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Renowned infectious diseases expert Dr Rajendra Kapila, 81, dies of Covid-19

Where has Pfizer or any other vaccine claimed 100% protection from death?

Vaccines are supposed to drastically reduce the impact and pressure on the healthcare sector, and we are seeing that in many countries whether they have run a chinese vaccine program or a western one, or both. The severe cases have been reduced drastically.

I don't understand this politics of western media criticizing Chinese vaccines and vice versa. This is really not needed. Such news affect the vaccination programs because people start to think that vaccines carry no benefit.

We have to understand that an individual with many other conditions, there's a more chance of him dying from those rather than covid anyway. Vaccinated or not, chances of dying for such individuals increase after contracting covid. Still there's less chance of passing away if these individuals are vaccinated than not.
This is what I have been saying this covid hell will go on until 2030 and that vaccines are nothing more worth then the next crazy mutation
Sinovac has a 100% protection against deaths from the virus provided they take the jab 2 doses of 14 days apart.
The jury is still out on the vaccines. The general consensus is that the virus which originated in China is truly deadly.
The British vaccine is the strongest I think looking at figures of countries around the world .
how have the brits controlled the pandemic and are reporting single figure deaths and the country is going back to normal and opening up to the world while the rest has rising covid infections daily . I think because it’s cheap and supplied on a not for profit basis that it got a bad rep but looking at figures of new coronavirus cases around the world the British vaccine is giving the best results in keeping patients out of hospital and dying
Johnson and Johnson vaccine is also good rates better than Pfizer the Russian one I heard is too strong and the Chinese one is weakest of all and doesn’t protect you at all data from several countries has shown

Im going to take the Oxford AstraZeneca when I’m able and the one made in uk not the Indian copy as that’s not as effective as the uk produced one for some reason .
Where has Pfizer or any other vaccine claimed 100% protection from death?

Vaccines are supposed to drastically reduce the impact and pressure on the healthcare sector, and we are seeing that in many countries whether they have run a chinese vaccine program or a western one, or both. The severe cases have been reduced drastically.

I don't understand this politics of western media criticizing Chinese vaccines and vice versa. This is really not needed. Such news affect the vaccination programs because people start to think that vaccines carry no benefit.

We have to understand that an individual with many other conditions, there's a more chance of him dying from those rather than covid anyway. Vaccinated or not, chances of dying for such individuals increase after contracting covid. Still there's less chance of passing away if these individuals are vaccinated than not.
Vaccines can't save one from death.....

No one can escape death but vaccine will help you to fight against virus.
Its also not confirmed if any vaccine gives life long immunity.
I'm scheduled to get vaccinated and I think it'll probably be the Pfizer vaccine.

We have a large Indian population here in Canada that were allowed in thanks to the Liberals lax immigration policy and now we're all paying the price for it.

We really need a ban on all travel to and from India and the government needs to stop muddying this debate with their stupid bans on Pakistan to avoid hurting India's feelings.

No one can deny Modi did what he promised, he made India a superpower... at spreading Covid19 globally.

I'm waiting for Trump to start calling this the "Indian Virus"
No, Trudope should have had a blanket ban on non essential travel from day one but the pretty boy in Ottawa cares too much about his Indian/Pakistani/Sikh/Tamil votebase to think of the bigger picture.

And the lax immigration policy let in far far more undesirables than just Indians. Far far more. Canada was an amazing country when I moved here 17 years ago with genuine people, friendly and intelligent, but now the immigrants are rougher and the general Canadian population is far far dumber.

We have officially become Dumbfuckistan: Maple Edition.
From what I remember, the vaccines do not guarantee that you will not catch the virue, or transmit it. They just limit the effects of the virus on the individual.
Pfizer and others like it are just fast developed vaccine using short cuts, not surprising it failed again mutated covid 19 strains. Chinese vaccines are the best becuase they use the old time consuming method of vaccine development.
no. they developed very specific antigen expressing vaccine using mRNA , whereas China and India's own vaccine are mostly time tested technique of viral attenuation which may not be very specific but in scenario of rapidly mutating strains seems to be holding up very good. Both the techniques are very good.
Where has Pfizer or any other vaccine claimed 100% protection from death?

Vaccines are supposed to drastically reduce the impact and pressure on the healthcare sector, and we are seeing that in many countries whether they have run a chinese vaccine program or a western one, or both. The severe cases have been reduced drastically.

I don't understand this politics of western media criticizing Chinese vaccines and vice versa. This is really not needed. Such news affect the vaccination programs because people start to think that vaccines carry no benefit.

We have to understand that an individual with many other conditions, there's a more chance of him dying from those rather than covid anyway. Vaccinated or not, chances of dying for such individuals increase after contracting covid. Still there's less chance of passing away if these individuals are vaccinated than not.
1.8million people die annually from viral hepatitis. 3000-5000 children die every day due to malaria.
Since onset of corona and mass panic, annual flu deaths are forgotten. When the media wants you to panic, thats exactly what will happen because people tend to be sheep. They dont inform you of the importance of proper nutrition and lifestyle changes because if they empower you then you are no longer sheep.
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