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RESTO - Alternative Strategic Vision 2025 for the ECO.

Let's not forget that the success of any multilateral agreement depends on the level of commitment and seriousness of its constituent member countries. Not just ECO...all Muslim only agreements have done nothing beneficial rather created some false hopes (only the start, now none takes them seriously) and a good example is OIC... I mean what's the purpose of that dinosaur? it couldn't avoid invasion of the CRUSADERS in the middle east (Libya, Iraq, Syria) and Afghanistan...t failed miserably to stop war between Iran and Iraq, Yemen and KSA +UAE...
Name changes won't influence anything on ground ... other than just another name of the students to remember and write an essay on in exams..
Now that you're putting your thoughts - it's the first step. More are to follow Insha'Allah. It's always the darkest before the dawn. And, the direction is toward the light of the day, not the darkness of the night like 200-300 years back...

If these countries don't gang up, they're going get turned into surrogates.
I think they've been and are going through enough trials and tribulations so that they're burnt into a solid resolve...

For that you need movement , and now there is no sign of any movement
I think there is no matter how much nascent stage it is in. At the least, for a change the Turkish army has gone 30km inside Vilayet-i Sham, and the Pak artillery is pounding on the proxies inside Afganistan...
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