coalition by saudia? Where is it now? Just some drama and ball drumming.
My village has more to trade with than entire Maldives put together. Bunch of jokers.
It's the thought and action that counts, not the numbers!

Yep BD can conquer Arakhan and teach these savages a lesson even with the military it has now.

Myanmar army is a joke compared to the professional BD one. In any past border clash with BD army, they have been easily defeated.
True! But as usual they never learn from their past and another tough lesson is long over due.
Mogs are simply trying to take advantages because they know current BD Govt. is spineless but the Army hasn't lost its edge.
True! But as usual they never learn from their past and another tough lesson is long over due.
Mogs are simply trying to take advantages because they know current BD Govt. is spineless but the Army hasn't lost its edge.

Once BD has a government with some backbone. Myanmar will be pulverised into oblivion.

Ships from both countries will be having heated exchanges.Type 056 will prevent any attempts from Burmese Navy to penetrate Bangladesh's defence.The two Ming class submarines will be stalking the Burmese frigates from a safe distance and pop up to give Burmese frigates surprise.The Burmese will be busy in searching and engaging the submarines.Then BNS Bangubandhu will drive the nail through the coffin by firing the Otomat mk2 block IV missiles and the Burmese frigates.

Myanmar Navy is a joke compared to the BD one.

These losers actually place modified manpads like Igla-6 with a maximum range of only 6km and can only engage 1 target simulataneously. In contrast the frigate BNS Bangabandhu has the FM-90 SAM that has a maximum range of 15km and can engage 3 targets simulataneously, while the FL-3000N SAM onboard the 2 Type 056 corvettes have a maximum range of 9km and can fire on two targets simultaneously.

Let us not even begin to talk about the 2 submarines that BD Navy has that will sink any Myanmar ship that even dares to leave port.

I dare say that if the Myanmar Navy tries to take on the BD one, it will last no more than a day or two.
While I am a proponent of the theory that there should always been two independent Muslim states in the west and east of the sub-continent. I do wonder, if Pakistan was still united(a nation of 390 Million) would the Burmese be able to do these crimes against Muslims just across our borders? And would our response(both Pakistani and Bangladeshi) been the same as it is now. For starters I believe united Pakistan would not have closed its gates for these refugees like what the BD government is trying to do.
We are with our Buddhist friends...
Yep, we know that. Whether you confess it or not, wherever Muslims are prosecuted, you feel good about it. We knew that back in 47 as well. And this should be a reminder to those who think Muslims of Sub-continent can co-exist with you guys.

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