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Revenge of Pakistan!!

@Syama Ayas
A more appropriate thread to discuss your musings.

Well some of the mlechs who used to trouble there decide bite back Land of Pure Masters
Ilyas Kashmiri
Omar Khalid

Some of the "guardians of the Hindus and swords of the Hindus" doubled back to bite the dwellers of the Punya Bhumi, Gifted Land of the Gods.

1. Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale ( killed hundreds of punya bhumi dwellers )
2. Sukhdev Singh Sukha ( guy who dinked Ex-COAS A.S. Vaidya )

3. Beant Singh ( Took out the "Durga " who exacted "revenge" on the asuras )

4. Satwant Singh (Took out the "Durga" who exacted revenge on the asuras

5. Thenmozhi Rajaratnam.( who blew up the son of "Durga" in revenge for the oppression of the asuras. )

You don't, thats why you lost 148,460 sq. Km 50 years ago and another 2500 sq.km in 1984 again
You lost 1,030,373 sq. km in 1947, 38,000 sq.km in 1962, 1000 sq.km in 2020.

Punya Bhumi in 1947..


Punya Bhumi in 2021


The asuras here have been ruled over for the last 2 and half millennia from as early as 518 BC
Like all asuras will be proud of their sycophancy and subservice to their Eastern of Western overlords
Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley

There were no asuras in 518 BC . These were all Punya Bhumi dwellers.
Unfortunately the asuras came in 712 AD. A horrible asura named Mohammed Bin Qasim took over the Punya Bhumi and started converting the dwellers there into asuras . The newly converted asuras 1000 years later continue to squat on that valued section of the Punya Bhumi and remain sychophantic to the first asura who conquered the land. What is more these asuras have allied themselves with the yavans that control the sacred Mount Kailash.

By he looks of another 2 and half millennia of foreign rule looks like an eventuality
Sure, if the asuras will let the remnants of the punya bhumi dwellers survive. More likely the Brahma Astra will be used to send both the asuras and Punya Bhumi dwellers into the parlok.
Pity there is only ONE Punya Bhumi, shrunken and shriveled from the days of the mighty Aryavarta. :laughcry:
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There were no asuras in 518 BC . These were all Punya Bhumi dwellers.
Unfortunately the asuras came in 712 AD. A horrible asura named Mohammed Bin Qasim took over the Punya Bhumi and started converting the dwellers there into asuras .
So you belong the 'Wee muccchleeems ' category who believe there is no Pakistani history prior to Yom-e Babloo ul-Islam Mohammed Bin Qasim?

What is more these asuras have allied themselves with the yavans that control the sacred Mount Kailash.
Greeks control Mount Kailash?
Mullah retardation seems to age like spoiled milk
someone tell this assassin creed to Hasina she will commit suicide in fear :lol:

you reap what you sow.
That is the text book example of a typical 'Wee muccchleeems '
That is the text book example of a twice born Chaddidhari Bajrangi
" Garve se kaho
hum Hindu hain" type
Yavana is a term specific to Greeks

Heh ... Sanskrit and Hindi have two separate meanings for the word Yavana. You did'nt "massage your Guru's feet"
properly at the Pathshala so he taught you improper Sanskrit. Perhaps bending over and offering more "Guru Dakshana" :happy:was needed ...

For your education: ( Link )
( Get your money back from the Pathshala )

Yavan, Yāvan: 6 definitions
Yavan means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Hindi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page.
( Link )

Languages of India and abroad
Sanskrit dictionary
[«previous (Y) next»] — Yavan in Sanskrit glossary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary
Yāvan (यावन्).—m. Ved.

1) A rider, horseman.

2) An invader.

3) Going, driving &c. (at the end of comp.).

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Yavan (यवन्).—[masculine] = 2 yava.

--- OR ---

Yāvan (यावन्).—[masculine] aggressor, pursuer.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary
1) Yavan (यवन्):—[from yava] m. idem, [Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa]

2) Yāvan (यावन्):—[from ] 1. yāvan m. (for 2. See p. 852, col. 3) a rider horseman, invader, aggressor, foe, [Rāmāyaṇa]

3) [v.s. ...] (ifc.) going, driving, riding (cf.akṣṇa-, agra-, eka-y etc.)

4) [from yāvat] a in [compound] for yāvat.

5) 2. yāvan (for 1. See p. 850, col. 1), in a-yāvan q.v.

6) 3. yāvan in ṛṇa-yāvan q.v.

[Sanskrit to German] (Deutsch Wörterbuch)
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch
Yavan (यवन्):—m. so v. a. 2. yava. sa yo devānāmāsītsa yavāyuvata hi tena devā yo surāṇāmāsītso yavā nahi tenāsurā ayuvata [The Śatapathabrāhmaṇa 1, 7, 5, 25. fg.]

--- OR ---

Yāvan (यावन्):—1. (von 1. ) nom. ag. Reisigeroder Angreifer (vgl. yātar): na yaṃ yāvā.tarati yātu.āvān [Ṛgveda 7, 1, 5.] gehend, fahrend am Ende eines comp.; s. akṣṇa, agra, eka, eva, deva, puro, pūrva, prātaryāvan, śubhaṃ, śubhra, sa, sāyaṃ .

--- OR ---

Yāvan (यावन्):—2. in ṛṇa nach [Sāyaṇa] von 3. yu; s. daselbst.

--- OR ---

Yāvan (यावन्):—3. so v. a. 2. yava in ayāvan[Taittirīyasaṃhitā 5, 6, 4, 1.]

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung
Yavan (यवन्):—m. die lichte Monatshälfte.

--- OR ---

Yāvan (यावन्):—1. Nom.ag. Reisiger oder Angreifer. Am Ende eines Comp. gehend , fahrend.

--- OR ---

Yāvan (यावन्):—2. in ayāvan.

Hindi dictionary
[«previous (Y) next»] — Yavan in Hindi glossary
Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionary
Yavan in Hindi refers in English to:—(nm) a Greek; a Mohammedan; hence [yavani] (nf)..—yavan (यवन) is alternatively transliterated as Yavana.

The word Yavan has been used as s master archer horseman or rider in the following Sanskrit scriptures.

Search found 13 books and stories containing Yavan, Yāvan; (plurals include: Yavans, Yāvans). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:

Maha Prajnaparamita Sastra (by Gelongma Karma Migme Chödrön)
Appendix 1 - The example of the master-archer< [Chapter XXXI - The Thirty-seven Auxiliaries to Enlightenment]
Conditions note (3): The system in the Madhyamaka < [Part 1 - Understanding the Conditions (pratyaya)]
Bhūmi 3: the shining ground (prabhākarī) < [Chapter XX - (2nd series): Setting out on the Mahāyāna]
+ 3 more chapters / show preview
Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī)
Verse 2.4.17 < [Part 4 - Transient Ecstatic Disturbances (vyābhicāri-bhāva)]
Verse 1.2.247 < [Part 2 - Devotional Service in Practice (sādhana-bhakti)]
Verse 1.2.241 < [Part 2 - Devotional Service in Practice (sādhana-bhakti)]
show preview
Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary) (by Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyana Gosvāmī Mahārāja)
Verse 1.2.24-26 < [Chapter 2 - Divya (the celestial plane)]
Verse 1.3.55-58 < [Chapter 3 - Prapañcātīta (beyond the Material Plane)]
Verse 2.2.204 < [Chapter 2 - Jñāna (knowledge)]
show preview
Satapatha Brahmana (by Julius Eggeling)
Kāṇḍa I, adhyāya 7, brāhmaṇa 2 < [First Kāṇḍa]
show preview
Shrimad Bhagavad-gita (by Narayana Gosvami)
Verse 4.17 < [Chapter 4 - Jñāna-Yoga (Yoga through Transcendental Knowledge)]
Verse 18.47 < [Chapter 18 - Mokṣa-yoga (the Yoga of Liberation)]
Verse 3.35 < [Chapter 3 - Karma-yoga (Yoga through the Path of Action)]
+ 4 more chapters / show preview
Bhajana-Rahasya (by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Mahasaya)
Text 2 < [Chapter 4 - Caturtha-yāma-sādhana (Madhyāhna-kālīya-bhajana–ruci-bhajana)]
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@VkdIndian @lightoftruth @ayodhyapati @Bambi
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Move on! Bangladesh is now history. Both countries should move on.
We are not discussing Bangladesh.
Bangladesh and Pakistan are two proud, sovereign, independent South Asian nations with no territorial disputes, and with populations that are completely different in language, customs, and culture, yet do share a common religion.

It is the Hindutva crowd to which the message is being sent on this thread.,

What is being discussed here is the mindset of Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Abhinay Bharat members.
This thread is a "honey trap" for
chaddidhari "twice borns " so that we can bring them down to earth.

@VkdIndian @lightoftruth@ayodhyapati @Bambi

it looks asurs , yavans ,mlechh, kirats are ready to attack punyabhumi aryavart again

The eternal ancient fear.... :crazy:
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We are not discussing Bangladesh.
Bangladesh and Pakistan are two proud, sovereign, independent South Asian nations with no territorial disputes, and with populations that are completely different in language, customs, and culture, yet do share a common religion.

It is the Hindutva crowd to which the message is being sent on this thread.,

What is being discussed here is the mindset of Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Abhinay Bharat members.
This thread is a "honey trap" for
chaddidhari "twice borns " so that we can bring them down to earth.

What was the parsi population in Pakistan post that you deleted with research from a Pakistani writer where you couldn't open the link what was the link of that post
Note:I had written this few years back. Have done some minor edits since then.

Revenge of Pakistan

Fate Watching the Last Survivor of the Deathly Story

Hasina Wajid, What Will Become of Thou

the woman will implode after finding no more people to execute in the name of Bangladesh war.
1971 in nutshell

Punjabi Sikh army Under One Parsi Field Marshal defeated Punjabi Muslim army.

View attachment 697052
yea that was some time ago maybe before your dad met your mother

but this one below is great and fresh.. this caused your kind to vanish from the face of the internet due to shock for a month, it will stay in your living memory.

yea that was some time ago maybe before your dad met your mother

but this one below is great and fresh.. this caused your kind to vanish from the face of the internet due to shock for a month, it will stay in your living memory.


:D :D :D :D
there is difference between photo of a lone pilot ejecting in enemy territory due to malfunctioning aircraft than photograph of 93000 surrendering troops because they wanted to save their lives .
i can post the photo if anybody wants .
Note:I had written this few years back. Have done some minor edits since then.

Revenge of Pakistan

This day in December is the 44th year, 11th month and 16 day anniversary of the Fall of Dhaka. A day that still bleeds, sometimes openly but most of the time in the quiet and cold darkness of one’s own stony soul.

Lots of laments, proverbs, and odes have been written about the fallen city and the shamed nation by the vanquishers, euphoric enemies, and vain citizenry of the dead and birthing country, but mine is a ballad woven with deathly notes descended from the past.

If my anguished soul could rise up and ascended the heavenly stairs, it could have read it, inscribed in fiery letters, from The Preserved Tablet, “Why thou broketh the third land which I had maketh by My Own Hands”.

The country that was given to spread peace, tranquility and justice, was broken on the behest of Them; Friends, Foes and Allies alike but more by the hands of I, You, Us; the Lovers.

This is the deathly story of “Them” and “Lovers”.

We start from the Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Bengal Muslim League who became Bongobondhu of Bangladesh.

December 7, 1971 – First General Elections in Pakistan. Awami League get majority in East Pakistan and ZA Bhutto’s Pakistan People’s party gets majority in West Pakistan

March 1, 1971 – President General Yahya Khan postponed meeting of National Assembly. Long Night of Sorrow began, riots broke out in East Pakistan.

March 25, 1971 – tri lateral talks between Yahya, Mujib and Bhutto failed, Sheikh Mujib arrested.

March 26, 1971 and March 27, 1971, M A Hannan and Major Ziaur Rahman declared an independent Bangladesh

Riots, mayhem, killing, all hell broke loose

March 26, 1971 – Pakistan Army launches, Operation Search Light”

Flowing blood pools, and death of truth ensue

Claims made 300,000 Bengalis Killed, some claimed 3 million Bengalis killed.

Famed Bengali Journalist Sharmila Bose gives figures of 50,000 to 100,000 killed Bengalis and non-Bengalis together in her book: Dead Reckoning: Memoirs of the 1971 Bangladesh War.

Indian General Sam Manekshaw who lead Indian army in 1971 in his book titled "Soldiering With Dignity" admitted to recruiting 80,000 Hindus to create Mukti Bahini dressed themselves up in Pakistani army uniforms and killed, raped and pillaged large numbers of civilians in East Pakistan

March 31, 1971 – The Enemy moves to give ‘A People’s Credit” to a mutiny sponsored by her - Indian Parliament passed resolution in support of the People of Bengal

November 21, 1971 – Mukti Bahini launched offensive in East Pakistan
December 4, 1971 – India launched full scale attack on East Pakistan
December 16, 1971 – outnumbered, out gunned, pincered, and abused Pak Army surrenders by the order of West Pakistan High Command

Cobra stung the nightingale under the wild roses, You were not hurt, you don’t mind

Jan 12, 1971 – Sheikh Mujib became first PM of Bangladesh

3 YEARS 7 MONTHS 14 DAYS Later, Maimed Soul of Pakistan moves in to take First Revenge

Fast forward to August 15, 1975 – Sheikh Mujib’s own BD troops moved in to PM’s residence at 32 Dhanmandi and killed Bangobondhu, his wife, Fazilatunnisa, three sons, Sheikh Kamal and wife Sultana Kamal, Sheikh Jamal and wife Rosy Jamal, ten year old Sheikh Russel, and brother Sheikh Nasser.

Another group of soldiers killed nephew Sheikh Fazlul Haque Moni and his pregnant wife. Yet another group gunned down Abdur Rab Serniabat, Sheikh Mujibu's brother-in-law, along with 13 family members on Mintu Road. Another minister and thirteen of his family members on Mintu Road were also gunned down.

Two daughters Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana were in Germany away from harm’s way. Hasina has to play her role to become BD’s Prime Minster. Her fate yet to be unfolded.

Four of the founding leaders of the Awami League, first Prime Minister of Bangladesh Tajuddin Ahmed, former Prime Minister Mansur Ali, former Vice President Syed Nazrul Islam, and former Home Minister A. H. M. Qamaruzzaman, were arrested. Three months later, on 3 November 1975, they were murdered in Dhaka Central Jail.

7 YEARS 3 MONTHS 3 DAYS later, Limping Pakistan moves in with a rope…Second Revenge

Flashback, December 20, 1971 - ZA Bhutto assumed the role of first Civilian CMLA and President of Pakistan

April 4, 1979 – ZA Bhutto was hanged at Central Jail Rawalpindi on the murder charges of Nawab Ahmed Raza Qasuri. Court proceedings were flawed, but ZA Bhutto had a greater accomplice’s hand in the chopping of Pakistan. He could have worked to save Pakistan from being cut into half but he chose not to. He could have worked to reach to a political consensus, but a great leader has to die because of his lust of power. His soul will witness more….

I need to quicken my pace, my patience failing me, moving to third name in the chopping list…A Progeny from The Culprit’s House to be Wiped Out, and then another

8 YEARS 6 MONTHS 22 DAYS later and Counting

June 23, 1980 – Sanjay Gandhi, heir apparent of Mrs. Indra Gandhi dies in a place crash; Iron Lady has yet to see the execution of another character…..her turn is fast approaching

I declare an Independent Bangladesh….but you also declare your condemnation

9 YEARS 5 MONTHS 29 DAYS have passed and I have more work to do…

May 30, 1981 – General Ziaur Rahman assassinated in another bloody coup. General Ziaur Rahman became pro-Pakistan, but justice has to be served for his taking part in the dismemberment of Pakistan

Today we have sunken Two Nation Theory in Bay of BengalMaybe not….

But your first son, remaining from the two , Rajeeve will also be certainly blown away and ashes will be thrown to Yamuna, passing to Ganges as it empty out its unholy burden in the brackish waters of the Bay of Bengal

12 YEARS 10 MONTHS 30 DAYS Later – Merely A Second by Cosmic Reckoning

October 31, 1984 – Death of the Iron Lady, Indira Gandhi assassinated by own bodyguards

But why so? An enemy does what it does best! To strike when opportunity presents. The reason Pakistan took its revenge on Indira Gandhi, she used illicit, immoral, and unfair machinations to destroy a land which was created in the name of Taiba.

Other progeny will be wiped out….

ZA Bhutto’s role in not acting to save Pakistan will go deep…


July 18, 1985 – Shahnawaz Bhutto dies in a France hotel under mysterious circumstances. Shahnawaz has blinded himself and formed Alzulfiqar terrorist organization to take revenge on Pakistan, not knowing that it was Pakistan who was dispensing a justice for an unending sin committed from 1970 to 1971.

I will put my head on your feet and take you down, down, down; I will end the dynasty

19 YEARS 5 MONTHS 20 DAYS are now passed…

May 21, 1991 – Rajeev Gandhi killed by a bomb laden girl, the seemingly devoted teen ager bend down to touch the feet of the god; the god was no more there to plan another brass tacks.

First dynasty wiped out, second will surely be on the death path

Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani?

O, my father’s daughter, why has though forsaken me?

It is after 24 YEARS 9 MONTHS 19 DAYS

September 20, 1996 – Mir Murtuza Bhutto was killed during a police encounter during the reign of his own sister – eyes open, sight shut, I don’t see anything!!!

Chapter closing for the second Dynasty….

36 YEARS and 26 DAYS after, I am nearing my quest, but not yet

December 27, 2007 – Two time Prime Minster, Benazir Bhutto assassinated by suspected TTP terrorists.

For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the chests.

You were given the crown two times and you conspired to get it for a third time singing ballads of martyrdoms, you close upon yourself the justice of the Ancient One, you call for punishment in haste.

Had You Understood the Revenge of the Land, that….it is Justice Which is Taking its Course, You Would Have Paused for Few Moments and if you had Tried to Look Inward in Your Soul And Outwards to the Heavens, You Would Have Found Out, When No One Stirs a Finger, Pakistan Takes Revenge by itself. You Should Have Stopped to Use the Death of The Papa as a ploy To Win Another Term and Keep Ridiculing The Just One.

The deathly story does not end here…

38 YEARS 1 MONTHS 27 DAYS after…

January 28, 2010 - August 15, 1975 - Mujib Coup plotters
Major (Rtd.) Bazlul Huda,
Lieutenant Colonel (Rtd.) Mohiuddin Ahmed,
Major (Rtd.) A.K.M. Mohiuddin Ahmed,
Colonel (Rtd.) Syed Faruque Rahman and
Colonel (Rtd.) Sultan Shahriar Rashid Khan were executed.

Did they took part in fighting against the country to which their souls have sworn a pact of allegiance; I think so?

Fate Watching the Last Survivor of the Deathly Story

Hasina Wajid, What Will Become of Thou

Thorough Horror!!
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