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Rise of the Machines in America's Military... sand fleas and roaches.

Really people!! Are there no scientist in US that ever watched Matrix or I Robot!! You are dooming us people!!!
The machines will be used to replace this,

Nope, the man is always the core of our power my little terrorist sympathizer friend.

You will see more of this

and this

run down like the dogs they are

these videos are a dime a dozen.

Marine Makes Insurgents Pay the Price

The safety of our soldiers is of course paramount, any way that could reduce the uneeded harm that could come to them will be used.

these Insurgents value death, to women, children, goats, and what have you for the sake of their twisted beliefs.
May they become good friends with it. Americans will live in their place.
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That sand flea is awesome, they are making some great stuff over at Boston Dynamics.
i dont trust this one bit
the most advanced alliance NATO computer has been hacked what if in war these machines are hacked and attack their army ?
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