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Religious tolerance between Islamic ,Western world and Far Eastern countries



New Recruit

Aug 19, 2010
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From what i have observed , People from the East (Japan , China , Korean ,Vietnam) are far more relaxed , tolerant when it comes to religion . People from the East generally don't care much about religions . Moreover , they are very flexible with religious practices . They practice religion by mixing different beliefs . For example , In Japan , people often practice Shintoism and Buddhism at the same time , in China , Vietnam , Korea , people practice all sorts of religous beliefs combining Buddhism , Taoism , Confucianism ancestor worship .

In the West and muslim world , some petty things about about religions can make headlines across the world . I don't like the dogmatism and exclusiveness in theese Abrahamic religions ( Islam , Christianity , Judaism)
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Petty things like this are making headlines . Does it matter if Obama were indeed a muslim ?

New Poll: 1 in 5 Americans See Obama as 'Muslim'

Pew Research Center poll finds 18 percent of Americans wrongly believe President Barack Obama is Muslim

VOA News 19 August 2010
Photo: AP

A new public opinion poll shows 18 percent of Americans wrongly believe President Barack Obama is a Muslim.

The number of Americans with that mistaken idea has risen in the past year, although President Obama is a practicing Christian and has made many public statements about his faith.

The poll released Thursday by the Pew Research Center indicated that only 34 percent of people know the president is Christian. A larger number – 43 percent – say they are not certain what religion Obama practices.

The survey found that those who believe the President is a Muslim overwhelmingly disapprove of his job performance.

Mr. Obama's faith has long been the subject of Internet rumors. During his run for president, his detractors occasionally questioned the significance of his middle name "Hussein".

The new poll was conducted before the president came out to support the rights of developers to build a Muslim cultural center in New York near the site of the September 11 attacks.

Mr. Obama's opinion on the subject angered opponents of the cultural center who say it is offensive to build a Muslim site that includes a mosque so close to the scene of an attack by Islamist extremists.

The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan organization that gathers information about issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.

The Pew group conducts public opinion polling and social science research by analyzing news coverage and by holding forums and briefings.

New Poll: 1 in 5 Americans See Obama as 'Muslim' | USA | English
Yep it matters for Americans ... They are facing threat from religious fanaticism especially the Islamic extremists ... Obviously, they are going to gauge the policies of the President and if they seem soft because of his religious affiliations then they have every reason to be worried.
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