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Return of the Vampire


Mar 23, 2009
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A while ago Brig retired Imtiaz commonly known as Imtiaz Billa tried to stir the political landscape with his confessions cum revelations.

He is about 70 yrs old either he wants to spit all his misdeeds or he is on some mission. He has spitted so many things in program Do Tok with veteran journalist Mazhar Abbas.

He confessed that “Ferozabad FIR” was injustice and cruelty. What about those innocent political workers who were trapped in this case. The golden period of their lives was spoiled by the blood thirsty adventurous officer. Who should they held responsible, Zia-i-Haq, army or somebody else

He “revealed” the professor Jamal Naqvi was not traitor. What we should think now, professor sahib was charged under act of high treason, working against the ideology of Pakistan, at that time Gen Zia-i-Haq was at his full swing.

He declared Rafiq Safi a top anti-state spy having links even with CIA but being a boss of ISI in Sindh at that time, he considered himself so innocent that he knew nothing between Safi a office bearer of KESE union and boss of KESE Brig. Jamal.

Hope at one time he will confess about murder of Nazir Abbasi and also his alleged role in Gen ANJ’s “natural” death

He is quite old and who knows when he can have meeting with malk ul moot, so at this time he should speak whole truth.

He confesses every thing but denies any “institutional” role in any event.

So what should we assume?

How did all these events happen?
there lots of governmental issues and secret which are not to disclosed against the public place because the every person did not know the whole scenario behind order or any event.
I am amazed by the fact that these people are so shameless
Here comes the part two. Though all of his “confession” are well known facts for political workers.
It’s just another “proud” episode by our military establishment.

Just another revelation how will of the masses is stolen by them.

And unfortunately this is continued from Gen Eyub to Gen Mushraff.. I don’t want to instigate any Mushraff love/hate debate but this is the actual reason some people think that Mushraff execution is necessary to teach a lesson to all other adventures personalities at junior level.

It is very interesting to see how he tries to doge the question about “Mother of all referendums” Zia-i-haq’s most famous referendum.

At this time he is confessing all riggings especially about fabricated stories about Zardari’s corruption. Though people in journalism profession know but it is coming more clear how lafafa journalism was hatched by agencies.

These agencies led by power hungry generals have destroyed / damaged the social fiber of our society

I am posting the links for these programs, at least for me this is not less than “Sham-e-ghariban”:hitwall::hitwall:

Part 1

Siasat.pk • Do Tok ? 19th September 2009 (Brig. (R) Imtiaz Ahmed)

Part 2

Siasat.pk • Do Tok Part 2 ? 26th September 2009
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