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Rimsha case: Imam masjid, Khalid Jadoon held

Now, there are 3 witnesses against Khalid Jadoon (let's not call him Imam or Maulana because he doesn't deserve it), so case closed. It was all a matter of personal agenda, Khalid Jadoon wanted to get the Christians out of the area, and did this. Now, tampering with evidence is a sure shot case against him, so is tearing pages of Quran, and framing a minor in a false case. He should be made an example now.

The girl should be released from custody now.
Now, there are 3 witnesses against Khalid Jadoon (let's not call him Imam or Maulana because he doesn't deserve it), so case closed. It was all a matter of personal agenda, Khalid Jadoon wanted to get the Christians out of the area, and did this. Now, tampering with evidence is a sure shot case against him, so is tearing pages of Quran, and framing a minor in a false case. He should be made an example now.

The girl should be released from custody now.

I have not read the details if he wanted to expel Pakistani Christians from the area BUT if what you are saying is true then its a shame for him that he has lack of knowledge of Quran and inspirational spirit thats why he failed to inspire our Christian countrymen and thus he revert to such lies which are NOT i repeat NOT at all permited in Islam.
I have not read the details if he wanted to expel Pakistani Christians from the area BUT if what you are saying is true then its a shame for him that he has lack of knowledge of Quran and inspirational spirit thats why he failed to inspire our Christian countrymen and thus he revert to such lies which are NOT i repeat NOT at all permited in Islam.

Yesterday Maulana Tahir Ashrafi was on TV and said this. That there was a whole conspiracy behind this by Khalid Jadoon to expel the Christians of the area. Maualana Tahir mentioned a program of Capital Talk (i did not see that) as well.
Now, there are 3 witnesses against Khalid Jadoon (let's not call him Imam or Maulana because he doesn't deserve it), so case closed. It was all a matter of personal agenda, Khalid Jadoon wanted to get the Christians out of the area, and did this. Now, tampering with evidence is a sure shot case against him, so is tearing pages of Quran, and framing a minor in a false case. He should be made an example now.

The girl should be released from custody now.
She is dead. She and her family are just delaying the inevitable. The mob does not care.
She is dead. She and her family are just delaying the inevitable. The mob does not care.

Nah, I wouldn't think so pessimistically.

But now, I think they would have to move out of the locality if this Khalid Jadoon guy has some accomplices still in the locality, who can frame the girl in the future.
She is dead. She and her family are just delaying the inevitable. The mob does not care.

That is sadly the truth, but not always literally. In Pakistani society, to be accused is often akin to being guilty. To be found innocent is a mere technicality in the court of law and has often been relegated to a secondary role. She and others like her may die, or they may live and be shunned from society and live a life of poverty and neglect. At which point death by a lynch mob may seem like a sweet escape.

Laws like the one concerning blasphemy are based on an intangible ideal, for where do you draw the line when religion and emotion is concerned. Laws of this ilk are destined to not only fail in enforcing what they are created for, but sentence scores of people to pain and suffering that is undeserved.

In the current convoluted world of Pakistani society, I, as a Muslim, can accuse you of blasphemy and ruin your life, for no other reason than boredom. Any law that can be misused for the benefit of one person over the other, with no similar protection for the other person is highly flawed in my opinion. A highly flawed law is better off not existing; at least then crimes would not be committed and condoned under the legitimacy of a law endorsed by the state. No nation needs a law that discriminates against the minorities in order to protect the insecurity of a people that compose 90% of the population.
That is sadly the truth, but not always literally. In Pakistani society, to be accused is often akin to being guilty. To be found innocent is a mere technicality in the court of law and has often been relegated to a secondary role.

Very true, sad , but true.

She and others like her may die, or they may live and be shunned from society and live a life of poverty and neglect

Aren't they already? Haven't we collectively made Christians the lowest part of our society? A sweeper of the local government or of the CDA is a Christian, and so many more. We tend to think that a Christian is fit only to be a sweeper and no more.
Oh well till laws that supports this in not removed...no use. Reservation should be made in Paksitan like BD and India for minorities...
Not at all Not at all, Asia bibi is alive so will Rimsha
Aasia BB case has been announced still for slap on some faces it should be re investigated and if she is found guilty she should be punished and that is death and in case of Rimsha if it is proven that she is a child and also mentally unstable than and that Molvi knew that and also has altered the proofs than hang that so called molvi to in the same area so no one dares to misuse the law

is it true demonstrations were held in the mosque in support of the maulvi and saying he is being framed.................cant find the link to where i read it ??

so confirm

is it true demonstrations were held in the mosque in support of the maulvi and saying he is being framed.................cant find the link to where i read it ??

so confirm
Don't have any knowledge about that but its government duty to enforce the law and if rimsha is innocent than they have to protect her and if that so called molvi is the real culprit than hang him and if some of his supporters try to take law in their own hands give them the sever punishment to and also educate people on law
ISLAMABAD: The court of the additional sessions judge in Islamabad on Friday reserved its ruling in the bail petition of a girl accused of blasphemy, DawnNews reported.

The court granted bail to to the blasphemy accused girl, Rimsha Masih against a surety of Rs500,000.

Earlier, the court had reserved its ruling after hearing the arguments made by the counsels of both the complainant and the defendant.

The lawyer for the accused girl had submitted before the court that the girl was entitled to bail as she was a minor and that the FIR lodged by the police did not say that she desecrated a copy of the holy Quran.

On the contrary, the complainant’s counsel alleged that the girl had confessed to her guilt and hence was not entitled for bail.

The officer investigating the case told the court that Khalid Jadoon, the cleric who had been accused of tampering evidence, had deliberately added pages of the holy Quran to the plastic bag that the minor girl, who belonged to the Christian community, was carrying.

The prosecution lawyer alleged that the police, including the investigating officer, and doctors were manipulating the case to get the girl freed under international pressure, adding that, they feared the accused would be immediately sent abroad if bail was granted and that then the case would come to an end.

Moreover, the district attorney told the court that the blasphemy accused girl had stated her age to the magistrate as 16 years, adding that, the complainant in the case was receiving threats.

A large number of security personnel, members of civil society and international media persons were present outside the court as Judge Azam Khan heard the bail application of the accused girl whose case has made headlines in the international and local media.

The girl has been in custody since she was arrested in a poor Islamabad suburb more than two weeks ago after being accused of burning papers containing verses from the holy Quran.

Earlier on Monday, the case was adjourned until Sept 7 because of a lawyers’ strike, following a request from the lawyer for the girl’s neighbour Hammad Malik, who had filed the original complaint against her.

Blasphemy case: Rimsha granted bail | DAWN.COM
Arrest of a minor child, who burned a book. shows how materialistic and imature the society is. Laws against burning of a book is just ridiculous. There are a thousand ways a book can be destroyed, it can be eaten by a cow.. termite.. etc.. wot are u going to do then? First, have confidence in ones religion, love of a religion should be shown by spreading its teaching.. not by imposing such stupid rules. Men will always be men.. this is a sadistic representation of that..!!! Coz i believe its not islam that has brought out these rules.. but some stupid men who says they follow it.. but still havent been able to comprehend the message of peace it conveys..!!!

and 500,000 rs bail? the juddge itself is a terrorist it seems..!!!
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