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Republican congressman says he's taken a photo with an enemy corpse

Jun 15, 2016
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Washington (CNN) — California Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter acknowledged Saturday that he posed for a photo with a dead enemy combatant while serving in the US Marine Corps -- arguing that many service members have done the same in an attempt to defend a Navy SEAL chief who is facing charges that could constitute war crimes.

Hunter, who won reelection in November despite facing indictment on federal corruption charges for an alleged misuse of campaign funds, has been a vocal supporter of Edward "Eddie" Gallagher, a Navy SEAL who faces a slew of accusations connected to violations of military law while he was deployed to the Iraqi city of Mosul in 2017.

Among the accusations against Gallagher are that he stabbed and killed a wounded person, shot at noncombatants, posed for a photo and performed his re-enlistment ceremony next to a corpse, according to a charge sheet from November.


Related Article: Lawyer for Navy SEAL accused of war crimes also works for Trump Organization

Gallagher has pleaded not guilty.
During a town hall in his district Saturday, Hunter told his constituents that he too posed with a dead combatant but did not post the photos to social media, according to the San Diego Tribune.

"A lot of us have done the exact same thing," Hunter said, referring to US service members in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the paper. Hunter, himself, served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hunter also called the military justice system "corrupt" and said it is run by lawyers who target "war fighters."
The congressman's office did not immediately respond to CNN's request for comment.

Ammar Campa-Najjar, who was Hunter's Democratic opponent in 2018 and is running against him again, put out a statement from Chris Dalton, a Marine Corps Veteran, who like Hunter, served in Iraq.

"As a proud veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom (the same war in which Duncan Hunter fought), I am greatly disappointed by Congressman Hunter's recent comments about his own conduct in Iraq," Dalton said in the statement. "American military tradition, American values, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice demand that we be better than the actions he spoke about from that stage."

Earlier this month, Hunter said he was planning to ask President Donald Trump to pardon Gallagher if he is found guilty, citing new combat footage from a helmet camera.

Hunter's office said last week that the congressman hadn't spoken to Trump about a pardon for Gallagher, but "is hopeful that President Trump does take this action, it certainly is warranted."
The Justice Department pardon office asked the US military for case files for at least two US service members accused of premeditated murder, including Gallagher and Army Maj. Matt Golsteyn, three US officials told CNN last week.

Trump confirmed on Friday that he is considering pardons for several service members who are accused of committing war crimes, but said he may wait until "after the trial" to make a decision.

"So we're going to take a look at it. I haven't done anything yet. I haven't made any decisions. There's two or three of them right now. It's a little bit controversial. It's very possible that I'll let the trials go on and I'll make my decision after the trial," the President told reporters at the White House.

To put these war crimes into perspective listen to this:

This American decorated soldier brags about killing women, children and elderly minding their own business. They stand next to their victims and take snaps. They dismember their body parts and keep them as trophies. They admit their guilt and hatred for Muslims and want to walk in freedom.
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revolting ...violating their own laws and being proud of it! :tsk:

Worst part, Donald Trump is going to pardon war criminals.

It is not very hard to understand why the US doesn't want to recognize any international court or body where its soldiers can stand trial.
Edward "Eddie" Gallagher is an evil POS, who shot children coming from school and pensioners. Had his unit not spoken up and reported his crime he would have been a free man in the US and basked in the glory of other vets....
Edward "Eddie" Gallagher is an evil POS, who shot children coming from school and pensioners. Had his unit not spoken up and reported his crime he would have been a free man in the US and basked in the glory of other vets....

Let due process complete first. His unit did speak up.
Yes, but the evidence is damming on him. I did state clearly his unit did come forward something they should be commended for, even when people were not willing to listen.

All correct, but let us wait for the due process to complete. For every one bad soldier, there are hundreds upon hundreds of good ones too, in any military. That is why civilized societies have justice systems that prescribe due processes.
All correct, but let us wait for the due process to complete. For every one bad soldier, there are hundreds upon hundreds of good ones too, in any military. That is why civilized societies have justice systems that prescribe due processes.

Look at him. Not a word of condolence for the victims. He is hell bent on defending war criminals.

Just wait till your orange president pardons war criminals. I will ask you about due process.

You are not civilized. You are barbaric. Killing innocent bystanders for fun and taking snaps with corpses. That might be civilized in your part of the world.
All correct, but let us wait for the due process to complete. For every one bad soldier, there are hundreds upon hundreds of good ones too, in any military. That is why civilized societies have justice systems that prescribe due processes.

Yes I've met plenty of serving US troops and vets who are very nice folks, he has been bought to trial because of such men in the military.
The worrying thing here is that Trump is considering a pardon, and that the conservatives are rallying around him and touting him as a hero.
Yes I've met plenty of serving US troops and vets who are very nice folks, he has been bought to trial because of such men in the military.
The worrying thing here is that Trump is considering a pardon, and that the conservatives are rallying around him and touting him as a hero.

It is all in the open. This latest testimony is shedding light on how deeply rotten the US army is.

Just have a look at this statement:

"A lot of us have done the exact same thing," Hunter said, referring to US service members in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the paper. Hunter, himself, served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hunter also called the military justice system "corrupt" and said it is run by lawyers who target "war fighters."
Makes you like these remnant of the American people:




These true Americans would protest at funerals of goon soldiers that were part of the murder of millions of Muslim civilians over fictitious WMDs.

Remember the entire chain of command refused to do anything to reprimand the devil solider that shot girls and other children for sport.

I went to school with a Gallagher that shot cats for sport. That Gallagher would joke and laugh about rape. And its brother was worse.
It is all in the open. This latest testimony is shedding light on how deeply rotten the US army is.

Just have a look at this statement:

"A lot of us have done the exact same thing," Hunter said, referring to US service members in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the paper. Hunter, himself, served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hunter also called the military justice system "corrupt" and said it is run by lawyers who target "war fighters."

He’s delusional to think it’s a big con against them.
"A lot of us have done the exact same thing," Hunter said, referring to US service members in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the paper. Hunter, himself, served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Gallagher would sniper civilians for sport, those around Gallagher don't know how many Gallagher murdered, but they assume it could be dozens.

The Californian 'representative' says of the goons that are mercenaries in the worst terror group in the world, 'a lot of us have done the exact same thing.' Speaking in defense of Gallagher.

Then the 'armed forces of Amerika' are worse than ISIS and Al Qaeda combined.

No wonder the civilian deaths in Iraq are well over 1 million.

Iran would be wise to list the crimes of Gallagher in a leaflet and publish the statements of this fake "legislator" next to them as a alarm to Persians what may be next for them. Conscript the entire male population of Persia and take notes from the Vietnam War.

Amerika has no value on the word civilian, these individuals are terrorists of the lowest order.

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