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Replacing the F-16: Will Pakistan’s Top Fighter Squadron Transition to Chinese J-10Cs?

Despite what people say M3/5 & F7's have no place in a modern air force. Do people even bother thinking how these antique aircrafts show up on radar? I'm sorry but a/c's older than me need to be replaced ASAP

As to your query, CAS are on record for saying "we will maintain first shoot capability", all I can say is that Blk52 is not what they had in mind.

In his speech yesterday FM Qureshi said k Chinese president going to come in Pakistan should we expect something then?
Unless we are in bhaktville or north korea, I dont see what the harm is in members trying to learn / express thier views in a civil manner.
There will be Chinese so called expert coming in and rediculing members who wish for something and thats where this goes to crap.
You replace a fighter jet with a better one not a inferior one..

F16s literally saved the day for us on 27 feb 19, the talks of replacing them with a chinese jet is ridiculous Imo, but we dont have any better options either, unfortunately..
You replace a fighter jet with a better one not a inferior one..

F16s literally saved the day for us on 27 feb 19, the talks of replacing them with a chinese jet is ridiculous Imo, but we dont have any better options either, unfortunately..


So it was not "the man behind the machine" that saved the day.

So it was not "the man behind the machine" that saved the day.

Just imagine 27feb air war without F16s in PAF inventory and you'd get the answer.

To me, man behind the machine is most significant only when there isn't much of a technological gap between the two airforces and on a level playing field.

if the technological gap is so huge then no man behind the machine can do anything beyond the limitations of the machine..
In his speech yesterday FM Qureshi said k Chinese president going to come in Pakistan should we expect something then?

There will be Chinese so called expert coming in and rediculing members who wish for something and thats where this goes to crap.

They make sense most of the time, unlike both our retarded neighbours!
Watch out this F 16

PAF also want similar capabilities in project AZM.

This capability will allow air forces in NCW environment to take out any airborne weapon.
You don’t even know what upgrades they got. Read my previous post. The airframe has a lot of life left in it because it was literally rebuilt and upgraded. The other AFs retired A/B because they decided not to upgrade them.

If Pakistan had good relationship with USA then we may have gone for SLEP upgrade which could add 4000 hours life to F-16 air frame which USAF chooses to go with.
You replace a fighter jet with a better one not a inferior one..

F16s literally saved the day for us on 27 feb 19, the talks of replacing them with a chinese jet is ridiculous Imo, but we dont have any better options either, unfortunately..
We must prepare to fight the next battle not the last battle. This op may be the last hooray of the F-16 in PAF service. PAF should continue to use the F-16's as long as possible. But I wouldn't expect much upgrades or any more advanced munition purchases going forward. This will limit them in PAF service

Chinese have advanced dramatically, their AESA is world class and their engines have improved as well. Latest versions of J10 and J11 are 4.5 generation AC, equal to or better then Rafale. Plus latest generation Chinese munitions may be the best in the world.
JF-17 block-03 will be masterpiece in aviation sector.
In many ways it is far better than many westerns as well as Chinese fighters, although it is a lightweight aircraft, No aircraft mach with block -03.
Even it can compete some medium weight fighters like F-16s block 60 Mig-35 & Gripen E due to its powerful radar and weapon package.
JF-17 block -03 will have best BVR missiles and WVR missile i-e PL-15 & Pl-10 missiles. We can integrate Turkish BVR and WVR missiles on it due to complete source code access.
Lot of new Turk air to ground and sea weapons package is also available.
Block-03 will have best of Chinese HMDS which they are using on J-20 & J-10C.
PAF is using Russian RD-93 engines since 2004 almost 20 years without any major issue just 1 smoke issue, which I know that they already solved it.
Bk-03 will used RD-93MA engine which is digitally controlled FADEC.
JF-17 thunder is also helping Chinese to learn PAF experience like they are testing same HUD on J-10C which we are select for bk-03 (wide-angle holographic HUD with a slimmer frame).
So why we spent money on similar technology which we already have.
I know some members are worry about Rafale edge. Yes Rafale is a highly capable aircraft but in air warfare every thing happend.
Remember 1 thing we have almost same knowledge of Rafale which Indians have. Our pilots already flew them. 2nd, they can't deployed all 18 fighters at a time against us.
Excellent versatile analysis ...Dr. Malik , USA
There are many black sheeps in this forum with name changes to western and Muslim name like Robert, Michael, Mohammad Khan etc etc.
Kindly be careful from all such anti-Pakistan, enemies in this form.
good to see u

members are not the only enemies we have
some are nato members trying to stick there nose where it isn’t belong
Just imagine 27feb air war without F16s in PAF inventory and you'd get the answer.

To me, man behind the machine is most significant only when there isn't much of a technological gap between the two airforces and on a level playing field.

if the technological gap is so huge then no man behind the machine can do anything beyond the limitations of the machine..


If no F16's then there would have been M2K's or Rafales in paf's arsenal.
It is high time that Pakistan replace all western weapon systems with Chinese and Russian ones.

JF-17 BLK3 is superior to F-16.
Sure, promote the removal of one thing that stands in the way :)
Kindly compare these three helmet mount sight system. This will validate my point that we do not need new Chinese fighter
JF-17 BlockIII_PL-10E.jpg

As early mentioned that JF-17bk-03 much more advance than J-10C (my opinion). It is a hybrid of J-10C and J-20.
It will have MAWS of J-10C and have the same weapon package of J-20, which even we did not see on J-10C.
Look at helmet of JF-17C which have closed resemblance to J-20. Which is 5th gen aircraft.
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