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Rheinmetall Air Defence preps GDF-009 AAG for production


Apr 28, 2011
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Oerlikon GDF-009 EO towed anti-aircraft gun deployed in the firing position, showing the electro-optical device mounted on top and the integrated battery-based power unit on the right. Source: Rheinmetall Air Defence

Rheinmetall Air Defence has released details of its latest Oerlikon GDF-009 twin 35 mm towed anti-aircraft gun (AAG).

The GDF-009 model is based on a four-wheeled carriage, and is raised off the ground by three stabilisers when deployed in the firing position. It also features an automatic levelling system that can compensate for a maximum tilt angle of up to 7°.

Mounted on the forward part of the carriage is the integrated battery, which functions as the gun's power supply unit and can be recharged from an external source if required.

Earlier GDF models relied on an external power source, or a diesel or petrol-powered power supply unit.

Target information is fed to the weapon by an associated fire-control unit (FCU) such as the Oerlikon Skyguard, with a Skyguard FCU typically managing two GDF-009 AAGs.

The Oerlikon Skyguard 3 is the latest build currently offered by the company; however, earlier Skyguard 1 and 2 FCUs can also be updated to this standard.

The GDF-series AAGs are armed with two 35 mm Oerlikon KDC dual-feed cannons, which have a cyclic rate of fire of up to 550 rds/min per cannon.

The cannons normally fire in bursts, and have an effective range of 4,000 m in the air defence role. The guns fire 35 x 228 mm ammunition with a total of 280 rounds on the weapon, of which 112 rounds – 56 rounds for each cannon – are ready-use.

The 35 mm ammunition is manufactured by Rheinmetall Weapons and Munitions (RWM) Schweiz, based in Zurich.

The standard natures of 35 x 228 mm ammunition are the PMD402 high-explosive incendiary (HEI), PMD-040 high-explosive incendiary-tracer (HEI-T), and their associated training natures, which have a typical muzzle velocity of 1,175 m/s.

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