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Revoke the notorious Blasphemy Law

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I want freedom of murder. People are going to die anyway, better have some fun while dispatching them to their deaths. I want cannibalism to be approved by the constitution too. I shall therefore be moving to India.
Even if we Revoke the Blasphemy Law, its wont bring any change except for more target killing of our politicians ( IMO one of the reason they are not revoking the Laws)

Bring all the forces and people together and finish all talibans, that's the only solution

"even if you resolve the blasphemy law...."
see there is a law...a L.A.W that goes somewhat against the liberties of minorities...abolishing the law that causes problems for even 1% of the populace should be the need of the hour.

and you are right...about the aftermath...it is not easy to bring in a change...unless secularism is strongly taught and inculcated at school level...and fostered through and through...extremists would hold the majority at their will..
The matter of fact is that Blasphemy law is protecting People. People are trailed in the court and proper justice is provided by the free judiciary.
Before this law , people (having allegations) were killed at the spot.
Secondly , this law was introduced by Z A Bhutto.
Mr. Zia only injected the law into the constitution.

You have a point. And politicians cannot change law without support of people.
I want freedom of murder. People are going to die anyway, better have some fun while dispatching them to their deaths. I want cannibalism to be approved by the constitution too. I shall therefore be moving to India.

Sry buddy..u will be able to do above things more freely in Pakistan than in India...:)
Secondly , this law was introduced by Z A Bhutto.
Mr. Zia only injected the law into the constitution.

Please read up on your history again, the Blasphemy Law was introduced in 1927 by the British which covered all religions, not just Islam.

Pakistan inherited these laws whereby all religious figures were covered by the law and thus it was not one sided.

The law enacted by the British was general in nature, prescribing punishments for intentionally destroying or defiling a place or an object of worship or disturbing a religious assembly. They also make it unlawful to trespass on burial grounds or insult religious beliefs through the spoken or written word or by innuendo or visible representation. The maximum punishment under these laws ranges from one year to 10 years in jail, with or without fine.

Then from 1980-86, a number of clauses were added to the laws by the military government of General Zia-ul Haq to Islamize the nation.

The blasphemy laws were created and expanded in several instalments. In 1980, a clause was added to the law, making derogatory remarks against Islamic personages an offence, carrying a maximum punishment of three years in jail. In 1982, another clause prescribed life imprisonment for "wilful" desecration of the Koran, the Muslim holy book. In 1986, a separate clause was inserted to punish blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad and the penalty recommended was "death, or imprisonment for life", in that order.

A large majority of Pakistani people support the idea that blasphemers should be punished, but there is little understanding of what the religious scripture says as opposed to how the modern-day law is codified. The response to recent events suggests that they largely believe the law, as codified by the military regime of General Zia-ul Haq back in the 1980s, is in fact straight out of the Koran and therefore is not man-made. The organised religious groups are promoting this view and have been able to mobilise mass support in their favour. Their highest point came when the assassin of Governor Salman Taseer was hailed as a hero by a large section of people across the country.

The death sentence was later added by Nawaz Sharif.
The matter of fact is that Blasphemy law is protecting People. People are trailed in the court and proper justice is provided by the free judiciary.[/B]

Plz dont provide justification for this inhumane and barbaric law..
The only reason this law is implemented is to target someone(non-muslims or minority).

Before this law , people (having allegations) were killed at the spot.

U dont need a blasphemy law to deter some one from killing an alleged person.
Death penalty for murder should be enough for that(which u already have in constitution).

Infact blasphemy law has provided murderers an escape from prosection.U kill a person, claim he was a blasphemer-u r a instant hero(ghazi).See Qadri.
Pakistanis must come out against this , politicians cant do much unless they have peoples support ... and we stop getting afraid of local thug mullah declaring us as kufar .....
is in fact straight out of the Koran and therefore is not man-made.

for people like me who has limited knowledge about our religion, these kinds of statmetents confuse us even further, some people come out with evidence that blasphemy is according to the teachings of islam, some other come with evidence against it, what is the real situation here?
In the end, when all is said and done and it's time for action - either they are Muslims or we are, either they have a monopoly on coercion or we do -- See, friends the politicians and the state, the judiciary, these are all useless - because they have no way to confront the Islamicans - while these will sit on their thumbs, the Islamicans will go from strength to strength and the people will be exhausted (they are just people, just flesh and blood)

It's only when the one way traffic of violence is reveresed that the Pakistani nation will have any chance of saving itself.
In the end, when all is said and done and it's time for action - either they are Muslims or we are, either they have a monopoly on coercion or we do -- See, friends the politicians and the state, the judiciary, these are all useless - because they have no way to confront the Islamicans - while these will sit on their thumbs, the Islamicans will go from strength to strength and the people will be exhausted (they are just people, just flesh and blood)

It's only when the one way traffic of violence is reveresed that the Pakistani nation will have any chance of saving itself.

After all they are human beings as well, those who bravely dared to challenge bigotism, they paid a heavy price with their lives and another one(Sherry Rahman) is in hiding. Perhaps the politicians know that this law has a strong and solid support among the masses so they dont dare to remove or even amend it.
You guys can keep whining and debating as much and as long as you want, But the Blasphemy law isn't going anywhere.

How can we let people openly Insult Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) or Islam, In the name of a westernized "freedom of speech". If they Insult Islam, they are Insulting our identiity, and Insulting who we are.
You guys can keep whining and debating as much and long as you want, But the blasphemy law itsn't going anywhere.

fine it is not going anywhere, eveybody knows that. but what do you think about what i said above?
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