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Report: Israel tells U.S. it would act to save Jordan from Islamists


Mar 1, 2012
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Report: Israel tells U.S. it would act to save Jordan from Islamists - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Israeli diplomats have told their American counterparts that Israel would be prepared to take military action to save the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan if it came under attack by jihadist militants, the Daily Beast reported on Saturday.

The threat posed to Jordan by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) which has already taken over wide swathes of Iraq and Syria, is of deep concern to the Obama administration and was the subject of a confidential briefing by administration officials to senators last week, according to the online news site.

The chief concern is that an attack on Jordan would inevitably drag Israel and possibly the United States into the fighting.

“Jordan could not repel a full assault from ISIS on its own at this point,” one senator was quoted as saying. Jordan "will ask Israel and the United States for as much help as they can get.”

The Daily Beast quoted Thomas Sanderson, co-director for transnational threats at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, as saying that both Israel and the U.S. view the survival of the Jordanian monarchy as a paramount national security objective.

“I think Israel and the United States would identify a substantial threat to Jordan as a threat to themselves and would offer all appropriate assets to the Jordanians,” he said.

“It’s impossible to rule out boots on the ground from Israel or the United States, but that is the least likely scenario. Amman would have to be under siege for that to happen,” he said.

In the first signs of pro-ISIS sentiment in Jordan, demonstrators in the desert city of Maan unfurled the black battle flags of the al-Qaeda-inspired extremist group on Friday and shouted anti-government slogans, the Washington Post reported.

“Down, down with Abdullah,” the demonstrators shouted, referring to King Abdullah II, a close U.S. ally, who is widely viewed as a moderate in a country considered an oasis of stability in the Middle East.

Abdullah’s government has put the country’s Border Guard on alert, following the ISIS surge in Iraq. Troops along Jordan's 125-mile frontier with Iraq have been reinforced with additional tanks and armor to thwart any move into Jordan by the ISIS militants.

Dana Daoud, a spokeswoman for the Jordanian embassy in Washington, was quoted by the Daily Beast as saying that the country’s military and security forces were fully capable of meeting the ISIS threat.

“We are in full control of our borders and our Jordanian Armed Forces are being very vigilant,” she said. “We have taken all the precautionary measures. So far, we have not detected any abnormal movement. However, if anything threatens our security or gets near our borders it will face the full strength of our Jordanian Armed Forces.”

Jordan is a close ally of the U.S. and one of only two Arab countries (the other being Egypt) living in formal peace with Israel. After U.S. forces lost access to Iraqi military bases in 2011, Jordan emerged as the most important base for the CIA in the region. Moderate Syrian rebels are currently being trained by the CIA from bases inside Jordan.

On Thursday, the White House asked Congress to authorize an additional $500 million for military training and equipment for those opposition forces.


What good friends Jordan has :smitten:
Israel needs some of Jordanian land.

They will get it.

Good point, it would also serve as an excuse for Israel to annex the West Bank. For the water resources along the Jordan river area.

Of course the US/Israel are always 'committed' when it comes to land grabbing and resource seizing measures. Which proves that the US policy remains that of one which props up Israel and advances its interests at the expense of the Palestinian people.

So much for 'honest broker'.

I hope the PA realizes this soon so we Palestinians can put this plan to an end.
Good point, it would also serve as an excuse for Israel to annex the West Bank. For the water resources along the Jordan river area.

Of course the US/Israel are always 'committed' when it comes to land grabbing and resource seizing measures. Which proves that the US policy remains that of one which props up Israel and advances its interests at the expense of the Palestinian people.

So much for 'honest broker'.

I hope the PA realizes this soon so we Palestinians can put this plan to an end.

I said this in 2010.

The whole premise which all of us have failed to understand is - The Day of Judgement - It has to come. Meaning the scenario has to be laid out that way.

I have a different opinion. The mass slaughter is a consequence of designing the events. Prophets and Saints have all told us what will happen. Meaning it HAS to happen.

Can you blame people for it?

The Earth was made to be destroyed. Does that mean the sequence of destruction was written too?
I said this in 2010.

The whole premise which all of us have failed to understand is - The Day of Judgement - It has to come. Meaning the scenario has to be laid out that way.

I have a different opinion. The mass slaughter is a consequence of designing the events. Prophets and Saints have all told us what will happen. Meaning it HAS to happen.

Can you blame people for it?

The Earth was made to be destroyed. Does that mean the sequence of destruction was written too?

I agree with you, the end days aren't going to come unless of all this happens. It's hard to explain this to some of our fellow secular brothers. Which is why they are very shocked at the state of the Muslim world with some exceptions. It leads to a lot of misunderstandings and resentment towards religion.
I agree with you, the end days aren't going to come unless of all this happens. It's hard to explain this to some of our fellow secular brothers. Which is why they are very shocked at the state of the Muslim world with some exceptions. It leads to a lot of misunderstandings and resentment towards religion.
A Quran Verse : Man will bring the destruction with his own hand. Imagine nuclear weapon on this earth, enough to destroy this earth 3 to 4 times.
A Quran Verse : Man will bring the destruction with his own hand. Imagine nuclear weapon on this earth, enough to destroy this earth 3 to 4 times.

Mankind has already brought enough destruction. I've witnessed an conventional assault before and it is brutal. Unfortunately, mankind is fixated on achieving their goals through violent means. So we have to come to the realization that restoring our rights will come violently.

but talk of something new....swords are old fashioned these days....:P

You live by the biryani you die by the biryani. :lol:
that's michael jordan and kim kardashian israel's been talking about
ISIS will die in the desert where they belong. They will be liquidated before reaching Jordan proper.

there is no need to reaching Jordan , ISIS thugs were trained in Jordan and I'm sure some of them are there ...
You Iranis have achieved nothing against ISIS in Iraq.

Pathetic. All the talk about how great your power is, yet you can't take care of a few desert ragheads :omghaha:
I'm a desert dweller myself and i can tell you with certainity that iran doesn't really want to achieve anything against either iSIS or iSIL , not that i'm connected to the centers of power in iran , but it's just my gut feeling that iran is not really taking iSIS seriously , haha , now if israel wants to deal them a blow , you're more than welcome , by me or any other major muslim power , even saudi arabia :lol: ;)
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