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Rivals should set aside their differences and develop a global vaccine for all the world

Oct 15, 2017
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Chinese companies like Sinopharm, Sinovac, Walvax, Clover, CanSino, Fosun, the British company Astra Zeneca, the German company BioNTech, the American companies Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, the Russian company Gamaleya should pool their resources together and come up with a single vaccine for all the countries for all the world. People should really stop being nationalistic and not approve vaccines from other countries. This is retarded. Virus don't discriminate based on nationality and yet humans who claim to have big brains and high intellect do. This is sickening. Americans don't approve Chinese vaccines. China don't approve American vaccines. Russia don't approve Chinese vaccines. China don't approve Russian vaccines. America don't approve Russian vaccines. Russia don't approve American vaccines. It's time to stop this BS nonsense and show solidarity in a time of global crisis.

@denel @Hamartia Antidote @vostok @rambro @925boy @beijingwalker @FairAndUnbiased @Suika @mike2000 is back @FuturePAF @F-22Raptor @gambit @dbc @KAL-EL @UKBengali
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It's because of the Cold War v2.0.

It's all about which country is going to save the world.

It's geopolitical propaganda.
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