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Restaurant bill sparks deadly religious riot in India

This is just sad, and as always its not the rioters and instigators who dies, but its the innocent bystanders. RIP. When is our society going to mature and learn to live side by side peacefully. :frown:

Dhule Superintendent of Police Pradeep Deshpande said that Kishore Wagh, the owner of the Maratha Mutton shop — the eatery where the scuffle broke out — was arrested for inciting violence and causing damage to property and remanded in police custody till January 13.

Meanwhile, at the Macchi Bazaar chowk, where the eatery is located, people on both sides of the ‘border’ — as the intersection is known here — fear that peace will be difficult to come by in the town. According to the people of Dhule, who are not unknown to communal violence, the feeling of frustration, fear and loss that they witnessed in riots that paralysed the city in 2008 has returned.

“We don’t know whom to trust. We live right on the border with Hindu and Muslim families. Everything was fine between us, and suddenly this happened. We fled our house and ran to save our lives,” Gita Prajapati, a resident told The Hindu. Ms. Prajapati said her brother was badly hurt in the riot. “We don’t know who hit him. He has injuries on his face and hands.”

While more than 200 people, including policemen and members of the two communities were injured in the violence, six Muslim people died in the police firing, prompting Muslim leaders to allege that the police was prejudiced. As The Hindu reported earlier, houses of both Hindus and Muslims were gutted, and property was damaged. Members of the Muslim community have alleged that that the rioters indulged in arson and loot with the police support.

This prompted thirteen Muslim corporators on Thursday to threaten to resign if the government failed to institute a judicial inquiry into the incident. “We have demanded an independent judicial inquiry into the incident. The families of those who were killed also need to be given appropriate compensation. If the government fails to do so within a month, we will all resign,” said Feroze Lala of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).

The riot was sparked off by a brawl that started over the issue of paying a restaurant bill of Rs. 30. According to the police, two Muslim youths got into a fight with a Hindu restaurant owner over the issue. The owner hit the two, who went out and returned with a mob of over 50 people. The restaurant owner, too, had called people by then.

According to an eye witnesses who did not wish to be named, both the parties went to the Machhi Bazaar police chowk, but the police refused to register a complaint and asked them to resolve the matter by themselves. It was then that both sides started pelting stones at each other. The police arrived on the scene soon after, and was caught in the violence.

However, the account of what happened after this has contradictory versions. According to the police, the Hindus were largely quiet and the Muslim side of the mob was throwing huge stones and acid-filled glass bottles. PSI Bhaskarrao Pagar, who was at the scene when the incident happened, told The Hindu that policemen were getting injured in large numbers and it became difficult to control the mob. “That was the last option left with us at that time. If we had not taken the decision to start firing, the violence would have grown beyond limits. It is the best that we could do.”

Asked if the Dhule police acted in a biased-manner, DGP (Law and Order) Javed Ahmed said: “The use of force by the police will be looked into on a case to case basis. It is not right to jump to this conclusion only on the basis of causalities. If there is a need to increase sensitivity of the police over this issue, it will be done.” He added that he would probe the police’s role in damaging property and submit a report to the Home Ministry.

Social activist Avinash Patil however blamed fundamentalists in both the communities, as well as the failure of the administration, for the situation. “It was a minor incident. But there are have undercurrents of tension in the town for a long time. The police administration has failed to recognise that and keep it under control with preventive action,” he said, adding that there was a need to sensitise members of both the communities. “Young people of both the religious groups need to come together. There were some efforts made by NGOs after the 2008 riots, but they didn’t sustain. It is clearly not a priority for political parties.”

Dr. Arif Patel, lost his 17-year-old nephew Raees Patel in the riot on January 6, said the fact that the violence did not spread to other areas of the town was the only difference between this riot and the one in 2008 that claimed 11 lives. “People have understood the value of restraint. But have the police changed? Innocent people were attacked brutally,” he said.

In 2008, the riots spread to nearby villages, leaving the entire district burning. A total of 383 persons people were injured back then. One person out of the four injured in police firing had died.

“While the violence on Sunday was contained to the two kilometre area of Machhi Bazaar and Madhavpura, four hours of violence claimed six lives. The police could have definitely controlled the mob if they had arrived in time,” Dr. Patel said. “The perpetrators of 2008 have not yet been punished. How can we expect anything different now?” he asked.

Dr. Patel reiterated that none of the victims of the riot were the residents of the Macchi Bazaar area . “They were all going about their daily lives,” he said.

Raaes Patel had gone to the Bazaar to get chicken for his family. Ashim Shaikh was doing his daily work of delivering eggs to some shops in the area. Asif Ansari, 30, also went out for the weekly vegetable shopping. Imran Ali, 24, was a wireman who probably went to the chowk in search of work. Rizwan Shah, 21, went to buy plastic bags for his shop. Yunus Shah, 23, a daily wage labourer, was simply passing by the bazaar on the way back home.

“People who died were not connected to the incident at all. We will be happy if the police nab the actual criminals who started the riot. But what can we do if they kill innocent people in the name of justice?” Dr. Patel asked.
Pakistan hopes for that for the last 65 years.........what has happened ????

Also, dont forget the Tibetans in ur country has the same demand which u spoke abt....

Go blames th Brits when they made the partition. There should have been a muslim state and a hindu states and theBrits did that because they leave a perfect excuse to allow they and their deputy USA to step in to continue their colonization.
It won't be long before Muslims demand a separate country from the Hindus. India is screwed then. When the genie is out of the bottle it's impossible to put it back in.

Already happened in 1947...!....Now go and read the PROTOCOL on off topic posts on PDF.... @Protocol man!!!!!!
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Go blames th Brits when they made the partition. There should have been a muslim state and a hindu states and theBrits did that because they leave a perfect excuse to allow they and their deputy USA to step in to continue their colonization.

absolutely man... but why blame the brits.....we r d 1 2 b blamed.....gandhi nehru and jinnah.......d USA nd USSR did partition Germany after WWII......but what happened ??? dey unified....... we r d 1 2 b blamed not the brits.....
Dhule riots: 'Cops allowed minor incident to escalate into communal clash' - daily.bhaskar.com

New Delhi: The "communalism" of the "State machinery" allowed to escalate the communal violence in Dhule town of Maharashtra, alleged activists during a press conference here on Friday. The local police "systematically targeted Muslims" during the January 6 riots, in which six people were killed, they said.

A fact finding team comprising — rights activist Shabnam Hashmi from ANHAD, Dr Ram Puniyani of All India Secular Forum, Professor Apoorva Anand of Delhi University, Advocate Nihalsing Rathod of Human Rights Law Network and several others — visited the town to investigate the violence, the third in the region since 2008.

According to the interim report of the fact-finding team, the police allowed a minor incident to escalate into a riot-like situation. “They intervened very late. And when they did, they targeted only Muslims,” said Shabnam Hashmi.

As per testimonies collected by the team, the incident was triggered after a Muslim auto driver was beaten by the owner of an eatery in Macchi Bazar. “When the driver went to the police station to file a complaint, the officials were hostile and did not register his complaint, following which a mob gathered and people started pelting stones,” said Hashmi. “It was not a Hindu-Muslim issue, but the police only let the violence escalate,” she said.

The activists alleged connivance by the State machinery in the escalation of violence. “Why did it take the Chief Minister and the Home Minister nine days to visit the victims and order a judicial inquiry? There is a great sense of alienation and frustration among the Muslim community due to the callous response of the State,” Prof Apoorvanand said.

He said that the locals were afraid to even file a case. In the rare event of some victims gathering the courage to act, they were told by the police that a case had already been registered naming them as the accused and they could not, therefore, file a case.

He said fear within the community was so palpable that the victims refused to go to the civil hospital because riot victims in 2008 were allegedly beaten and driven away by some members of the majority community.

“The Dhule incident mirrors our society. If it is not taken seriously, the country will face a very severe struggle,” said Apoorvanand.

Speaking on this occasion, Dr Ram Puniyani said, “The incident shows the communalisation of the State machinery. The police launched an inhuman, one-sided attack on the members of the minority community.”

H said, "A total of 151 police personnel were taken to the hospital on January 6 of which 133 were discharged immediately, and all cases were described as minor."

“When we checked the medical records of the victims, we noticed that the bullet injuries were above the waist in 90 percent of the cases. The police did not aim to disperse the crowd. It was targeted killing," said Dr Puniyani.

“It is time to put the police in the psychiatric couch to understand what makes them brutally attack the minorities,” said film director Mahesh Bhatt. “The mindset of the entire police force is contaminated and reflects a fascist attitude,” he said.

Watch our videos of police atrocities in Dhule, Maharashtra - Indian Express
Watch videos of police rioters in above link.

Six policemen arrested for allegedly vandalising homes during Dhule riots | NDTV.com
Six cops held for theft during Dhule riots
DHULE: Six policemen were arrested on Friday on charges of theft and breaking open a stall during the Dhule riots of January 6. While two of the policemen are constables, the other four are jawans from the State Reserve Police Force (SRPF).

Inspector Sanjay Patil of the Dhule city police station told TOI that the SRPF jawans have been identified as Liladhar Sonawane, Ganesh Patil, Chabulal Vende and D S Sonawane and the police constables as Jawahar Pawar and Yogesh Shinde.

"The six policemen have been arrested based on the inspection of video footage in which they are seen breaking open a stall and pulling down a pandal used by hawkers," he said.

Director general of police (law and order) Javed Ahmed confirmed the arrests. "Six policemen have been arrested today by the local police," he told TOI.

The six policemen, who were arrested under sections 380 (theft) and 461 (dishonestly breaking open receptacle containing property) of the Indian Penal Code, were produced in a local court late on Friday afternoon, Patil said. The court remanded them in police custody for a day.

The police are also looking for four local residents, who were seen in video footage allegedly looting a shop and damaging motorcycles and bicycles parked outside houses in the curfew-bound areas of the town.

"Three of them have been identified," Patil said.

Six people were allegedly killed in police firing and more than 200 others were injured in the violence that broke out at 2.30pm.

The violence, which continued for about two hours, was allegedly triggered after a small dispute broke out over the non-payment of a food bill at a food stall in the Macchi Bazaar area of the town.

The food-stall owner allegedly assaulted a youth who refused to pay the bill. The youth left the place but returned with some his friends, following which violence broke out.

A majority of the victims and relatives of those allegedly killed in the firing accused the police of being brutal and using excessive force. The government has announced a judicial probe headed by a retired judge.
Honestly Fanatic Muslim Jihadis ( who are small fraction of Muslim population) always needs to be shown their place every decade to make them realize that their Ancient ****** mindset wont work with India . Same goes for Hindu fundamentalist who are obsessed with re writing the history of India .
A fact finding team comprising — rights activist Shabnam Hashmi from ANHAD, Dr Ram Puniyani of All India Secular Forum, Professor Apoorva Anand of Delhi University, Advocate Nihalsing Rathod of Human Rights Law Network and several others — visited the town to investigate the violence, the third in the region since 2008.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...dly-religious-riot-india-2.html#ixzz2KOIMgSQq

There the Supreme Court chief justice Mrs.Shabnam Hashmi along with the Bench judges Ram Punyani and Apoorva Anand have passed their judgement. It's time we close the case. :cheers:

That fact dozens of police were injured in mob attacks and some were even fired upon does not matter. It is all false and can be omitted.
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