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Republicans in Northern Ireland look to Taliban for weapons


Feb 1, 2010
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United Kingdom
Taliban-inspired technology is boosting the capacity of dissident republicans to wage war against the security services, with the discovery of advanced weaponry never seen before inNorthern Ireland, Independent on Sunday can reveal.

The degree of technical sophistication is "unprecedented", and experts are warning that it is part of a worsening picture that could include a sustained bombing campaign.

Police managed to foil an attack which had been planned in South Armagh using what the Police Service for Northern Ireland (PSNI) described as two "mortar type" devices. Dissident republicans had planned to bring down a helicopter using the rocket launchers, which took army bomb disposal experts three days to examine.

In the wake of the discovery, security sources approached Democratic Unionist MP Jim Shannon with their concerns. The weaponry, found in August, was unlike anything seen in Northern Ireland before. It is understood that it could be detonated remotely using an infrared laser - a tactic used by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

"This is a different level of terrorism. When it comes to the sophistication, when it comes to the technological detail, these are things that have never been seen in Northern Ireland," said Mr Shannon.

He said the "deeply worrying" discovery confirmed that there are links between people in Afghanistan and Pakistan and those that made the bomb and mortar attack weapon in Cullyhanna.

The Northern Ireland Office, PSNI and ministry of defence declined to comment. But one security expert, who would not be named, said: "There is information to suggest it had an infrared detonator. There is a genuine anxiety about this."

Independent MP Patrick Mercer, a former army officer who has served in Northern Ireland, speculated last night that another possibility was that military personnel who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq may be responsible for passing on details about the technology. "I have heard about this. This is all to do with light-sensitive devices," he said. "But of course it's no more or less than the fact that they've got people coming back from Afghanistan who have served over there who are able to pass on this expertise. There are many Irishmen serving in all branches of the services. It's not unknown for loyalties to be split."

Speaking under condition of anonymity, a senior military figure who commanded troops in Northern Ireland, admitted: "It is almost inevitable that 'leakage' of military skills from 'us' to 'them' happens over time and is disturbing and definitely of concern to the hierarchy."

But it is possible that "information exchange" between dissidents and the Taliban is taking place, according to Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan. "We did see in the past co-operation between Islamist extremists in the Middle East and the Provisional IRA."

Earlier this year The IoS revealed how dissidents are using armour-piercing horizontal mortars similar to those used by the Taliban.

There is a "growing sophistication in terms of capability" and the ranks of the dissidents are being swelled by former Provisional IRA members who have lost patience with the peace process, according to Professor Richard English, a terrorism expert at the University of St Andrews. He said: "Given the capacity which seems to be emerging from the dissident republicans, it would be surprising if there were not more fatalities in the near future in Northern Ireland. The conditions are there for a sustained, occasionally very lethal, republican bombing campaign."

There have been big advances in the skills of dissidents in the past few years, and they are winning support due to a strategy of low-level vigilante attacks, according to Professor Andrew Silke, director for terrorism studies at the University of East London. The threat is being "downplayed" in Britain, and "as a result people are unaware how bad it's getting and the direction it's going", he added.

Recent activity by dissidents includes an attempt to blow up a 150lb bomb in Belfast city centre last Sunday. Earlier this month, a former police officer and his 12-year-old daughter were targeted when a booby-trap bomb was placed below his car in County Down. It was one of more than a dozen attempted bombings across the province in recent weeks.

Republicans in Northern Ireland look to Taliban for weapons - The Times of India
Report regarding Ireland on The Times of India. What can be expected?
What is this ? Irish freedom movement ? :o:

Irish freedom movement is long dead. But yes! some fringe IRA elements are still active, trying re-ignite the movement.

Coming back to the topic... looks like Talebans will venture into not just exporting terrorism.. weapons too!
Ok, so an indian website copy and paste information from another website to fill the space.
We have only one Taliban which is TTP and their branches. Don' know if they are talking about Afghani Taliban or anyone else.

i guess they are more focused on the one which is in afghanistan
Its like Taliban might bring fight in UK's own backyard.
Ok, so an indian website copy and paste information from another website to fill the space.
We have only one Taliban which is TTP and their branches. Don' know if they are talking about Afghani Taliban or anyone else.
guess the afghan one
Report regarding Ireland on The Times of India. What can be expected?

Faisla, there is a rule of thumb you should consider- Look before you leap and look silly. I guess in your rush to make an anti indian comment, you were not aware that news agency(s) aggregate news from other agencies. The article was from Jonathan Owen,The Independent that Times just republished .
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Ok, so an indian website copy and paste information from another website to fill the space.
We have only one Taliban which is TTP and their branches. Don' know if they are talking about Afghani Taliban or anyone else.

All international news agencies aggregate news from other sites. It is not done to fill space rather done to aggregate local news to inform their readers. You see-no single agency has reporters in every country, every state, every city. That is why this is an age old practice.

again, my advice to you is, always look before you leap or as in this case avoid rushing to make silly assumptions. This is an international practice not an Indian new sites practice only.
Ok, so an indian website copy and paste information from another website to fill the space.
We have only one Taliban which is TTP and their branches. Don' know if they are talking about Afghani Taliban or anyone else.

You would if you had taken the trouble to read the article instead of posting childish comments.
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