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Religious group building mosque on LDA-owned plots

if the mosque can do good things.
evrythng has its own value
dnt compare mosque nd schools

I am sure the mosque can do good thing. You go there and pray. but there are many of them already, why do you waste money building more mosques?
A society can live without mosque but not without school.
School is not abuilding, it a foundation of your future generation. If it is not strong you will be laggard in every field.
I am sure the mosque can do good thing. You go there and pray. but there are many of them already, why do you waste money building more mosques?

so u thnk building mosque is wastage of money???
so u thnk building mosque is wastage of money???

Absolutely!! It is a waste of money if there is already enough mosque for the people to pray. On the other hand healthcare and education is in need of money very much. So which one has priority?
Absolutely!! It is a waste of money if there is already enough mosque for the people to pray. On the other hand healthcare and education is in need of money very much. So which one has priority?

evrythng has its own priority
evrythng has its own priority

Come on lady, you dont seem to be logical in your comments. On the other hand you can pray wherever you want, at home, outside etc without a mosque, but you surely cant be treated for your illness withouth the hospital and cant get education without a school.
Come on lady, you dont seem to be logical in your comments. On the other hand you can pray wherever you want, at home, outside etc without a mosque, but you surely cant be treated for your illness withouth the hospital and cant get education without a school.

May be i am
but evry1 has its own state of mind
May be i am
but evry1 has its own state of mind

You can build mosques at the rate of 1000 mosques a year if you want, but do it from your own pocket, dont ask gov or take government's land illegaly to build mosque on it.
I personally knew one of the mullahs who preached everything to everyone, but he used to watch **** in hidden. They are not only stupid and porblem maker, very hypocrate too, the sooner we get rid of them the better.

not surprised these mullahs are sc*m of present day society i suggest gathering em all in one place and drone strike .. cleanse the society of em
I personally knew one of the mullahs who preached everything to everyone, but he used to watch **** in hidden. They are not only stupid and porblem maker, very hypocrate too, the sooner we get rid of them the better.

not surprised these mullahs are sc*m of present day society i suggest gathering em all in one place and drone strike .. cleanse the society at once lol
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In Karachi, the land mafia associated with ANP and its leader Shahi Syed has been occupying land and are settling refugees/migrants from northern Pakistan and Afghanistan. The economic migrants from NWFP, FATA and Afghanistan has settled on land belonging to citizens and government. The earthquake, floods and Taliban effected areas have sent thousand of refugees that got settled illegally on private lands. One of the main reason of conflict in Karachi between ANP and MQM is the land occupation issue.
not surprised these mullahs are sc*m of present day society i suggest gathering em all in one place and drone strike .. cleanse the society at once lol

The feudal landlords, politicians and military officers are also behind land occupation scams. These people have their front men that have occupied most valuable land in Pakistan. You should "cleanse" these military officers and politicians too. Nawaz Sharif family owned small iron foundry and after entering politics he became one of the richest man in Pakistan. Same is true for Asif Zardari who is also billionaire with 10% cut of every project. Instead of catching small fishes try to catch these whales.
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