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Riyadh wants apology from Dutch politician



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February 19, 2007
Riyadh wants apology from Dutch politician

RIYADH, Feb 18: Saudi Arabia wants an apology from a Dutch politician who said Muslims should “tear out half the Quran” if they wanted to live in his country and has asked the Dutch government to intervene, a Saudi newspaper said on Sunday.

The Dutch government, which said it did not agree with the remarks made by anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders, confirmed that foreign ministry officials held informal talks last week with the Saudi embassy in The Hague.

“It (the embassy) appealed to the appropriate authorities on the need for Wilders' insulting statements to be withdrawn and an apology given to Muslims,” the Saudi newspaper Al Watan reported.

“The embassy has demanded that the Dutch side put an end to such statements and actions.”

“Our minister is not happy with Wilders' remarks,” a Dutch foreign ministry spokesman said.

“It is not the point of view of the Dutch government.

Wilders is a parliamentarian, it is his right to express himself,” the spokesman added.

Last year Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam and home to its holiest shrines, withdrew its ambassador to Copenhagen over Danish cartoons which provoked worldwide protests among Muslims.

Wilders, who has lived under heavy guard since 2004 when a Dutch-Moroccan killed filmmaker and Islam critic Theo van Gogh, has campaigned to ban the Muslim veil, wants to freeze immigration and ban new mosques and religious schools.

Wilders, who is seen as an heir to murdered Pim Fortuyn and whose new party won nine seats out of 150 in November parliamentary elections, has warned of a “tsunami of Islamisation” in a country that is home to 1 million Muslims out of a population of some 16 million.

“The Dutch news agency ANP quoted Wilders as saying on Sunday he would not retract his remarks. “I would not dream of taking any of it back,” Wilders said.

“Have they gone completely mad? It is scandalous that a country which does not have freedom of speech teaches me a lesson. They must learn you are a parliamentarian here, you may say what you want.”Reuters

Each country has its share of idiots, unfortunately Holland is full of it!! :wall:
I think the saudis need to look at what they are doing to islamic heritage in there own country before they start demanding apologies from others.
Some of the reportedly destroyed sites cited by Al-Ahmed director of the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs include: the first house in Islam, where the prophet Mohamed held secret meetings with his followers, which was destroyed in the 1980s; the houses of the prophet in Medina, where he lived for the last 10 years of his life; the Al-Fadik mosque in Medina built during Mohammed's life and destroyed in July 2003; and the Ali Al-Oraidi Mosque and Shrine in Medina destroyed in 2004. "It had been in operation for 1,200 years," said Al-Ahmed.
Where the Abu Bakr mosque stood, there is now an ATM machine, said Al-Ahmed. The home in which the founder of Islam grew up is slated to be destroyed, as well as his birthplace, which has a library built over it. Two major battlefields with both historic and religious significance have also reportedly been paved over.
By comparison, Al-Ahmed noted the irony of a tape of the late Sheikh Mohammed bin Othaimeen, who he described as the "number one Wahhabi cleric."
"On the tape he says, 'We hope one day we'll be able to destroy the dome of the Prophet Mohammed," al-Ahmed quoted bin Othaimeen as saying in reference to the "Green Dome" (Gunbad-e-Khadra), under which Mohammed is buried in the Al Nabawi Sharif mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

Even then it doesnt justify what dutch official said, it shows his ignornace on islam
When Ahmedajin of Iran says Holocaust never happened and Israel should be washed out whole world comes shouting about human rights and Islamic extremism but when Dutch make cartoons and issue these kinds of statement its called 'Freedom of speech' ....lol ...I can't believe how these people are acting so blind who can do something but they are just sitting and watching.
Each country has its share of idiots, unfortunately Holland is full of it!! :wall:

Here we go again! :disagree:

Friday, March 02, 2007

Islam is taking over, says Dutch politician

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: An anti-immigrant politician is making a meteoric rise with his call on the Dutch - once one of the most tolerant nations in the world - to stop Islam “taking over Europe”, according to a report in The Daily Telegraph on Thursday.

Geert Wilders, the 43-year-old leader of the Freedom Party, is convinced that governments are being forced to accommodate a ‘tsunami of Islamisation’ that is fundamentally incompatible with European social values.

“Islam itself is the problem. Islam is a violent religion,” he told the newspaper. “The Prophet Mohammed was a violent man. The Quran is mostly a violent book. We should invest in Muslim people but they have to first get rid of half the Quran and half of their beliefs,” he said.

The Freedom Party has jumped from six to 10 percent in opinion polls since November. His passionate campaign for a ban on the Islamic veil in public places is gaining such momentum that the country’s new coalition government could be forced to introduce the ban it does not support.

On the burqa, Wilders is adamant: “It is a medieval token of a barbaric time, of how not to treat women, even if they want to wear it themselves.” Allowing Muslims to wear the burqa in the Netherlands, or to have segregated swimming sessions so as not to offend religious sensitivities, amounts to “religious apartheid”, he says.

The new government coalition of mainstream centre right and left political parties had planned to ditch a decision by the previous government to ban the burqa in the Netherlands which now has a population of one million Muslims, six percent of the total population. But, Wilders crows, weekend opinion polls show 66 percent of Dutch citizens support a ban.

The minority opposition leader, who has won two previous votes for a ban on the burqa, is convinced that support will be there for new legislation he will table in the spring as the Dutch become increasingly concerned over Muslim separatism.

Wilders is convinced there is growing support for his views across Europe but its political leaders, particularly in Britain, are too obsessed with being politically correct. “There is almost no country more politically correct than the UK. Look at the terrible things that happened in London after Madrid, you have more reason than most to make this debate transparent and public,” he said.

Wilders split from the Dutch liberals in September 2004 over their support for EU membership for Turkey. Two months later he was living in fear after police arrested suspected terrorists, armed with grenades, accused of planning to kill him. The Dutch politician says he and his wife have received more than 600 death threats.

Wilders, who is always surrounded by plain clothes police guards, said: “I lost my freedom and privacy because of my opposition to Islam.”

Well said alamgir.....thousands of royal prince rollin in european beaches and casinos, pardon from all sins and treating non arab with inferiority......muslims holiest place turn to royal dynasty....who made them like that....WE..the muslims...
When Ahmedajin of Iran says Holocaust never happened and Israel should be washed out whole world comes shouting about human rights and Islamic extremism but when Dutch make cartoons and issue these kinds of statement its called 'Freedom of speech' ....lol ...I can't believe how these people are acting so blind who can do something but they are just sitting and watching.

In Holland in a minor politican who controls less than 10% of parliment of a nation with no missiles, no oil, and no real power projection capabilites in the middle of one of the most polically stable areas on Earth. A politican who is simply calling for an end to imigration and what he percives as the Islamisation of his nation.

Iran's President however has called the single most barbaric act of history a myth and claimed he would like to finish the job by wiping israel out. While Iran is not there yet, she is pursuing an arms poilicy that will ge ther there eventually if no-one intervenes.

On a side note how would you feel if for what ever reason the imigrant Christian population in Pakistan started growing by leaps and bounds and ballooned to a politcally power percentage?
In Holland in a minor politican who controls less than 10% of parliment of a nation with no missiles, no oil, and no real power projection capabilites in the middle of one of the most polically stable areas on Earth. A politican who is simply calling for an end to imigration and what he percives as the Islamisation of his nation.

Iran's President however has called the single most barbaric act of history a myth and claimed he would like to finish the job by wiping israel out. While Iran is not there yet, she is pursuing an arms poilicy that will ge ther there eventually if no-one intervenes.

On a side note how would you feel if for what ever reason the imigrant Christian population in Pakistan started growing by leaps and bounds and ballooned to a politcally power percentage?

I live in this region Zraver and all I see is scaremongering amongst politicians in order to make people vote for them.........It's along the lines of the whole Ku Klux Klan argument against the integration of blacks into mainstream American society.
One thing I have noticed is that the politicians never seem to have the same issues with white immigrants. I wonder why that is?:disagree:
Oh and I have very little sympathy with the Dutch, the British,French etc who spent a couple of centuries invading other countries and screwing them up.
I wouldn't mind if Christian population will rise in Pakistan and come into power any political system working good for country and its safety, better economy and for people is good enough for me.

My point here is not what Ahmedajin is saying is right or wrong point is FREEDOM OF SPEECH it should always be used in positive way.

By muslims, christians, hindus or jews and is should not in any way effect anyones feeling. But if someone continue to do that, than people like me will just not sit and listen.And as far as there are concerns about IRAN wiping out ISRAEL its just statements from the country you and I know very well is not capable of doing it yet but if you are so much concerned about BARBARIC acts what you think about HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI ? or IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN ? or SEBERNICA or DARFUR or RAWANDA ?

who tried to prevented it ? or who even tried to raise their concerns in international community about these Genocides and massacares ? Even if some one did where are those persons who comitted it ?

On one hand we try to say some is threatning someones national security on other hand we are not just threatning other nations we are just wipping them out and its called act of what ? OPERATION ENDURING IRAQI FREEDOM ?...nice one ..haan ..
On a side note how would you feel if for what ever reason the imigrant Christian population in Pakistan started growing by leaps and bounds and ballooned to a politcally power percentage?

Trust me, even if you give free land to the people here; they wouldn't go to Pak. Forget about Christains immigrating to Pak from Europe or North America. :lol:
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