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Renowned infectious diseases expert Dr Rajendra Kapila, 81, dies of Covid-19

You are in self denial.. Why the democratic civilized countries close the air border with India. Tell me? :enjoy:
Because of the spread of a Chinese pandemic. Read about it. :lol::lol:
Guess we will soon find out about Pfizer's effectiveness once the new Indian variant find its way to US shores, which inevitably will happen.

Lol. Nope, not in the democratic, civilized world.

you can catch a flight to Australia and see what happens...
Then why are they( civilized ,democratic ) no banning flight from China but you, India? :rofl:

You try to act smart but end up stupid. :lol:
Because currently the Chinese virus is spreading more in India. Read the news. :lol:
Guess we will soon find out about Pfizer's effectiveness once the new Indian variant find its way to US shores, which inevitably will happen.

you can catch a flight to Australia and see what happens...
Lol. You think flights are operating to Oz right now?
he died of a cardiac arrest, he was in his 80’s suffered from diabetes and heart disease.
Yes he caught COVID in India, but was breathing normally unaided by ventilator or oxygen.
Dude, do some research before posting crap again. Heart failure is one of the leading ways in which Covid kills.
Dude, do some research before posting crap again. Heart failure is one of the leading ways in which Covid kills.

read my earlier post carefully. Do you want me to dumb it down for you?

1. He was 83, diabetic with heart disease
2. he died of a cardiac arrest
3. he was breathing unassisted when he died
4. He did contract COVID
5. COVID may have caused the cardiac arrest. Since the disease is known to cause blood clots.

Out of 95 million fully vaccinated adults 74 have died of COVID.
The vaccine does not cure stupidity or nullify comorbidities.
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and the world is witnessing how friendly the Indian virus is, why don't you invite it to your home for dinner, but first arrange some oxygen cylinders the world is sending as aid

The jury is still out on the vaccines. The general consensus is that the virus which originated in China is truly deadly.
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