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Reports of Noshki FC HQ under attack

There is a large difference between insurgencies of TTP and Balochs. The later has a strong ethnic element and it is as old as Pakistan is. It raises it's head time and again. First peak was in 1970s. This need to be tackled very carefully, otherwise it can go totally out of hand. I believe that our Establishment is on right track. While countering the insurgency, we can't alienate a large populace. Since, the operations have to be calibrated carefully, we will have to bear larger number of casualties. Clean-sweep type operations would be counterproductive.
This kind of thinking is far too nuanced for most on here.
There is a large difference between insurgencies of TTP and Balochs. The later has a strong ethnic element and it is as old as Pakistan is. It raises it's head time and again. First peak was in 1970s. This need to be tackled very carefully, otherwise it can go totally out of hand. I believe that our Establishment is on right track. While countering the insurgency, we can't alienate a large populace. Since, the operations have to be calibrated carefully, we will have to bear larger number of casualties. Clean-sweep type operations would be counterproductive.
Having said that, we need to update equipment, support, and tactics. APCs, body armor etc.
I believe that our Establishment is on right track.

Right track like not sending aerial support for soldiers surrounded for 5 hours or for not naming out countries directly involved in supporting insurgency or by not able to detect presence of 20 terrorists or suicide attackers before the attack happened in small towns like Noshki or Panjgur

That is the "right track" to you???
It's not just LUMS bro.

It's shirazis, mirs, safis, cheemas, naya daur, faiz esa, kakars, gorayas, nooranis and the likes that need to be eliminated.
All these people have in common is support certain political party and terrorists. Isn't this the same group advocating for the heart patient in London? PTM? BLA? An eye opener for what they want?

From dawn leaks to afghan ambassador daughter to manzoor pashteen to missing persons. Which are the characters involved?

The pattern is very clear.
where is pashteen these days though? :sarcastic:
Once again, thanks to SSG that these bastar.ds were dispatched to hell. SSG were as usual efficient and lethal.

However, such terror attacks will continue and our soldiers will continue to die because the real terrorist Supporter India is not being taken to task.
Don't think SSG was involved. FC men took care of them themselves. Had it been hours long hostage situation than special commandoes would had been dispatched as well.
Operations would displace the local population and innocents would lose their homes, livelihoods, businesses and lives. They would be counter productive in that they would risk alienating the local population and would potentially act as a recruiting sergeant for the insurgents by making it look and feel as though they were under attack from an enemy force.
These things have to be very carefully thought out, planned and executed.
We have to be careful we don't use a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

Operations are done when terrorists hold lands, what the need is to further improve the intelligence network and string of IBO and further precise hits against high value targets. These filths are cannon fodder go for the nervous system.

Go after their support structure and media wing, weed out the traitors hiding in plain sight. This is the war that needs to be fought not just with bullets but with effective media management and narrative.

This is why I say Gen Asim Bajwa and Asif Ghafoor were the most underrated DGISPR in our history, especially gen Asim Bajwa who rewamped the DGISPR office. They knew the science of this war.

Anyone who thinks that the major funding for these proxies terrorist organizations is spent on this disposable cannon fodder is mistaken greatly it is spent on social media influences and so called presstitutes and the so called animal rights organizations.
Have to say the main player here CHINA MUST BE ABSOLUTELY FUMING at the almost daily security Failures of Pakistan's Military leadership. These people can fool the idiotic awam of Pakistan by their daily topi dramas, but they cannot fool a Superpower like China, who must be extremely disappointed by all these failures.
They made Pak take back the first statement on attack against Chinese engineers that it was an accident. And even cough up 11M USD in compensation.

Can’t make a fool out of them.
The good guys have to succeed every time, the bad guys only have to succeed once.
It doesn't mean nothing is being done.
It's a numbers game.
True, but if Army is under constant threat, that calls for a operation... there are no isolated incidents, well organized/Planned Attacks is what Army is facing, and its happening from 2 years now as the security situation is worsening by the day, even Chinese engineers are getting targeted in recent time and yet we haven't launch a Operations, there are no major Operations in KPK right now, yes army is stretched but national security is also important, Balochistan is important due to CPEC and any future Chinese investments.
Operations would displace the local population and innocents would lose their homes, livelihoods, businesses and lives. They would be counter productive in that they would risk alienating the local population and would potentially act as a recruiting sergeant for the insurgents by making it look and feel as though they were under attack from an enemy force.
These things have to be very carefully thought out, planned and executed.
We have to be careful we don't use a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
Didn't we go through that phase when we launch Rahe Rast, Rahe Nijat , Raad ul Fasad , Zarb-e-Azb ? remember Tribal IDP's ? and their return to their homes ? FATA was far more populated than Balochistan, I am sorry but its a poor excuse not to launch a Operation, And who is saying don't plan ahead for a operation ? Operations are not launched out of the dark, Army should've started planning for a massive operation long time ago, they should be prepared for the time to come and they go gun blazing, there is always a red line which must not be crossed but where is that Red line ? Army let TTP grow in FATA and later it become a haddi in their own throat, now they are doing the same thing with BLA, letting them grow and using the videos of dead soldiers and successful attacks that will bring them more funds, recruits and coverage. As for the sledge hammer for a nut, that small nut has killed 15+ soldiers in last couple of days.
pasheem/PTM is finished even before Aug 15 though Talibans take over was final nail in the coffin for them. Mohsin dawar has made his own political party so in 2023, he will officially part his way from PTM.
they don't deserve to be in the parliament though... a bullet in the head solves everything!

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