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Revenge by Pakistani Pashtuns: Private war breaks out on Pak-Afghan border

And I'd like to correct you.

Pakistan got its independence in 1947, making it 66 years old.

Afghanistan got full independence in 1919, making it about 94 years old.

so all this talk of 300 years old is garbage and nonsense.....as for Durand Line -- it is the internationall recognized border between both countries. Of course its a border in name b/c the border is poorly demarcated and the geography is almost impossible to monitor.

but that doesnt change the fact that it is the border; so either accept it, or just please keep quiet about it.

Oh come on dont act tough on internet. We pashtuns confront one another on "maidan" not on internet....
You are a sheep wearing skin of lion.

who are you benefiting by resorting to animosity with your fellow citizens?

you are so emotional maran.....take a few deep breaths and come back when you are calm
And I'd like to correct you.

Pakistan got its independence in 1947, making it 66 years old.

Afghanistan got full independence in 1919, making it about 94 years old.

so all this talk of 300 years old is garbage and nonsense.....as for Durand Line -- it is the internationall recognized border between both countries. Of course its a border in name b/c the border is poorly demarcated and the geography is almost impossible to monitor.

but that doesnt change the fact that it is the border; so either accept it, or just please keep quiet about it.

who are you benefiting by resorting to animosity with your fellow citizens?

you are so emotional maran.....take a few deep breaths and come back when you are calm

Well apparently your havi sultan, who is very emotional by the way, got carried away and is talking of thaparr and what not. I am simply telling him that acting tough or giving threats on virtual world is funny, we pashtuns resolve things on "maidan", wannabe like him should learn that also.
And i think its useless to talk with you on pakhtuns and pakhuniyat. You have your own line of thinking, i respect that, carry on.
Spare us with your bhaiya log langauge and dont come up with baap ki gaali just because i said julaha/ansari are considered low caste in Pakistan and India...be proud of your roots whatever you are, dont insult our pashtun royalty by connecting yourself with an afghan/pashtun princess who even didnt exist.

Did you even read the post? It wasn't a baap ki gali... did you read my post? :hitwall:
I'm telling you I missed completing the post that was why it seemed like that. Also if you were thinking like that it was more of a maa ki gali and less of a baap ki gali though it was a little bit of that too but in either case it was your mindset and imagination wreaking havoc here.

For example think of some of the Indian drama scenes. A guy hugs his old friend (a girl from say college) and his wife sees it. The music changes, drums start beating, wife starts crying and threatens to divorce... but the issue is in the wife. She doesn't let the husband explain to her that it was all a mistake, that there was no affair between the woman and the guy. This story is very much like your story here. I am telling you it wasn't my intention to insult but you don't listen because in your mind you are always thinking of gandigi and ghalazat. I am only mentioning this because you like India very much and seem to thank every anti-pakistani poster or troll like KS.

I meant to explain the point that there were migrations everywhere... even there is no proof you are a marwat by birth just like you are throwing mud on my family and mocking its Pashtun links which are possible and again unconfirmed but who cares? Only a bigot thinks of such things and its the bigots mindset that makes him focus on the negative. Even in the Pakistani bride you saw that munni wasn't by birth a Kohistani but her father adopted her and made her one, she never knew she was adapted-though I would not like to talk about that book as it mocked us Pashtuns but I can see why when I see people like you, Luffy with very gandi soch.

I am totally serious. I did not complete the post. I hyper-focus at times ignoring a lot of things and forgetting what was being discussed and going off on another tangent. Its why my posts are so unstructured-something which @Hyperion also noted.

Also think of this. You are so hurt by a miscommunication or due to your own mindset which makes you perceive that I was insulting your mother by saying you are not your fathers son but someone elses, then think how much those poor Punjabis, patriotic (true/Pakistani) Pashtuns feel when you bully them on that forum, how others feel when you call the creation of Pakistan a mistake and discuss in threads what a mistake it was to be formed, insult Jinnah and every Nationalist Pakistani around.

The issue with you bigots is their callous hearts have been turned to stone by love for Afghanistan which in a comment on pashtunforums you proved was your homeland. You do not feel any guilt when you insult a fellow countryman or someones background just because you hate him despite the fact he may have sacrificed everything to be a Pashtun. You are a sadistic individual who with his hatred would actually give the impression of what you stated... and to reinforce his identity has to insult everyone else. When I see your posts, as I said before I feel sorry for you not anything else.

BTW I was taking @AstanoshKhan as a case study of how many people you have discredited on the forum by different means stating they were non-pashtuns, hindkowan or others when challenged. You called him a Hindkowan not me... I mentioned that each time I mentioned him before. And Luffy? Seriously? You think I need support to do what I have been doing to you for so long? The bigot cannot argue with me Luffy. Better understand that.

In any case I do not wish to involve myself in childish debates anymore where the person rather than discussing history, culture or identity is more interested in bashing Ansaris by teaming up with Indians.
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Pashtuns in Pakistan live better than Pashtuns in Afghanistan, no one can deny that.

Nobody would give up their higher socio economic status in Pakistan to live with ******** broken tribal Afghans anymore.
@haviZsultan, Why you do not share the details of the unknown afghan princess from whom you claim your origin? What was her name? What was her tribe? Era? Location?
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Pashtuns in Pakistan live better than Pashtuns in Afghanistan, no one can deny that.

Nobody would give up their higher socio economic status in Pakistan to live with ******** broken tribal Afghans anymore.

Even if KPK was part of china, had socioecomic conditions like developed countries, they would still have been part of pakhtun nation which stretches from oxus to attock. My point is simple, a wealthy pashtun businessman of peshawer is pashtun while poor pashtun of a village in nangarhar is also pashtun....the difference is that they live in two different countries, but are one and same people. North and south korea are two different countries but their people are same racially, linguistically, culturally, historically and so on.
Even if KPK was part of china, had socioecomic conditions like developed countries, they would still have been part of pakhtun nation which stretches from oxus to attock. My point is simple, a wealthy pashtun businessman of peshawer is pashtun while poor pashtun of a village in nangarhar is also pashtun....the difference is that they live in two different countries, but are one and same people. North and south korea are two different countries but their people are same racially, linguistically, culturally, historically and so on.

Just to remind you-

Afghanistan is not all Pashtun. Even though Pashtun is the majority race, the Tajiks and the Uzbeks dominate in Afghanistan.

Well, Afghanistan was divided by the British, as well as Pakistan.
The border has already been implemented. You guys are causing huge trouble in Pakistan picking which side you want to be, even though clearly, Pakistan is the more successful side. I think border should be locked now,
Even if KPK was part of china, had socioecomic conditions like developed countries, they would still have been part of pakhtun nation which stretches from oxus to attock. My point is simple, a wealthy pashtun businessman of peshawer is pashtun while poor pashtun of a village in nangarhar is also pashtun....the difference is that they live in two different countries, but are one and same people. North and south korea are two different countries but their people are same racially, linguistically, culturally, historically and so on.

Well said. Bravo.

Most of us in Pakistan would agree in a heart beat the description you posted. I wish ANP top guys were as eloquent.

The issues with ethnicities are relatively simple as long as a particular ethnicity is not used to break up a country.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are joined at hip brothers in some ways and their linkage goes way beyond a simple Pashtun connection.

Historically speaking, An Afghanistani was and still is welcome and respected by other ethnicities in the Indus valley including Panjabis, Balochis, Sindhis and Urdu speaking and yes off course by Pashtuns in KPK. And the reason is that in the time of peace, both regions depended on each other for food, trade, and mutual protection.

In the time of war however, things did go topsy turvy, but then war does bring chaos regardless of ethnicities, regions, nations, and countries.

In fact Afgthanistanis should not over-emphasize Pashtun ethnicity in Pakistan. Because the blowback of such theories have utterly destroyed Afghanistan and sadly it continues to do so.

What they say, mess up anything but never ever, ever never mess up and $hit in your bread basket. Even lowly animals are smart enough to keep their food protected as much as they can.

Punjab and by extension Sindh provide most of the wheat aka daily bread, eggs, chicken, and meat etc. for Afghanistan.

I was recently in Peshawar, and the food price of Ata (wheat flour), chicken meat and eggs had gone through the roof.

And many ordinary Pashtun expressed their anger that prices had shot up because so much of these items is being smuggled into Afghanistan.

Off course the shopkeepers had an easy way out. They were saying that their suppliers in Punjab have raised the prices. Which didn't make sense because the very next day when I came back from Peshawar, the prices of chicken meat and eggs had not increased to the extent it was in Peshawar.

The only reason I could figure out was that food is being smuggled out of Peshawar and the smugglers were willing to pay top dollars. Thus bringing misery to the ordinary folks in Peshawar.

Fortunately fresh supplies from Punjab did bring the prices down a little bit but not much due to constant pressure of smuggling and export to Afghanistan.

Please do not take this commentary in a negative way. I am not starting a blame game.

I am simply saying that Afghanistani-Pakistani relationship goes way beyond simple ethnicity. This is for the mutual survival of the two countries.

And thus I hope that we too on this forum go beyond the divisive discussions on one ethnicity or the other, and think of the two countries respecting each other and helping each other without raising contentious issues like border line, or ethnicities in Pakistan or in Afghanistan etc.

This will benefit much more to Afghanistan in the short run.

Because the more Afghanistanis emphasize Pashtunism, the more insecurity they create for their own minority ethnic groups, thus destabilizing Afghanistan the way it has been for the last 4 long very long decades.

peace to you and peace to all.
I have noticed that on this forum that pakistanis goes fully on denial mode when they debate with indians. They think that they have to prove indians wrong at every cost, even if indian is right. There was a very senior pashtun female member here, with strong anti-indian sentiments, she was debating with indian, the indian used word "pashtun", she mocked him that the proper word is "pakhtun" not "pashtun", you indians know nothing about us, we pak pakhtuns hate u blah blah blah. I was surprised and PMed her that why is she speaking non-sense, both pashtun and pakhtun are correct according to two major dialects of pashto, infact word pashtun is original. She said that she knows but she has to shut the indians no matter what.

O.k it is now confirmed to me that you live in a foriegn country.

we also know this,butr we dont try to stretch it because we know we are right,there is no need for a certificate from anyone.

we know who that clown journo is.
Did you even read the post? It wasn't a baap ki gali... did you read my post? :hitwall:
I'm telling you I missed completing the post that was why it seemed like that. Also if you were thinking like that it was more of a maa ki gali and less of a baap ki gali though it was a little bit of that too but in either case it was your mindset and imagination wreaking havoc here.

For example think of some of the Indian drama scenes. A guy hugs his old friend (a girl from say college) and his wife sees it. The music changes, drums start beating, wife starts crying and threatens to divorce... but the issue is in the wife. She doesn't let the husband explain to her that it was all a mistake, that there was no affair between the woman and the guy. This story is very much like your story here. I am telling you it wasn't my intention to insult but you don't listen because in your mind you are always thinking of gandigi and ghalazat. I am only mentioning this because you like India very much and seem to thank every anti-pakistani poster or troll like KS.

I meant to explain the point that there were migrations everywhere... even there is no proof you are a marwat by birth just like you are throwing mud on my family and mocking its Pashtun links which are possible and again unconfirmed but who cares? Only a bigot thinks of such things and its the bigots mindset that makes him focus on the negative. Even in the Pakistani bride you saw that munni wasn't by birth a Kohistani but her father adopted her and made her one, she never knew she was adapted-though I would not like to talk about that book as it mocked us Pashtuns but I can see why when I see people like you, Luffy with very gandi soch.

I am totally serious. I did not complete the post. I hyper-focus at times ignoring a lot of things and forgetting what was being discussed and going off on another tangent. Its why my posts are so unstructured-something which @Hyperion also noted.

Also think of this. You are so hurt by a miscommunication or due to your own mindset which makes you perceive that I was insulting your mother by saying you are not your fathers son but someone elses, then think how much those poor Punjabis, patriotic (true/Pakistani) Pashtuns feel when you bully them on that forum, how others feel when you call the creation of Pakistan a mistake and discuss in threads what a mistake it was to be formed, insult Jinnah and every Nationalist Pakistani around.

The issue with you bigots is their callous hearts have been turned to stone by love for Afghanistan which in a comment on pashtunforums you proved was your homeland. You do not feel any guilt when you insult a fellow countryman or someones background just because you hate him despite the fact he may have sacrificed everything to be a Pashtun. You are a sadistic individual who with his hatred would actually give the impression of what you stated... and to reinforce his identity has to insult everyone else. When I see your posts, as I said before I feel sorry for you not anything else.

BTW I was taking @AstanoshKhan as a case study of how many people you have discredited on the forum by different means stating they were non-pashtuns, hindkowan or others when challenged. You called him a Hindkowan not me... I mentioned that each time I mentioned him before. And Luffy? Seriously? You think I need support to do what I have been doing to you for so long? The bigot cannot argue with me Luffy. Better understand that.

In any case I do not wish to involve myself in childish debates anymore where the person rather than discussing history, culture or identity is more interested in bashing Ansaris by teaming up with Indians.

Ansari nikla bhopali.

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@haviz sultan
I don't understand why you even debating with luffy, the guy being a pushtoon is questionable and being a marwat says it all.
Well apparently your havi sultan, who is very emotional by the way, got carried away and is talking of thaparr and what not. I am simply telling him that acting tough or giving threats on virtual world is funny, we pashtuns resolve things on "maidan", wannabe like him should learn that also.
And i think its useless to talk with you on pakhtuns and pakhuniyat. You have your own line of thinking, i respect that, carry on.

What pukhtuniyat if there is such thing, heck we never had pukhtuniyat if we did then it wouldn't have taken 1000 of years for us to become a nation, we only became a nation at the time of ahmad shah baba.

Such is the confusion in so called pukhtuniyat that some claim to be decendents of lost tribes of Israel, while the ghilzais are turkic but both claim to be pukhtoons, the truth is much closer to home that we are nomadic turco iranic people.

Racist..a pitiful hate filled racist.. is all I can say..

Who are you referring to?.
Just to remind you-

Afghanistan is not all Pashtun. Even though Pashtun is the majority race, the Tajiks and the Uzbeks dominate in Afghanistan.

Well, Afghanistan was divided by the British, as well as Pakistan.
The border has already been implemented. You guys are causing huge trouble in Pakistan picking which side you want to be, even though clearly, Pakistan is the more successful side. I think border should be locked now,

they aren't even majority; it's about 50-50

there are more Pashtuns in Pakistan than in all of Afghanistan

Even if KPK was part of china, had socioecomic conditions like developed countries, they would still have been part of pakhtun nation which stretches from oxus to attock. My point is simple, a wealthy pashtun businessman of peshawer is pashtun while poor pashtun of a village in nangarhar is also pashtun....the difference is that they live in two different countries, but are one and same people. North and south korea are two different countries but their people are same racially, linguistically, culturally, historically and so on.

Pakistan and Afghanistan have the basis for excellent brotherly ties.

if ground realities change and once all the trouble-makers are taken care of
Racist..a pitiful hate filled racist.. is all I can say..

If you have nothing relevant to say regarding thread, then keep your mouth shut.
I am fed up with you issueing me constant 'infractions' with reason "off-topic/no value. Even though it was i who reported the post for foul langauge.
Stop being biased and stop playing mohajir-pashtun card with me.
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