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Residential building collapses in Mumbai


Feb 12, 2013
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At least two killed and 20 feared trapped under rubble after building in Indian city collapses amid heavy monsoon rains.

An apartment block has collapsed in the Indian city of Mumbai killing at least two people, with at least another 20 feared trapped inside, police said, on the second day of heavy monsoon rains in the city.

The collapse of the residential building on Monday evening also injured five people.

Children and elderly could be among those under the rubble.

Al Jazeera's Divya Gopalan, reporting from Mumbai, said there were at least 16 apartments in the building, and that there was a car showroom at the bottom floor.

Four diggers and a crowd of people were gathered around a high mound of rubble, which are the remains of half of the five-storey building that caved in, said an AFP photographer at the scene. The other half of the building was still standing.

"Rescue operations are on, but they are difficult due to the heavy rain," a police inspector in the Mahim neighbourhood, where the collapse happened, told AFP.

The accident comes two months after a seven-storey building collapsed on Mumbai's outskirts, killing 74 people and leading to the arrest of two builders and seven others in connection with the tragedy.

The collapse of the partially-finished building highlighted widespread shoddy construction standards in India, where huge demand for housing and pervasive corruption often mean cost-cutting and a lack of safety inspections.

Downpours on the first two days of the monsoon season in Mumbai have caused flooding, train delays and traffic jams across the city.

source: Residential building collapses in Mumbai - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
It should be allowed. Corruption probably allowed for the lax building codes and there was no enforcement. Corruption as an effect on defence....so anything related to corruption should allowed.
How about retarded women posting on PDF? should that be also allowed in the defense section or on the thread about crazy and weird stuff around the world. tells us since you just joined here , how the forum rules should apply :D

she Nisha reminds me of that old poster-- what was her name, who used to have Indian flags but always attacked India? She of course did not have the trailer park trash mouth on her like Nisha does.

Stop your personal attacks..... just because she does it does not mean you have to do it as well....

Besides...she looks like a he to me...A woman never uses the thrash language...
Not really. Monsoon has knocked the door well in time in India. First week of June it does reach until Maharashtra; so it has lashed out. Don't know particularly about Pakistan. But presuming monsoon behaves in similar pattern to northern India, it (Pakistan) must be looming under sweltering heat and humidity. Its still some more time to establish foothold there.

yup... but I meant more so about the global weather patterns... it is changing - getting harsher and more frequent super storms
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