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RLV airframe under construction


Feb 10, 2011
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A winged Re-usable Launch Vehicle Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) has been configured to act as a flying test bed to evaluate various technologies, namely, hypersonic flight, autonomous landing, powered cruise flight and hypersonic flight using air breathing propulsion towards realising a Two Stage to Orbit (TSTO) fully re-usable launch vehicle.

Major highlights of RLV-TD during the year include:

mission analysis based on static test propulsion performance, updating of autopilot design
in RLV-TD ascent phase and Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (TDV) descent phase, 6D simulations through COMETS & SITARA to validate Navigation and Guidance Control (NGC) design, liftoff studies and wind turbulence studies. Guidance and Autopilot designs were modified based on simulation results.

Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (TDV) structural model was realised. Fuselage and inter stage assemblies are realised for structural testing. Flush Air Data System (FADS) (FADS is also one of the critical technologies for AMCA) test article realised and integration procedure, FADS algorithm, avionics and leak tightness for pressure pick up assembly were validated through 1:1 FADS wind tunnel test at IIT, Kanpur.

Qualification model of Radar Altimeter was realised and balloon test conducted at TIFR, Hyderabad. Carbon-carbon (C/C) laminates for nose cap were realised through a new route. Functional qualification test of Launch Hold and Release System (LHRS) with dual pyro initiation carried out with simulated interfaces.

The testing of HS9 booster stage separation system along with hydraulic line separation system was completed successfully. High altitude test of the 2 kN retro rocket developed for jettisoning spent HS9 motor was successfully conducted at SDSC SHAR.

The Integrated Technical Review (ITR) of RLV-TD by the National Review Committee in October 2012 has concluded that launch of RLV-TD HEX-01 mission in September 2013 is feasible

Human space program Updates:

As part of pre project activities, drop test of full scale Crew Module were conducted successfully to
understand the deceleration characteristics and validate the estimated values of ‘g’ level, touchdown
velocity and depth of penetration. Scale models of Crew Module have been realised for heat transfer
studies, plasma wind tunnel tests and aero-ballistic range tests were conducted. Mortar based parachute ejection and deployment tests carried out in single and clustered configuration. Environmental simulation chamber has been realised for testing of ECLSS functional modules and flight suit systems. Flight suit has been successfully tested in vacuum chamber for leak rate assessment and material compatibility under vacuum conditions.


DRDO needs to take some R&D lessons from ISRO.

But I still recommend that we don't try to bring the two orgs too close...what if DRDO TEACHES something to ISRO :lol:???

@Blue_*** - can you please put up pics of the space suit....it's about time buddy :D .
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But I still recommend that we don't try to bring the two orgs too close...what if DRDO TEACHES something to ISRO :lol:???

This is an actual scenario that has happened in many organizational exchanges.

Larger or more bureaucratic organizations are given control authority over a combined project with smaller ones and end up negatively impacting the culture within the smaller dynamic organization.
I think heat shielding tiles are missing, altough hot structure like the carbon carbon nose cone, wings leading edges are present,

Bro to me these pics don't seem real. Do you have some more clear ones??

More over please show us the space suit?? We have waited way too long now.. Please please pleaseeeeee
I don't think we have another Kalam... he is a gift for us... from god...

i have a high regard for our X president and equally for his associates..the success we reached are the results of many such kalams
@any member.

What's FADS(Flush Air Data System ) and why it's a critical technology for 5th fighter program?
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