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Riots in Singapore

Little India Riot: 27 nabbed; more expected to be arrested in 'hours and days that follow'

Twenty-seven men from South Asia were arrested in connection with Sunday night's riot in Little India, which apparently started after a bus ran over and killed an Indian worker as he was crossing a road.

Videos uploaded on social media within the hour of the accident, showed the private bus being set upon by an angry mob even as the 33-year-old victim's body remained pinned under the vehicle.

One man from the mob was seen in a video striking the windscreen and windows of the bus with a pole, while another tossed a litter bin at the vehicle from close range, shattering the front windscreen.

This even as the crowd continued to grow, cheering and shouting vulgarities in Tamil - turning violent in a matter of minutes, said eyewitnesses.

Full report:
Little India Riot: 27 nabbed; more expected to be arrested in 'hours and days that follow'
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For people who are used to living in their "highly developed" Golden cages,where the masters control every aspect of their lives,including how many kids they make,all these may seem surprising,as they can't even imagine anything other than barking at their master's orders.
On a different note,actions like these must not be tolerated. Indian or any other nationality,one has to abide by the rules of other nations when they are there. Singapore,must take measures to ensure that the immigrants are treated well. GoI must take measures to ensure the welfare of its citizens abroad.
Burning bus is a Bangladeshi specialty, there is an open season on buses in Dhaka as we speak !!!

Do you have proof that Bangladeshi was involved? Singapore newspaper said according to eyewitness rioters were shouting in tamil.One should raise question what kind of Bangladeshi you are?

This even as the crowd continued to grow, cheering and shouting vulgarities in Tamil - turning violent in a matter of minutes, said eyewitnesses.

Full report:
Little India Riot: 27 nabbed; more expected to be arrested in 'hours and days that follow'
Do you have proof that Bangladeshi was involved? Singapore newspaper said according to eyewitness rioters were shouting in tamil.One should raise question what kind of Bangladeshi you are?

Lighten up buddy. That was a related comment, not about who did it !!
Lighten up buddy. That was a related comment, not about who did it !!

Lighten up for what? Your comments that falsely accusing Bangladeshis and helping indians run propaganda. If you can not see difference between domestic political context and foreign unrelated incident, it's an utter shame for one to claim to be Bangladeshi.
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Rioting Indians destroying bus. Note, Indians shouting in their language.

You guys better not go to any Singapore Forum. There's nothing there, but racist slurs toward Indian, Bangladeshi (South Asian in general) & there's a few thrown at the Mainland Chinese calling them "invaders or Locusts."

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What, he wasn't even killed? Only knocked down by a bus?

I don't get how those foreign workers would riot over something so small as someone getting knocked down by a bus.

Deport these suckers
Even if they are Indians :angry:

indians ka kaam hi ha riots karna ..

Pakistanio ka kaam hai

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indians or bangladeshis either one or if both were involved have shown a typical sub continental mob culture. I wonder whats behind all this whats the frustration about ?
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