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Report: 30 Israeli Air Strikes hit Gaza Strip

I'm against that but it's only diplomatic, no weapons like the US or France.

I'm no neocon, they're the ones who started all this with their "democracy" agenda instead of backing non Islamist autocrats like Mubarak, Gadaffi, Saddam etc

We've had this discussion before, the neocon decision makers you reference are the same that pitched up unconditional support for Israel, anyway your views don't bother me, let's keep the thread without any flaming or unnecessary discussion.

I beg to differ, they can flatten Gaza in front of the World media and no one will blink an eye-lid and i think you know this. Unlike the poster @Steve781 from Britannia who's talking about ''Islamists'' and I've no clue who they are. Is this a cryptic way of saying we hate Islam but not Muslims?

You're over thinking it, the people around the world are not that bad, and that can't take place. Occupying a territory is not sustainable for anybody, we can see this example across the world. Especially that now, unlike the past, they face threats from equally powerful enemies, so the West or anyone you're implying is not going to dedicate resources away from their nations.

Your second point, probably is the case. I wouldn't take heed to it though, if you're Muslim and practicing, the world is a journey where God put's people through tribulations, and if you have your faith in him, nothing else matters, correct? Since the whole purpose of the world is submission/salvation. So I suggest to Muslims, there is no need to give concern to some people who have their minds decided.
Why don't they send infantry to conduct cleaner OPS in urban territory instead of dropping bombs, thought the IDF was so capable and professional. Just a leech on the US, they should be discarded if not for them neocons worshipping Jews.

Yes it the work of infantry and special force
Well they are cowards thats why
They will go in after they bomb **** out of gaza
They showing off with there f35 to gaza lol
You're over thinking it, the people around the world are not that bad, and that can't take place. Occupying a territory is not sustainable for anybody, we can see this example across the world. Especially that now, unlike the past, they face threats from equally powerful enemies, so the West or anyone you're implying is not going to dedicate resources away from their nations.

You're right vast majority of people in Christendom are good. I've read many stories about them and their care for the less fortunate, general humanity and love for justice. Unfortunately, you can't say that about Muslims. These times were prophesied (as'salathu was'salaam) about (generalization)...in the last days, Romans will be more just than our lands.

I also think you give humanity too much credit as well. I do read Christendom papers online and their is a deliberate campaign to demonize Muslims. For example; they never identify a criminals religion except if he's a Muslim. You live in Christendom, so you know best about the mood of the people. However, if you go online forums and read comments, it seems like they just want to butcher us, even though the story has nothing to do with religion; for example the Saudi woman runner. Just read the comments about Islam in there!
You're right vast majority of people in Christendom are good. I've read many stories about them and their care for the less fortunate, general humanity and love for justice. Unfortunately, you can't say that about Muslims. These times were prophesied (as'salathu was'salaam) about (generalization)...in the last days, Romans will be more just than our lands.

I also think you give humanity too much credit as well. I do read Christendom papers online and their is a deliberate campaign to demonize Muslims. For example; they never identify a criminals religion except if he's a Muslim. You live in Christendom, so you know best about the mood of the people. However, if you go online forums and read comments, it seems like they just want to butcher us, even though the story has nothing to do with religion; for example the Saudi woman runner. Just read the comments about Islam in there!

A lot of people here are slightly under middle class, and you find that they are just trying to get by day by day. The wealthier and more educated ones(not just Christians, Jews and others too) do seem to have an agenda against Muslims. I myself I'm not able to 100% decipher what it is, and I and you don't need to. As per Islam, per hadith and prophecy, what's required of you now, is to abstain from the civil strifes in your part of the world, as well as the societal trends, until further notice, ie the Mahdi. So if you do genuinely believe the prophecies and advice your Prophet gave, yes there is conspiracy, but try your best to be good in character and abstain from said, until further notice.

I know lots of Muslims think of the Mahdi as someone who will give victory to 1.6 billion Muslims, my perspective, from my religious studies(independent curiosity, I'm spiritual and like reading on all religions), is that the Mahdi should not be seen that way. Because as you said, as per my studies, the Muslims are in a bad state near the last years of their nation, and there will be no 1.6 billion that will support him. On contrary, a lot will oppose him, and he is also one of biggest 'fitnah' for Muslims, in sense that he will not appear to be what people expected, and it will mean many Muslims won't have incentive or reason to declare support to this person, and thus the door of repentance closes after his emergence. So he should be seen as a trial for all people, of whether they seek salvation or not, he should not be seen in sense that he will conquer lands for some people and make them powerful and wealthy and without struggle.

As per some scholars and interpretations(ijhtihads), many are eying 2017 as the year of his emergence. If he is real .... I don't know, and I'm not into setting dates for things. But as per my religious studies, I dismiss those who say it's still decades or a century away, as per my studies, it should happen within next few years. And I read all prophecies of all religions to try connecting dots(I am spiritual). So my advice to you, the relief is not far, and try relaxing, don't worry about numbers or media, remember your Prophet and his disciples were few in number, and he said Islam will began as strange again, and he also Muslims will be great in number, but like the foam of the ocean, so Islam being strange doesn't mean everyone will be atheist or not following Islam, on contrary, there will be many declared Muslims, but religion not understood and implemented as it should be. And I'll talk about this more with you over the coming year....
So he should be seen as a trial for all people,

Masha'Allah! You have could understanding of the din. I don't know if you've read Brazanji's classical text on the last hour as it's taught here in the Madaris. Yes, we all know his rahima'Allah coming is near, but we don't know when. The events have already started, Iraq, Sham, and Misr is next.

The remainder of your post i totally agree and that is what our Ulima ikram say; be good muslims and do the best you can. For those bhai jaan in Christendom reading this, be a true example as what a Muslim should be. Read Surah Al-Mu'minoon and read what Allah calls a believers. Let the non-Muslims see what Islam is in your actions and speech.
Earlier Israel claimed 1 rocket barely made it over the over from the Gaza Strip, and they responded hours ago:
This rocket landed in town of Sderot, few meters from civilian house. That was a clear escalation by Palestinians.

Funny how Hazzy who supports Assad barrel bombs is whining about Israeli surgical strikes which lightly injured 1 person.
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  • Monday, August 22, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • News
The Gaza target that Israel didn't hit

People are up in arms over Israel's largely symbolic airstrikes in northern Gaza yesterday - a reported 50 strikes that resulted in one minor injury.

Amnesty, for example, tweeted:

Most of the bombs, however, hit completely empty areas. Big bombs, targeting - desert.

It was symbolic. The entire point was to give a message that Israel holds Hamas responsible for rocket fire. It wasn't meant as an escalation - it was meant topreserve the status quo.

Hamas got the message loud and clear.

And the proof comes from one major target that would have been very easy for Israel to hit.

In southern Gaza Sunday evening, at the same time that Israel was bombing sand, Hamas held a major military parade celebrating the deaths of several major leaders killed two years ago during Protective Edge.

If Israel wanted to inflict damage, this would have been the place to do it:

Also, notice the UN vehicle passing by the Hamas parade.

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You need to finish them this time.
Another televangelist uttered their favorite word. Thankfully most Americans and most Europeans have a different opinion...

Why don't they send infantry to conduct cleaner OPS in urban territory instead of dropping bombs, thought the IDF was so capable and professional. Just a leech on the US, they should be discarded if not for them neocons worshipping Jews.
Israel has shortage of underwear and kotex

Islamists are wreaking havoc all over the globe from Europe to Africa to the Middle East to Southeast Asia. They need to get what's coming to them.
Really and who is behind them? If that was the case, there are over billion muslim, if the purpose of these terrorist handlers was the west , just think how long the west will hold!

I didn't say Muslim.I said Islamist. I expect Egypt to take Israel's side.
Sissi and his mercenary army will take Israeli side, but not the Egyptians! A little you know..

I'm no neocon, they're the ones who started all this with their "democracy" agenda instead of backing non Islamist autocrats like Mubarak, Gadaffi, Saddam etc
then how do you categorize, Sissi, Abdellah, and the GCC wren..? I guess the friend and allies of the WESTERN DEMOCRACIES..
Mubarek was a docile lapdog to everyone who throw him a treat. Sadam was a friend of the West, until he nibbled on Koweit, then he was demonized and killed, same for Kaddafy. Neither of them attacked the WEST, as the Sauds..with the Israeli coup de main.

Funny how Hazzy who supports Assad barrel bombs is whining about Israeli surgical strikes which lightly injured 1 person.
You were against them, how do you support the use of devastating bombs in Gaza? is it because Assad's bombs are backward make and Israel's sophisticated?

Also, notice the UN vehicle passing by the Hamas parade.

Is it only Israeli's entitled to have weapons and military rallies? Just like your people are trying to take the second amendment away from the American people, you're also trying to take the Palestinian peoples only security asset away from them, to prevent occupation of Gaza in case of Palestine, and to instill tyranny in case of America. And both are resisting your efforts, you will not succeed in Palestine, I know that for sure.

they shoot at us we must respond

Yeah, no, Israel already responded earlier, to tiny rocket not fired by Hamas. Then they did additional aerial raids unrelated to that incident. It was an offensive. And today Lieberman(Israeli Defense Minister) stated that Israel doesn't need excuse to attack Gaza and will attack soon anyway:

Lieberman of Gaza strikes: Don't expect us to allow Hamas to arm itself


Clearly indicating the additional aerial campaign that was unrelated to earlier incident was intended to send message that Israel will declare war on the enclave soon, that's an unprovoked threat, and Palestinians will have the right to respond to Israeli hostilities if they persist.

Also, Israel shells Gaza on almost daily basis, well before the small rocket was fired, so you're not and will never be 'responding' to anything until you learn to live with your neighbors in peace.
You were against them, how do you support the use of devastating bombs in Gaza? is it because Assad's bombs are backward make and Israel's sophisticated?
Only inbred Assad supporter calls precise attacks with 1 lightly injured "devastating bombs".

Thats exactly my point Assad supporters whine about precise bombs of Israel and supports Assad barrels and Putin's carpet bombs in same time.
why fire a rocket when you can not sustain retaliate ??????/

well,Imran Bhai..That question will show that you're still left with some sanity,thus,skipped.

According to the report....Rocket launched from Gaza exploded in Sderot (19K city pop). 14 rockets have been fired into Israel in 2016.

Can't really blame them for airstrike.

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