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Return Of The ABL? Missile Defense Agency Works On Laser Drone


Sep 28, 2014
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Return Of The ABL? Missile Defense Agency Works On Laser Drone

The Airborne Laser Testbed, mothballed in 2012.

HUNTSVILLE, ALA.: Three years after the Missile Defense Agency mothballed its massiveAirborne Laser, MDA is planning to reboot the concept for a new era.

The old ABL was Boeing 747 with a human crew and tanks of toxic chemicals to generate power. The new idea a high-altitude, long-endurance drone armed with a more compact electrically powered laser. But the technical and tactical challenge remains the same: building a laser-armed aircraft that can shoot down ballistic missiles at their most vulnerable, just after launch, without having to fly so close it gets shot down itself.

“The problem with boost phase is…you’ve got to get close enough,” Frank Kendall, the Pentagon’s procurement chief, told reporters at the Space & Missile Defense conference here. By closing in, he said, “you get a softer target: The booster, the rocket itself, is a lot softer than the reentry vehicles.” But if you’re close enough to shoot at a rocket right after it launches from enemy territory, you’re probably close enough for the enemy to shoot you.

“I was in the Pentagon when the Airborne Laser was proposed, and I asked questions about how many we would have to buy, how we’d know to put them in the air, and how we’d keep them alive,” Kendall recalled. “We didn’t have good answers to those questions, but we went ahead with the Airborne Laser anyway.”

The Missile Defense Agency will take an “incremental, step-wise, knowledge-based” approach this time, pledged the MDA director, Vice Adm. James Syring, in remarks to the Huntsville conference. “It is a very different approach than we did in the past of just leaping to something and investing everything we had.”

MDA will conduct experiments and review alternatives until 2018-2019, when Syring said it will pick “which technologies we think have the most promise.” Then a “low-power laser demonstrator” will fly circa 2021. When the full-power system will enter service is an open question, not answered in Syring’s brief.

MDA has already used existing drones to experiment with the systems required to aim the laser. “The work that we’re doing with the General Atomics Reaper and the work that we did with the Boeing Phantom Eye starts to show it can be done, in terms of these long-range sensing and tracking capabilities that we need,” Syring said.

The Missile Defense Agency is setting itself a higher bar than other military laser efforts. The Army, Air Force, and Navy have done “great work” on laser weapons for other missions, Syring said, but shooting down missiles in the boost phase requires much greater power, range, and beam quality. In fact, it may require higher performance than even the massive Airborne Laser managed.

In a successful 2010 test, ABL shot down a ballistic missile “tens of kilometers” away, Syring said, using about a megawatt of power. For the illustrative concept of operations the MDA director briefed at the conference — which he emphasized was not the only option — “we need to be hundreds of kilometers [from the target] in a platform that can go much higher and stay up for much longer.”

The manned Airborne Laser maxed out at an altitude of about 40,000 feet, where clouds and turbulence made it harder to keep the beam on the target. “65,000 feet is where we think we need to be,” said Syring, where the air is so thin that a laser beam can reach much farther.

Even in ideal atmospheric conditions, however, the power requirements are high: “hundreds of kilowatts to megawatt-class,” Syring said. “We’re today at tens of kilowatts in the lab with the beam quality we’re after.”

What matters is not just maximum power, but how much weight it takes to generate (power density), especially when you’re trying to fit the laser on an aircraft. The Airborne Laser took 55 kilograms (about 120 pounds) to generate a kilowatt of laser power, Syring said, which is why a megawatt (1,000 kW) took a 747. Electric lasers currently in the lab take 35-40 kilograms per kilowatt, and the MDA research program plans to drive that down by a factor of ten, to 3-5 kg/kW. MDA’s ultimate goal is 2 kg/kW, which would make a one-megawatt weight 5,000 pounds, something a drone could carry.

“If it had been easy we would done it by now,” Syring said. But given the rapid progress in laser technology, he went on, “it’s not a huge reach.”

“There’s a lot of work that has go on,” the admiral continued. In the traditional “crawl, walk, run” scheme, “we’re in crawl mode at this point,” he said, “but that doesn’t mean we should stop.”

“Is such a system in the realm of the possible? Yes,” said Mark Gunzinger, a laser expert and advocate at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. “Technology would support the development and possibly fielding of a 300 kilowatt or more solid-state laser within five years,” he told me. “Developing and integrating an SSL with a very high-altitude unmanned aircraft which would probably have to be designed from scratch would take longer, of course.”

“I think the most important point may be that MDA’s concept is not the ‘return of the ABL,'” Gunzinger went on. “MDA’s concept would take two maturing military technologies — unmanned systems and directed energy — and combine them to create a new weapon system that takes advantage of the attributes of both.”

Unlike a manned aircraft whose crew must land and rest, a drone can stay aloft for 24 hours or more. Unlike a chemically powered laser, or conventional missiles and guns for that matter, an electric laser can keep firing as long as the aircraft’s generators are running. A mid-air refueling both keeps the drone flying and “reloads” its ability to generate power for the laser. The combination of unmanned endurance and unlimited shots means a single drone could stay on station for days, instead of needing multiple manned aircraft to come and go in rotation.

What’s more, an electrical laser can dial its power up and down for different targets at different ranges. That would let the laser serve double duty, protecting the drone carrying it against enemy fighters and anti-aircraft missiles, Gunzinger said. It might even shoot down enemy aircraft at a distance, without having to wait to be attacked.

“Thinking of this as a ballistic missile killer may be too narrow,” Gunzinger said. If MDA can actually solve the boost-phase intercept problem, hard as that is, it will have built a laser-armed aircraft that’s lethally adaptable to other missions as well.
You nailed it buddy ;)

I could have asked anyone (from that thread) this question, but the reason I asked you, is because I want you to start thinking along those lines, whats the next logical step, how can we make this better, whats missing from the equation.

These fundamentals will not only help you with your career, but in personal life.

After all it's not everyday, that one gets to meet intelligent young people like you and @dexter :tup:
I think you gotta build a unmanned platform for such a system that can stay in the air for over 24 hours or more and you aren't worried about losing personal either.

I still think ABM is stupid and a waste of resources, but if we can get some partners for this who are facing a ballistic missile threat like South Korea,Japan,Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern partners, then it could work.
I think you gotta build a unmanned platform for such a system that can stay in the air for over 24 hours or more and you aren't worried about losing personal either.

I still think ABM is stupid and a waste of resources, but if we can get some partners for this who are facing a ballistic missile threat like South Korea,Japan,Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern partners.

There are already unmanned platforms, that can stay in the air for over 24hrs like the Predator.
I could have asked anyone (from that thread) this question, but the reason I asked you, is because I want you to start thinking along those lines, whats the next logical step, how can we make this better, whats missing from the equation.

These fundamentals will not only help you with your career, but in personal life.

After all it's not everyday, that one gets to meet intelligent young people like you and @dexter :tup:
And I'm extremely grateful I have the opportunity to talk and learn from people like you and other knowledgeable individuals here on PDF about military related matters. In the real world I can't talk about stuff like this like I do on PDF because there is simply no one I know personally who is interested in things like this to the extent that we are.

I think you gotta build a unmanned platform for such a system that can stay in the air for over 24 hours or more and you aren't worried about losing personal either.

The official endurance for the RQ-4 is something like 30 hours, so I could easily see them in 10 years building a large LO aircraft that could loiter near enemy airspace and take out a BM in boost phase.

In fact, I think we already have a candidate for a laser mount ;)

Northrop Grumman RQ-180 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Taken from wiki:

On 24 April 2001, a Global Hawk flew non-stop from Edwards in the US to RAAF Base Edinburgh in Australia, making history by being the first pilotless aircraft to cross the Pacific Ocean. The flight took 22 hours, and set a world record for absolute distance flown by a UAV, 13,219.86 kilometers (8,214.44 mi).

On 22 March 2008, a Global Hawk set the endurance record for full-scale, operational unmanned aircraft UAVs by flying for 33.1 hours at altitudes up to 60,000 feet over Edwards Air Force Base.

From its first flight in 1998 to 9 September 2013, the combined Global Hawk fleet flew 100,000 hours. 88 percent of flights were conducted by USAF RQ-4s, while the remaining hours were flown by NASA Global Hawks, the EuroHawk, the Navy BAMS demonstrator, and the MQ-4C Triton. Approximately 75 percent of flights were in combat zones; RQ-4s flew in operations over Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya; and supported disaster response efforts in Haiti, Japan, and California.

From 10–16 September 2014, the RQ-4 fleet flew a total of 781 hours, the most hours flown by the type during a single week. 87 percent of flights were made by USAF RQ-4s, with the rest flown by the Navy BAMS-D and NASA hurricane research aircraft
The Airborne Laser May Rise Again But It Will Look Very Different

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The Airborne Laser program can be tracked back to the Reagan years, and after billions in development dollars were spent and a custom-built 747 prototype was built, what was to be a super-weapon that could shoot down ballistic missiles over their countries of origination turned out to be a super-flop.

Now, with the drastic advances in laser capabilities over the last half decade, the Defense Department wants to resurrect the airborne laser, albeit in a very different form.

“In its previous incarnation, the AL-1 system consisted of a 747-400F with a huge laser turret grafted onto its nose that housed a massive adaptive optics mirror, which could focus the jet’s laser energy through the atmosphere.”

Inside the YAL-1 a series of SUV sized tanks filled with the chemicals needed to drive its Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL) lined its cargo bay. Eventually this complex and massive system would have enough chemicals onboard for 20 shots, and the 747-400 platform, known as the YAL-1 in testing, could be refueled in the air for long duration orbits near enemy territory.

Although the YAL-1 was an impressive looking weapon system, and on paper it seemed like an amazing capability to have, it never came near to achieving its design requirements and it was plagued with problems during testing.

In the end, it would have had to orbit too close to potential enemy ballistic missile launch sites to be effective, and even if greater effective range could have been achieved, a fleet of these huge aircraft orbiting continuously near enemy countries would have been prohibitively expensive.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said of the program:

“I don’t know anybody at the Department of Defense, Mr. Tiahrt, who thinks that this program should, or would, ever be operationally deployed. The reality is that you would need a laser something like 20 to 30 times more powerful than the chemical laser in the plane right now to be able to get any distance from the launch site to fire... So, right now the ABL would have to orbit inside the borders of Iran in order to be able to try and use its laser to shoot down that missile in the boost phase. And if you were to operationalize this you would be looking at 10 to 20 747s, at a billion and a half dollars apiece, and $100 million a year to operate. And there’s nobody in uniform that I know who believes that this is a workable concept.”


Now with the advancements in solid-state lasers, which are much smaller than their chemical cousins, and with development programs that are seeking to mount them on everything from AC-130 gunships to fighter aircraft, the Pentagon is looking at procuring a new airborne laser. This one would be unmanned and fly at much higher altitudes than its 747 grandfather.

A new Airborne Laser’s core mission would still remain largely the same as its predecessor: shooting down ballistic missiles, especially the medium and short-range kind, during their vulnerable and high-infrared signature boost phase. By placing such a system on a high-flying unmanned aircraft, it would be much less expensive to operate and it would have better endurance than a manned alternative.

Additionally, its laser would have better range due to having less atmosphere to fire its through via its higher operating altitude. There is also the possibility that such a system could be packed into a stealthy high-altitude, high-endurance unmanned aircraft. The system would be able to work inside enemy territory and could have other information, surveillance and reconnaissance roles to perform while also providing laser ballistic missile defense.

A stealthy, high-flying, long-endurance aircraft is said to be flying today out of Area 51. Known unofficially as the RQ-180, this aircraft could be a surrogate for a penetrating laser missile defense concept as described above.

The Missile Defense Agency is supposedly already experimenting with targeting systems on Reaper and Phantom Eye drones today and is now looking at fielding a low-power technology demonstrator by 2021, although it has no firm timeline to field a full power version at this time. Even under ideal atmospheric conditions, the power requirements for an operational system are very high: “hundreds of kilowatts to a one megawatt-class,” MDA director, Vice Adm. James Syring said. “We’re today at tens of kilowatts in the lab with the beam quality we’re after.”

They have a long ways to go, but power increases are happening at a startling level in the solid state laser world, with militarized systems approaching 75 kilowatts today.

Another huge hurdle will be making a usable system light enough to be deployed on a high-altitude unmanned system. The YAL-1 airborne laser generated a kilowatt of laser power per 55 kilograms of weight. That is why a 747 was needed. Today, electronic solid state lasers take about 35 kilograms per kilowatt, which may be acceptable for a cargo aircraft or a ground-based close in air defense system. But the Pentagon wants to cut this weight to kilowatt ratio down by a factor of ten in order to be powerful enough and small enough to fit into a high-flying drone.

If fully developed, the potential of such a system is incredible. Not only could it shoot down enemy ballistic missiles during their boost phase hundreds of miles away, but it may also be able to disable aircraft and even very soft ground targets on demand from similar distances. Such a system may even be able to defend itself against potential missile and aircraft attacks, somethingwe know is already in the works today, albeit for medium and shorter-range engagement focused combat aircraft.

Because its laser would be electronically powered the drone could have a magazine only limited by the jet fuel it carries, with each shot costing tens of dollars, not thousands of dollars like a chemical laser or even hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars like traditional guided kinetic weaponry.

If such a laser that has to operate within the atmosphere could be realized, it opens the door for a similar system to be loaded onto a satellite, or even a small space plane. There it could zap and disable enemy satellites without causing clouds of space debris. In fact, a drone flying at 60,000 feet may be able to direct its laser upwards to disable low orbiting enemy satellites, alleviating the need to launch such a system into space at all.

If we have learned anything, the airborne laser concept is just too sweet of a fruit for the DoD not to nibble on, and after just a handful of years of being put into intellectual mothballs, it is no surprise that it is being dusted off and resurrected once again. This time though it actually sounds like the Pentagon has a shot at making its missile zapping dreams a reality.
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