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Report: Hamas Chief Khaled Meshaal arrives in Riyadh

According to some reports Khaleed Meshaal has arrived in Riyadh after invitation from King Salman. The invitation was mentioned in various reports earlier:

Mashaal invited to Saudi Arabia, Hamas says - The Times of Israel



Any info on this visit?
just heard about it from you.. il check for a reliable source. if its true it would be very interesting to know what went on during the meeting.
but as usual not a lot of news come out of those meetings
just heard about it from you.. il check for a reliable source. if its true it would be very interesting to know what went on during the meeting.
but as usual not a lot of news come out of those meetings
bro but no kidding i like you as a person, also alhassan and others as a matter of fact the only saudi member i dont like is juba because he is not very nice.so dont be offended ;)

Anyway ts interestinh to see hamas is moving in tjis direction
bro but no kidding i like you as a person, also alhassan and others as a matter of fact the only saudi member i dont like is juba because he is not very nice.so dont be offended ;)

Anyway ts interestinh to see hamas is moving in tjis direction

Iranians hate Hamas, why should they be concerned of which direction it's going? I thought we had that argument not too long ago. :pop:

On a serious note, Hamas isn't like Hezbollah where political branch makes decisions. Armed wing makes decisions in Hamas irregardless of what political wing wants. If there is any ties with an Arab nation, conditions of disarmament is off the table. For two reasons:

1. Land of Palestine is referred to by God as 'Ard Al Ribaat', go ask shiekh why and what it means. And then you'll see how it's related

2. Armed wing knows interests of our people better than anyone else, and they are familiar with history of conflict and won't repeat any fatal mistakes Fatah made.
Iranians hate Hamas, why should they be concerned of which direction it's going? I thought we had that argument not too long ago. :pop:

On a serious note, Hamas isn't like Hezbollah where political branch makes decisions. Armed wing makes decisions in Hamas irregardless of what political wing wants. If there is any ties with an Arab nation, conditions of disarmament is off the table. For two reasons:

1. Land of Palestine is referred to by God as 'Ard Al Ribaat', go ask shiekh why and what it means. And then you'll see how it's related

2. Armed wing knows interests of our people better than anyone else, and they are familiar with history of conflict and won't repeat any fatal mistakes Fatah made.
Im happy for you guys
Some serious reshuffle is underway...

Don't be so optimistic yet. Hamas has been making pleas to Arab world for a while now. However, all have been rejected. And instead Egypt declares Hamas terrorist organization and does security cooperation with Israel also contributes to siege of Gaza. With the regime in Egypt, Arab world will always be one hundred years back. This is possibly why Saudi Arabia told Egypt recently to reverse ruling against Hamas. With Egyptian regime in power, no possible Arab Sunni alliance can come to fruit. Until they learn to discipline the regime in Egypt which is acting as barrier to Arab unity.

Another point, is the arms of the Palestinian people can't be taken away. The Arab has come to accept that as a reality. And they also realize Iran plays that role to show people of the region that it will take that honor. It would be interesting to see if Arab world takes that honor away from Iran. It would hurt Iran's reputation badly. But, I don't know what's on mind of King Salman. Maybe he really wants change but has trouble influencing Egypt in this matter. The arrogant Egyptian people think the world revolves around them and that they are cradle of civilizations. Unfortunately their dumb, backwards people put the Arab world in dire situation. We will wait and see. If Saudi Arabia does want to have ties with Hamas, Egypt's reaction to could either make for a serious reshuffle in region or it could cause dramatic break in ties in Arab world which will only exhaust already existing Islamist/non-Islamist divisions. And everybody(Israel, Iran, West) will keep taking advantage of that.
It's in everyone's interest if Palestinians reach a peaceful resolution with Israel with help of SA.
It's in everyone's interest if Palestinians reach a peaceful resolution with Israel with help of SA.

The world has offered the Zionists a peaceful resolution for decades now. The Zionists have made it clear they reject it. The only solution is an armed struggle against them.

Don't give me BS that Arabs can't do it. It's not true at all, it's because direct orders from leadership that all Arab operations were halted. Palestinians can do it alone, problem is leadership in region doesn't want an independent Palestine for unknown reasons.
@Militant Atheist thanks.. as i told you i have nothing against the ppl of iran. in uni my friends were from iran. the problem is with the government and its foreign policy.

@Falcon29 first thing egypt must be stable whether you like it or not. a stable egypt means a better chance hamas and egypt can have peace and sit together. no one can get rid of the other. everyone has to calm down and thats what i think king salman plans to do.
after all the meetings king salman had. he announced his future plans. and Palestine was a top priority.

first thing egypt must be stable whether you like it or not. a stable egypt means a better chance hamas and egypt can have peace and sit together. no one can get rid of the other. everyone has to calm down and thats what i think king salman plans to do.
after all the meetings king salman had. he announced his future plans. and Palestine was a top priority.[/USER]

Hamas shouldn't have any relations with a coup pro-Zionist government. That has no relation to Egypt's stability neither did my previous post. Stability in Egypt is in hand of Arab world, but they don't want it. The only instability that can come to Egypt is from Israel, not fellow Arabs. You guys need to stop treating other Arabs as your enemies. There are no tensions between Egypt and Hamas. Hamas is calm, it's Egypt which is making false allegations because Jewish lobbyists in US made it condition on Egypt. So we either choose between Jews or Arabs. Before Salman, we chose Jews. And declared war on Muslim brotherhood which brought more chaos but also empowered Iran(Which Arabs claim to oppose). After Salman, he seems like he wants to change that. But small steps aren't going to. The Al-Sisi regime you support sympathizes with Assad. You can keep supporting him, just make sure it doesn't involve positions that don't have consensus.

If we want to continue playing game against MB. Then go ahead. And enjoy takeover of Bahrain by 'Farsis' or whatever you want to call them in couple years time. And by few years, Saudi Arabia will be next. You think I care so much about MB, I don't. I recognize they're part of solution to Arab world. And I want the best for Arab world. If Arab world doesn't change in next two years I won't give a shit after that. Enjoy what you produced. It will have no impact on us. We already hit bottom, our situation can't get worse than it already is
Let's hope KSA don't start funding palestinian terrorism again.

They have taken good steps recently to tackle extremism and be more balanced in Israel/Arab affairs.

Going back to supporting palestinian terror would be a mistake.

The Egyptian approach to Hamas is the best.
Let's hope KSA don't start funding palestinian terrorism again.

They have taken good steps recently to tackle extremism and be more balanced in Israel/Arab affairs.

Going back to supporting palestinian terror would be a mistake.

The Egyptian approach to Hamas is the best.

What will you do about it, bitch.
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