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Revealed ! Why Imran Khan Called Off The Long March

جنرل باجوہ

تجھ میں جنرل ایوب ، جنرل ضیأ ، جنرل مشرف سب دکھتا ہے ۔ یارا میں کیا کروں ۔

شرم سے سر جھکتا ہے ۔ یارا میں کیا کروں ۔
Sounds just another markhor shit to me. Actually they themselves would have fired on army and made an issue out of it, just like when info of army movement was leaked to the TTP by our own agencies back in the days that resulted in death of many soldiers.
I keep saying this, the establishment is way more evil and wicked than an ordinary man can imagine.
In any case, IK should have been ready for this and accepted consequences. If army wants to show its real face to the ppl and open fire then so be it. If the people can take independence from their daddy brits then we can take independence from the brown chamchas as well.
Which amateur wrote this script. It reeks of irregularities and is filled with pre-2000's, in fact pre-1975 narrative.

If Metro Police cannot handle situation then Reserve Police is called in to boost numbers. They are then assisted by FC or Rangers, depending on city/province. Army is called in during emergency if a specialized Ops is to take place, otherwise FC/rangers are equipped to handle such situations. So the first irregularity is jumping from Police directly to Army to control crowd, completely by-passing Paramilitary forces.

Secondly, if Intel has information of such an incident taking place, then 90% of the situation is resolved already. Intel places assets and mixes with the crowd to search and locate such perpetrators.

Thirdly, to escalate matters against Army, a 1971-type narrative is orchestrated that "Army will fire at civilians." Police doesn't have weapons, right ? Till 80's, Police were sent in with batons and Army with guns, that has changed.

Fourthly, with CCTV cameras and other kinds of surveillance, its not difficult to track who fired gun shots and fled the scene. These kind of investigations have become common in attacks in Pakistan and yield results. Geo-fencing of mobiles is another way.

So, conclusion is that Army is being shown as villain which will fire at civilians. Current government is being shown inept and backed by Army, portraying police as ineffective so Govt will call Army to save the day by firing at crowd. True that N-league is corrupt to the bone and doesn't deserve to be in Parliament, but this text is a poor attempt at political front.

Glimpse of the face of a fascist regime..​

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Signs Of Fascism​

If any cop so much as laid a finger on a rally-goer, I will hang him with my own hands.” imran khan

Two years after Imran Khan got ‘selected’ as Prime Minister of Pakistan, his biggest contribution to Pakistan’s political development has been the unveiling of the Oxonian version of Pakistani Islamofascism.

Recently a photoshopped image of Imran Khan has been doing the rounds on social media. This picture shows him dressed up as a Pakistani general and sporting a Hitler moustache, and pretty much sums up the sort of regime he represents – a military-controlled fascistic government. In the last two years, Imran Khan has more or less functioned as a civilian version of the former military dictator Zia-ul-Haq.

Hurting democracy

Not surprisingly, in the two years, he has been in office, Imran has caused more damage to Pakistan’s fledgeling democracy than any of his predecessors.

Displaying fascist traits, he has crushed political dissent, victimised political opponents, muzzled the media, bludgeoned religious minorities, inserted the military in virtually every aspect of national life, unleashed a thought police which will decide what can be published and read in the country, neutered an already pliable and compromised judiciary, and of course, moved to Islamise an already Islamised country through the obnoxious Tahaffiz-e-buyaad-e-Islam law passed by the Punjab provincial assembly.

The signs of Imran Khan’s fascist worldview were all over the place even before he was manoeuvred into the Prime Minister’s office by the military. That he was an intolerant and undemocratic person became clear during his dharna against the Nawaz Sharif government. The street language he used against his political opponents and the vile and vulgar behaviour he has displayed, and which he has always encouraged and promoted among his cronies (including members of government) revealed his mindset.

Media as target

In opposition, his storm-troopers had physically assaulted and verbally attacked journalists and media houses which didn’t buy the snake oil he was selling or had the temerity to criticise his political stunts.

But after he became Prime Minister, the media has been muzzled like it was during martial law. In the last two years, journalists have been forced out of their jobs; newspaper owners have been jailed for refusing to sack inconvenient journalists; TV programmes are yanked off the air during transmission; newspaper and TV channels distribution is prevented and nobody, not even the “independent” judiciary, can do anything about it; media houses have been financially strangled if they don’t sing paeans for Imran Khan and the military; TV panels and newsrooms are stacked with appointees of the ‘deep state’; media persons have been forced to self-censor; journalists and activists have been abducted, beaten, threatened, forced into exile, disappeared, even killed. In the words of a Pakistani journalist, “we are being controlled by [intelligence] agencies, we get calls from ISPR [the armed forces spokesman] about what we can say and what we can’t”.

Under the garb of fighting corruption, political opponents have been arrested and thrown into jail without a shred of evidence against them. A top opposition leader has been booked under patently fake charges like drug smuggling, a former Prime Minister had been kept in prison for months on alleged transgressions which even the investigators were not sure about. A former planning minister was thrown behind bars without even a reference being filed. Any politician with the spunk to speak against the government has a case registered against him. In a recent judgment granting bail to two opposition leaders, the Supreme Court of Pakistan observed that the accountability “laws were successfully employed as tools to change political loyalties, for splintering and fracturing political parties. Pygmies were selected, nurtured, promoted, and brought to prominence and power. People with notorious backgrounds and criminal credentials were thrust to rule us in various capacities with predictable results. Similarly, those, who caused death, destruction and mayhem in our society were trained, financed, protected, promoted and eulogised, thus, turning them into Frankensteins.” The judges who rule in this case were, however, an exception. Normally under the current dispensation, judges kowtow to the demands of the ‘deep state’. Those who have an independent mind and don’t kowtow are humiliated, intimidated and sought to throw off the bench.

Not content with emasculating the judiciary, enchaining the media, and reducing the legislature into a nonentity, now the executive branch of the government is also sought to be made subservient to the military and its foreign masters – China. A new draft law to transform the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) authority into a virtual parallel government which will subordinate existing government departments and ministries is now sought to be rammed through the Parliament. If this happens, it will mean that instead of CPEC serving Pakistan, it will be Pakistan which will be serving CPEC.

A miserable failure

In the last two years, Imran Khan has proved to be a miserable failure who has in many ways turned the clock back for Pakistan. Frankly, India should send a Thank You card to his ‘selectors’ – Pakistan Army – for foisting him on Pakistan. India really couldn’t have asked for anything more.
Why quote from our sworn enemies, indians ?

Other gems from the same filthy hindutva terrorist you love to quote:

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The above raises many questions like:
1) Has that evidence been shared with IK in the form that can be taken to the court? If not why?
2) If the above is true and intelligence agencies do indeed know that a sinister plan was hatched why are they still not doing anything? I mean on one hand, we have the daughter of Sheerin MIrzari who gets an FIR registered against her for name-calling army but on the other hand such conspiracies are brushed under the carpet without any repercussions. Why?
3) We all know that from UK only one man or should i say one harami can call this khabees Rana Sanaullah to do such a tracherous act, no courts have been able to indict these khabees till now why?
3a. Police can fire in Model Town but this time Army has to fire.
What a ludicrous fairy-tale being spread by Mr Bajwa.

Let's be honest - Mr Bajwa is corrupt. Mr Bajwa toppled the government and facilitated to impose a CRIMINAL THUG and his Family to rule Pakistan. Mr Bajwa AND SOME OF HIS GENERALS have illegal money and properties spread in many countries. Nawaz Sharif and his thug family have information on full whereabouts of all this illegal wealth held by Mr Bajwa and his Generals. Sharif family THREATHENED to expose Mr bajwa and his corrupt generals. To put this point across, Sharif Family EXPOSED CPEC Chairman General ASIM BAJWA who holds vast wealth in the US and European countries. It all started from there and the Generals knew that they will be exposed as well ! Gen Asim Bajwa then resigned as the CPEC chair afterwards because he knew what was coming. And that is why all this has happened. IT WAS MR BAJWA WHO ALLOWED NAWAZ TO ESCAPE TO LONDON !!

Another important question we should be asking - Which internal or external powers provided Nawaz Sharif with this INFORMATION about the illegal overseas wealth of Generals??
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Sometimes it helps to read between the lines.
How many police were killed by TLP.
Now imagine if God forbid, a few army soldiers are killed.

It was the police who killed Tlp protesters, smashed buses, set fires and then when things got out of control, someone killed the police officers. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the police themselves. Army soldiers would be killed if they killed innocent people, somebody will loose his mind when their children and family blood is all over the place.

The state is responsible for this. The people have the right to protest to make their voices heard. Why not give way to the people to protest instead of firing 35000 tear gas? It is the states duty otherwise the government is illigimate.

The reality is Pakistan is not a democratic nation. It is a corrupt slave state. Its leadership, policies are made under foreign powers. If you read the Pakistani history, our elders also wanted a progressive Pakistan, they were given false dreams, new leadership, jihad lollipop etc. The same is given to our generation, they will keep playing with us untill we loose hope and then the corrupt are fine for the next 30 years, then they will repeat again.

The people of Pakistan need to completely reject this corrupt and failed political, government, electrol system, Judicial, police system.

What a ludicrous fairy-tale being spread by Mr Bajwa.

Let's be honest - Mr Bajwa is corrupt. Mr Bajwa toppled the government and facilitated to impose a CRIMINAL THUG and his Family to rule Pakistan. Mr Bajwa AND SOME OF HIS GENERALS have illegal money and properties spread in many countries. Nawaz Sharif and his thug family have information on full whereabouts of all this illegal wealth held by Mr Bajwa and his Generals. Sharif family THREATHENED to expose Mr bajwa and his corrupt generals. To put his point across, Sharif Family EXPOSED CPEC Chairman ASMIN BAJWA who holds vast wealth in the US and European countries. It all started from there becuase they Generals knew that they will be exposed as well ! And that is why all this has happened. IT WAS MR BAJWA WHO ALLOWED NAWAZ TO ESCAPE TO LONDON !!

The corrupt generals, judges, politicians, businessmen are one, they have their differences but corruption and power unites them.
In the last two years, Imran Khan has proved to be a miserable failure who has in many ways turned the clock back for Pakistan. Frankly, India should send a Thank You card to his ‘selectors’ – Pakistan Army – for foisting him on Pakistan. India really couldn’t have asked for anything more.

From "fully selected" to "fully imported", we now just have to wait a little bit more for the next setup to be put into place. Maybe it will be "fully transgender" next time?
1. Nawaz Shareef
2. Shahbaz Shareef
3. Hamza Shahbaz
4. Maryam Nawaz
5. Rana Sanaullah
6. Khawaja Asif
7. Saad Rafiq
8. Ahsan Iqbal
9. Rana Tanveer
10. Ayaz Sadiq
11. Zardari
12. Bilawal
13. Shahid Khaqan
14. Maryam Aurangzeb
15. Abid Sher Ali

Only 15 bad apples vs 220 million Pakistanis. only 15 rounds worth max PKR 1500.
For all of you who do not know the story behind General Asim Bajwa - here it is !!

Assets declaration controversy[edit]​

As a Special Assistant to prime minister Imran Khan's government, Bajwa's asset declarations were made public on the Cabinet Division website public. He came under scrutiny for the valuations quoted and was top Twitter trending in Pakistan on July 19, 2020. Some of the dubious figures included 65 acres land for just Rs.105000; and Toyota ZX 2016 valued at Rs. 3 million, a fraction of original value of the car.[24]

Family assets controversy​

On 27 August 2020, an investigative report[25] on FactFocus by journalist Ahmed Noorani, correlated assets of Asim Bajwa's wife and sons, along with his military appointments and career growth under military dictator and president Pervez Musharraf, and then his appointment as chairman CPEC Authority. Documents in the report listed ownership of 133 Papa John's franchises in the USA and the UAE, together with several other properties in the USA, Canada, UAE, and Pakistan.[26]

Asim Bajwa initially rejected the report completely
.[27] On 3 September he admitted parts of the report[28] and downplayed the numbers, strength and details of business entities and shares in the name of his wife and sons. He also indicated that his wife's share of business assets outside Pakistan was divested and fully liquidated on 1 June 2020,[29] prior to his assets declaration on 22 April 2020.[30] According to Bajwa, the number of companies was not 99 but actually 31, the rest of companies were shell or representative companies in different regions. He further stated that all the companies purported to belong to his sons and wife were either dormant since the formation, did a business of less than Rs. 500,000, were perpetually in loss, some were only registered as sole proprietorship with FBR, or never opened an office and any bank accounts. He promised to provide money trail and supporting documents to explain initial investments by his wife, overseas transfer of funds for business, financial support to 3 sons studying in US schools, and their business entrepreneurship.

Nadeem Bajwa, Faisal Bajwa[31] and Malik Bajwa[32] together are listed Principals of Bajco Global Management LLC in Canfield, OH.[33] Bajco Global Management LLC was incorporated in 2007, before Bajwa became a military general, it has a revenue of US$69.85m and 1800 employees, operates 11 subsidiaries and 75 companies as the parent company, as of 3 September 2020.

Asim Bajwa's brother, Nadeem Bajwa is a businessman and is the chief executive officer of BajCo Group LLC.[34] Asim Bajwas brother's group owns several Papa Johns’ and Dairy Queens’ franchises around America and in the United Arab Emirates.[35]

On 23 September 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) issued a summons notification to individuals allegedly involved[36] in the data leak.
Forwarded as recieved.
*اصل وجہ*

باوسوق ذرائع سے پتا چلا ہے کہ عمران خان کے دھرنا ختم کرنے کی اصل وجہ کیا تھی۔
عمران خان کی کال پر ورکروں کی ایک بڑی تعداد ڈی چوک پہنچ چکی تھی اور شہباز گورنمنٹ نے ہینڈز اپ کرکے سیکورٹی فوج کے حوالے کردی تھی۔ لیکن ایک کال رانا ثناءاللہ کو آئی انگلینڈ سے جو ٹریک ہوئی۔ اس کال میں رانا ثناءاللہ کو آرڈر سنایا گیا کہ پلان سی پر عمل کرو۔ یہ پلان کی خبر پہلے ہی ایجنسیوں کے پاس موجود تھی اور یہ ہلان تھا فوج پر فائرنگ۔ ڈی چوک میں موجود کراوڈ میں سے صرف دو بندوں نے پسٹل کے کچھ راونڈ فوجیوں پر فائر کرنے تھے اور غائب ہوجانا تھا اور پھر فوج کی جوابی فائرنگ سے وہاں جو قیامت برپا ہونی تھی اس کا ہم اندازہ بھی نہیں کرسکتے اور پھر میڈیا نے جو گیم کرنی تھی وہ اسکے علاوہ اور پھر دہشتگردی کے مقدمے میں عمران خان کے ناقابل ضمانت وارنٹ جاری۔ پلان سی یہیں ختم نہیں ہوتا بلکہ وہ عمران خان کو پھانسی گھاٹ تک لے کر جاتا ہے۔
اور عمران خان چاہیے تسلیم کرے یا نہ کرے، اسی مارخور نے یہ پلان اس تک پہنچایا جس سے وہ ناراض ہے۔
ایک بہت بڑے سانح سے یہ ملک بچا ہے۔ ان حرام خور گدوں سے اللہُ ہمیں بچائے۔ آمین۔

At 16:02+

Not sure if this audio is fake or what but very concerning if real

Sometimes it helps to read between the lines.
How many police were killed by TLP.
Now imagine if God forbid, a few army soldiers are killed.

Pathan talking with soldier

"Yaar in ki duty hay"
"Hum ne kaha tha hum pur aman hain"
"App ki taraf se kuch nahi hoga toe hamari nazar bhi nahi othay gi aap ki taraf"

Soldiers nods in affirmative when protester says "Maree road par bari shelling ki hay"

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Conspiracy within Conspiracy!
It was a ploy so that IMRAN-KHAN-Yeh Sisast-Nahin-Jehad-Hai, call of the march.
He has lost great bit of credibility.
.... it also shows NEUTALS have more than one way to CONTROL IK, even by passing planted information!!!
thats idiotic.... military was in on all of it otherwise they could have opted not to be there in the first place....itni masoom nhi hai pkistani fouj!
What do u mean opted?. you mean get article 6 from your beloved courts for not following article 245?
Last time musharaf got death sentence under article 6..how many came out against this judgement..
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