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RLV airframe under construction

Have Indian companies been able to devlop such heat sheilding tiles that are more affordable than the ones NASA developed for their space shuttle? IIRC each individual tile cost >$100,000 USD.

We've had this for several years (more than a decade). I think the initial ceramics research was done for creating re-entry warheads. You can see the nose cones of Agni 1 and make out the black ceramics covering them. I think all other applications were built on/ adaptations of that kernel work.

You can make out the ceramics on the top as being 'black' in color

NASA offers space shuttle tiles to school and universities

Schools and universities across the country have a chance to get their hands on tiles from the space shuttle.

As the space shuttle program nears retirement, NASA has come up with a new plan to inspire the next generation of space explorers.

Starting Wednesday, NASA is offering 7,000 space shuttle heat tiles to school and universities that want to share technology and a piece of space history.

The tiles are lightweight and protect the space shuttles from extreme temperatures when the orbiters re-enter the Earth's atmosphere.

The tiles are available on a first-come, first-serve basis at one per school.

All recipients will be responsible for the shipping and handling fee of $23.40.
Have Indian companies been able to devlop such heat sheilding tiles that are more affordable than the ones NASA developed for their space shuttle? IIRC each individual tile cost >$100,000 USD.

NASA Offers Space Shuttle Tiles To Schools | Space.com

From above link:
According to the tiles' manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, the baked silica squares originally cost NASA about $10,000 per square foot installed. Typically, tiles measure about a quarter of that, or 6 by 6 inches (15.2 by 15.2 cm).
So cost of a sheilding tile would be around 2500$.
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