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Rocket's glaring error: China sets space launch to America the Beautiful


Mar 15, 2010
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The lift-off was flawless. The orbit immaculate. But while China's leaders were celebrating the triumphant launch of Tiangong-1 space lab on Thursday, viewers of state television footage were treated to a bizarre choice of soundtrack: America the Beautiful.


To mark the launch, the Chinese space agency and China Central Television (CCTV) released a proud animation, set to rousing orchestral strains, of the "Heavenly Palace" thrusting skyward, lofting above the Earth and docking with a Shenzou crew capsule.

The only problem being that the backing music in question is America the Beautiful– more or less an unofficial national anthem of the United States. The Guardian spotted the blunder after picking up the video from the Reuters news agency while covering the launch.

America the Beautiful, which was composed by a New York church organist in 1882, has long been a favourite of US patriots. It has been proposed as the national hymn and a replacement for The Star-Spangled Banner as anthem.

It could hardly be more different from the music associated with the launch of China's first rocket in 1970. That satellite transmitted the Cultural Revolution anthem, The East is Red, extolling the virtues of the Communist party and Chairman Mao.

The choice of soundtrack for the Tiangong launch raised several questions. Is this the work of an idealist seeking to usher in a new era of transPacific cooperation, a nationalist who wants to colonise American culture as well as outer space, or simply a propaganda gaffe?

When asked why an American hymn was chosen, the state channel appeared to be stumped.

"I don't know how to answer your question," Chen Zhansheng of the CCTV propaganda department said. "I cannot help you."

Unfortunately for China's government PR mandarins, they have boldly gone here before, and spotting the slip-ups they make in the name of bolstering national pride and unity has become a kind of internet sport.

In January CCTV aired a bulletin about air force training that included a clip lifted from the American jingo-laden Tom Cruise movie Top Gun.

Then in June some officials in Sichuan province had themselves Photoshopped into a picture of a new road to make it look like they were doing an inspection. But at least it was a Chinese road.

To be fair, the Chinese are not alone in such mistakes. Perhaps drawing inspiration from the Sichuan example, the Syrian official news agency got in on the game in July, in the midst of national upheaval releasing a business-as-usual photo that appeared to show President Bashar al-Assad levitating slightly.

And in September 2010 Egypt used the power and versatility of digital cut-and-paste to move Hosni Mubarak to the front of a red-carpet procession of world leaders– ahead of Barack Obama, when the original image had Mubarak behind.

CCTV has posted the offending Tiangong-1 animation on the English version of its own website– though the link may well die once the error comes to the station directors' attention. The clip carrying America the Beautiful was also distributed to western news agencies.

Rocket's red glaring error: China sets space launch to America the Beautiful | World news | The Guardian

You guys want to be American this bad...? What's wrong with being Chinese? Oh wait...
Seriously we have to go apes over a song? It's a nice song, american or not.
Seriously we have to go apes over a song? It's a nice song, american or not.

It is quite annoying to hear the soundtrack of the Pirate of Caribbean just before the 60th anniversary parade just 2 years ago.

CCAV really needs to hire some better music composers or maybe some more suitable indigenous Chinese music.
They are mostly the 40-50 year old group, who have the severe colonial mentality remaining from the 80's. They were not old enough to be indoctrinated by Mao, and just at the right age to be indoctrinated by American far right neocons. Secretly, their greatest wish is probably to bleach their skin white.
Sometimes China really do something so embarrassing and stupid such as using an American patriotic song for a national achievement like this.

As an Indian, even I feel ashamed for Chinese people. Luckily in India, if something like this ever happened, we should drag that person out and lynch him on the spot; to make an example to the nation. We were embarrassed enough being ruled by a group of white thugs, but no longer do we accept the inferiority that was placed onto us.
Sometimes China really do something so embarrassing and stupid such as using an American patriotic song for a national achievement like this.

As an Indian, even I feel ashamed for Chinese people. Luckily in India, if something like this ever happened, we should drag that person out and lynch him on the spot; to make an example to the nation. We were embarrassed enough being ruled by a group of white thugs, but no longer do we accept the inferiority that was placed onto us.

This is called the diversity, with both genius and retards living in a same country named China.
Sometimes China really do something so embarrassing and stupid such as using an American patriotic song for a national achievement like this.

As an Indian, even I feel ashamed for Chinese people. Luckily in India, if something like this ever happened, we should drag that person out and lynch him on the spot; to make an example to the nation. We were embarrassed enough being ruled by a group of white thugs, but no longer do we accept the inferiority that was placed onto us.

the pride in themselves no matter the odds is one of the things I admire most about Indians. Even if they are inferior, they will never admit it. Being called inferior doesn't make you inferior, but believing you are inferior does.
the pride in themselves no matter the odds is one of the things I admire most about Indians. Even if they are inferior, they will never admit it. Being called inferior doesn't make you inferior, but believing you are inferior does.

Yep, the Indian netizens are overall more patriotic than the Chinese netizens.

There are still a lot pro-West JY in the Chinese websites.

But don't worry, if these idiots dare to do something stupid, then something really bad would soon come after them.

I hope CCP would just shoot them between the eyes.
Yep, the Indian netizens are overall more patriotic than the Chinese netizens.

There are still a lot pro-West JY in the Chinese websites.

But don't worry, with these idiots dare to do something stupid, then something really bad would soon come after them.

I hope CCP would just shoot them between the eyes.

We still need to hear a different voice so I am not totally opposed to the JY, but they should try to establish change within the system. If they go outside the system, they should be severely suppressed.

Remember, we are only hearing the Brahmins and English speaking elites of India. India is not a country like China where all citizens have the freedom and ability to use the internet. India's thugocracy keeps most of their population in darkness, as if Dalits had the ability to organize themselves with modern technology, they would be unstoppable.

If the Dalits were allowed to talk, we would know the truth in India. Currently, their thugocracy hides everything behind the saffron curtain, and it is shrouded in the darkness.
We still need to hear a different voice so I am not totally opposed to the JY, but they should try to establish change within the system. If they go outside the system, they should be severely suppressed.

Remember, we are only hearing the Brahmins and English speaking elites of India. India is not a country like China where all citizens have the freedom and ability to use the internet. India's thugocracy keeps most of their population in darkness, as if Dalits had the ability to organize themselves with modern technology, they would be unstoppable.

If the Dalits were allowed to talk, we would know the truth in India. Currently, their thugocracy hides everything behind the saffron curtain, and it is shrouded in the darkness.

This means CCP is becoming more democratic by allowing them to spew their bullsh!t on the Internet.

However, they should know what consequence would come after them if they cross the red line.
the pride in themselves no matter the odds is one of the things I admire most about Indians. Even if they are inferior, they will never admit it. Being called inferior doesn't make you inferior, but believing you are inferior does.

You are right to some extent. Actually the whole truth that I will seek to put as an Indian will be that even when others think that the Indians are inferior, we just ignore it. Because for us "Karma" is important. Karma gives the answers to other morons who actually think that Indians are inferior. Also another advantage is that it is a permanent way of growth. It is not a shortcut like the unfortunate 2 x copies that happened on that event. It is better to be honest then being a liar. I also like the chinese for this habit. A lot of them want to work hard and create their own success rather than copying and cheating from someone else. It is just that there are some exceptions. That will be evereywhere so let us not think too much about it.
We still need to hear a different voice so I am not totally opposed to the JY, but they should try to establish change within the system. If they go outside the system, they should be severely suppressed.

Remember, we are only hearing the Brahmins and English speaking elites of India. India is not a country like China where all citizens have the freedom and ability to use the internet. India's thugocracy keeps most of their population in darkness, as if Dalits had the ability to organize themselves with modern technology, they would be unstoppable.

If the Dalits were allowed to talk, we would know the truth in India. Currently, their thugocracy hides everything behind the saffron curtain, and it is shrouded in the darkness.

You sir probably have no idea about the Dalits or, Panchvarna ...Dont get carried away by the usual media reports ( mostly Pakistani ) about the Brahmin dominance... Brahmins were never the richest nor, the powerful ones..They were appointed as advisers to the King..Most of the Brahmins were themselves poor but were the most learned persons of the State..But since some of them were close to the king, those were a little well off.. The condition of Brahmins have improved a lot with independence just because of their will and ability to learn.. But the conditions of Dalits have also improved a lot.. Do you know they get preference in every educational institution+ Job + Promotion..? The only problem is that they exploit the media attention to their advantage and there is nothing wrong in that..However there are some isolated cases where they are discriminated against but when the cases are brought to notice, they are dealt with iron hand..
I wish all the people talking constantly here about the Dalit discrimination and Brahmin superiority come here and see the situation themselves...

OT.. a oops moment for CCTV none the less...
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