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Reliability of homemade weapons China said Wu Tanbing search engine of pain

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This article looks like a google translation, but it seems to be useful because including the comments of Chinese weapon designers. Let's discuss about it.
Reliability of homemade weapons China said Wu Tanbing search engine of pain

salam | April 11, 2016 | Events | No Comments

On September 3, 2015, Beijing, China, commemorating 70 anniversary of the Chinese people’s anti-Japanese war and the world anti-fascist war victory parade. Type 99A main battle tanks drove slowly along Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Oriental IC data

Last month, “said Wu Tanbing” discusses Russia T-90 enlightenment to my active protection system (see surging defense March 28 article about Wu Tanbing |T-90 tanks in Syria hits, active protection system of revelation to me), this issue focuses on 99A main battle tanks and other domestically produced weapons and reliability of road.

In early March this year, CCTV broadcast the China North Industries Group Corporation of the members of the section chief, 99A, main battle tank of the total teacher Mao Ming interview album. At the end, Mao Ming said in earnest: “I have a wish, particularly keen to put in my hands we 99A main battle tanks to further enhance the reliability of, reach the world advanced level. So we can proudly say, 99A main battle tank truly is not only world class performance, reliability and world-class. ”

When in an interview with the science and technology daily, Mao Ming admitted 99A main battle tank reliability is poor, not rugged. “Mean distance between failures is an important indicator for measuring tank reliability, advanced tanks in the world lost an average 240-260 kilometers will appear such as a non-fatal failure of the bolts, now 99A main battle tank could not reach this level, focused on the oil spill is leaking, plug on the loose. “The reliability problem of solving a bit harder core also is related to the weak industrial base in China. “Our goal is to achieve reliability by 2017 has increased significantly, and reach the world advanced level. “He said.

Mao Ming made above we had homemade weapons in actual combat on the battlefield of the future, make a sobering thought.


Traction 155 mm howitzer

Sharp angles and chamfer in horseshoes

Judging whether a person is within the military-industrial professional, or a fictitious “experts” litmus test for reliability is the best.

In fact, people who really understand China’s military industry know, major military group opens up Conference is about equipment quality and reliability. Ready to “able to fight, win” for the Chinese people’s Liberation Army, the quality and reliability of equipment is always the first, on the basis of further discussion on performance and cost. If equipment cannot guarantee the reliability, high performance, low cost cloud. This is like a Rolls Royce and Maserati car, even if it is a pure hand-made, studded with gold and diamond, but if a few miles broke down, we still think that is a bad car.

Reliability issues so important as weaponry, military and defense industry but also to its very seriously, why should there have been unable to solve. In fact, apart from Mao Ming said a weak industrial base, a complexity of the reliability issues is also a key factor.

Improve the performance of weapons and equipment, and can take a lot of maturity, reference method, or based on a new idea; if you want to reduce the cost of weapons and equipment, and way too many. However, if you want to solve a weapon reliability problems, and its complexity is staggering, often do not have rules to follow, only a thorough investigation. Specifically, the reliability of the weaponry involved from design to materials, processing, use, maintenance, security and other aspects, or even a failure of bolts and bearings, a fine crack or some kind of processing of skilled workers used would lead to unpredictable consequences.

For example, the middle of the last century 80 ‘s, ordnance industry were fully research the introduction of traction howitzer 155 mm’s domestic development, and strive to design as soon as possible. However, when domestic fine samples of the 155 mm howitzer gun comprehensive diagnostic test, appears in the shot for complex system reliability issues-body is driving too fast, the impact is too large, causing breech seriously damaged, unable to continue shooting. If this problem is not solved, traction-made 155 mm howitzer will be impossible to complete the design, is not enough to make people proud of the huge domestic trade 155 mm howitzer family as well as the PLZ-05 howitzer on their own.

Therefore, the ordnance industry experts and technicians were immediately launched a comprehensive investigation of the gun, a parts clearance, first check the breech, and found no problems, and then check the recoil and recuperator, and found no problems, and even original recoil oil change for overseas. The result, in parts failed to identify problem cases, gun driving too fast the problem still exists.

In desperation, the weapons industry experts again fully to understand, digest the foreign-supplied drawings. In the process, when experts at the time of check out drawings of complex, suddenly found the valve parts. Because foreign in this length 140 mm, diameter 80 mm was noted on the part of edge position “sharp corners” words, this immediately attracted the attention of the experts.

Readers should know familiar with machining, parts for sharp edges, technician in the preparation of specifications and process used to add a chamfer of about 1 mm. Even when old cultivate skilled workers, also an unwritten custom passed on this, even if it’s not indicated on the drawings to be machined chamfer. Generally after the processing is complete, old parts lathes at the sharp edge of a sharp knife gently, it came out a perfect angle, its skilled apprentices usually marvel at technology. However, foreign case indicated here must be conspicuously horns, there must be truth, then follow the process used to make the chamfer, it may well be the reason for driving too fast.

Sure enough, when experts when she got the part drawings, shows them to have been processed out of the chamfers of different sizes (in popular words, experts instantly ran over 10,000 head of camel). After this part of the reverse design, experts believe foreign special emphasis on sharp corners, is to flow through the compound feed produced some resistance. However, when the original after the sharp-angle machining chamfering, complex fluid flow drag reduction, leading to complex problems arise too quickly. In order to validate this conclusion, experts called on workers in strict accordance with the original drawings for foreign parts, and specifically to retain a sharp corner. When new parts are installed on the artillery test, was driving too fast problem disappear, comprehensive diagnostic test completed successfully.



Homemade engine struggling

Compared with the 155 mm howitzer, almost at the same time developing another type of Chinese-made weapons is to become a victim of reliability problems, this is still a lot of people missed and regret of the f-8 fighter ⅲ.

The late 80 United States unilateral termination of cooperation with China “project 82”, the aviation industry hope to mainly rely on its own strength to achieve the Jian-8 II fighters “reborn” relief for the Chinese, this is the later j-8 III, also known as the f- -8C. It received full support from the national leaders and military: central key models of the f-8 third in national, under very difficult circumstances and for its funding; the military is the workhorse to cope with war as 2000 years ago, asks its combat performance than the “ghost” of 2000, and have the ability to compete with the F-16.

In order to achieve the goal of military, aviation industry had developed ambitious f-8 III improvement programme, including replacement of advanced digital integrated fire control system and internally developed WP-14 “Kunlun” turbojet engine, and air refueling and self-defence electronic countermeasure capabilities, can be launched from the aim air intercept missile, using overload up to 8, and so on.

F-8 III prototype first flew on December 12, 1993, No. 01, through a “three-four” goals. F-8 III’s ultimate goal is “to become six-seven”, the 1996 conclusion designed, no later than 1997. However, the f-8 III had plans to use a large number of advanced airborne equipment is far from practical. If said fire control system of not mature just delay has fighter-8 III of development progress words, so WP-14 “Kunlun” Vortex spray engine delay to solution of reliability problem, is eventually evolution for whole project dismounted of died points (at, fighter-8 III Executive Vice President Division Yang Fengtian has realized that has engine not reliable of problem, so proposed hope can will technology more mature but performance slightly poor of WP-13 as alternate engine).

01 after the prototype first flew in 1994, WP-14 in the installed using exposed in the numerous reliability problems, including engine leaking more fuel, even discovered during ground tests the tongues of flame or smoke marks, engine temperature, oil consumption high, gas leakage and so on. WP-14 constantly return to depot repair, causes the entire 1994 01 prototype only flew 4 ups and downs. Thereafter, on December 30, 1994, first flew 03 prototype implementation, is a fully completed “three-four” task.

In fire control system, and engine, supporting equipment parallel development of stumbling in the, fighter-8 III project hard to toward “race six insurance seven” of target forward: on October 31, 1995, 01 frame prototype machine transitions to Shaanxi yanliang flight hospital; that same year December 17, 04 frame full State prototype machine flew success; on September 23, 1996, 03 frame prototype machine also transitions to flight hospital, and 01 frame together for flight task. According to this schedule, the “six seven” target is desired.

However, bad luck comes in succession on the j-8 project III: on January 24, 1997, the air force test pilot Li Ting optical drives 04 prototype ready by Shenyang and transferred to yanliang flight home. However, the airport’s visibility is only about 3 km from flight, Li Tingguang missed the alternate airport, landing barely implemented under instructions from commanders on the ground. But outside the aircraft main landing gear tires on the runway end touches the ground at 21 m, before entering the runway, the right main landing gear into a freshly dug trenches and break. The machine continued to slide after about 500 meters on the runway, serious damage to the body, test pilot suffered minor injuries.

After the 04 prototype was scrapped, State funding for the aviation industry produces 05 prototypes with the State, in order to complete our test flight, but stereotypes pushed back two years to 1999. On September 10, 1998, 05 flight test prototypes and transferred to hospital, instead of 04 on stereotypical flight assignment. But, has been buried “mines”–WP-14 “Kunlun” turbojet engine reliability issues at this critical moment to detonate the: May 20, 1999, 05 prototypes in flight in the left engine burst into flames, test pilot bailed out successfully, the plane crashed and exploded.

The second accident eventually became the last straw that broke the camel’s back: when the newly established General armament Department decided j-8 III technical appraisal for project to be completed before 2001, no longer required for design, has in fact announced the machine out of service. In addition, the f-11 and three generations of the f-102 projects were relatively smooth, to the military status of the j-8 project III has been superseded by the new machines.

The funny thing is, although the host project off the horse, but the WP-14 “Kunlun” turbojet engine is still tenaciously survived and have developed several improved models. Even late in the test flight, j-8 the third has only existed as a WP-14 the air platform, which in the history of new China Aviation is also a miracle.

By contrast, while CAC j-10 project research and development on the engine choices make the most informed decisions, that is equipment technology maturity, high reliability of the Russian-made AL-31FN large thrust turbofan engines, rather than non-matching WS-10 “Taihang” turbofan engine installed.


WS-9 military jet engine

Reliable “scrap” thrive

So, in numerous which model the reliability of domestic military jet engine the best, I think that ought to be a generic United Kingdom Spey Mk202 WS-9. As for reliability, WS-9 and WP-14 are two extremes. It mainly comes from the prototype of the WS-9 Spey Mk202 reliability is very high, the fuel consumption rate and life expectancy is also leader in contemporary military engine. WS-9 thrust-weight ratio of only 6.55, Afterburner thrust 9800daN, performance was not great, but precisely because of its excellent reliability, the achievements of the JH-7 “flying Leopard” series of fighter bomber glory.

In the early years of this century, it is WS-9 domestic development is the most difficult time. For emergency, aviation industry at very low prices from the United Kingdom to buy back a large number of retired Spey Mk202 engine and spare parts. Spey Mk202 year mainly equipped United Kingdom procurement of us-made F-4 carrier-borne fighter as “ghosts” have been retired, these engines and spare parts was almost a waste, Mr Royce, too, may not be disposed of earlier. Aviation industry on the original engine and spare parts filter screen, select new or used for refurbishment and Assembly, in order to maintain the active JH-7 fighter-bombers of the engine used in the supply and logistics support.

Thus, emergence of such a strange scene: advanced fighter of the 21st century are still equipped with 40 years ago, was serving out behind the engine. Without him, Spey Mk202 reliability is good. Taste, an infinite pain.

(“Wu Tanbing speaking” is from modern weapons Magazine senior editor Huang Guozhi runs Column for surging defense, with an objective and rigorous attitude, combined with lively and refined language, trying to “get rid of fog of defence” for readers to a better understanding of China and other countries the technology gap between providing information and reference. Every Monday, or the second portrait of dedication. )
This article looks like a google translation, but it seems to be useful because including the comments of Chinese weapon designers. Let's discuss about it.
Reliability of homemade weapons China said Wu Tanbing search engine of pain

salam | April 11, 2016 | Events | No Comments

On September 3, 2015, Beijing, China, commemorating 70 anniversary of the Chinese people’s anti-Japanese war and the world anti-fascist war victory parade. Type 99A main battle tanks drove slowly along Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Oriental IC data

Last month, “said Wu Tanbing” discusses Russia T-90 enlightenment to my active protection system (see surging defense March 28 article about Wu Tanbing |T-90 tanks in Syria hits, active protection system of revelation to me), this issue focuses on 99A main battle tanks and other domestically produced weapons and reliability of road.

In early March this year, CCTV broadcast the China North Industries Group Corporation of the members of the section chief, 99A, main battle tank of the total teacher Mao Ming interview album. At the end, Mao Ming said in earnest: “I have a wish, particularly keen to put in my hands we 99A main battle tanks to further enhance the reliability of, reach the world advanced level. So we can proudly say, 99A main battle tank truly is not only world class performance, reliability and world-class. ”

When in an interview with the science and technology daily, Mao Ming admitted 99A main battle tank reliability is poor, not rugged. “Mean distance between failures is an important indicator for measuring tank reliability, advanced tanks in the world lost an average 240-260 kilometers will appear such as a non-fatal failure of the bolts, now 99A main battle tank could not reach this level, focused on the oil spill is leaking, plug on the loose. “The reliability problem of solving a bit harder core also is related to the weak industrial base in China. “Our goal is to achieve reliability by 2017 has increased significantly, and reach the world advanced level. “He said.

Mao Ming made above we had homemade weapons in actual combat on the battlefield of the future, make a sobering thought.


Traction 155 mm howitzer

Sharp angles and chamfer in horseshoes

Judging whether a person is within the military-industrial professional, or a fictitious “experts” litmus test for reliability is the best.

In fact, people who really understand China’s military industry know, major military group opens up Conference is about equipment quality and reliability. Ready to “able to fight, win” for the Chinese people’s Liberation Army, the quality and reliability of equipment is always the first, on the basis of further discussion on performance and cost. If equipment cannot guarantee the reliability, high performance, low cost cloud. This is like a Rolls Royce and Maserati car, even if it is a pure hand-made, studded with gold and diamond, but if a few miles broke down, we still think that is a bad car.

Reliability issues so important as weaponry, military and defense industry but also to its very seriously, why should there have been unable to solve. In fact, apart from Mao Ming said a weak industrial base, a complexity of the reliability issues is also a key factor.

Improve the performance of weapons and equipment, and can take a lot of maturity, reference method, or based on a new idea; if you want to reduce the cost of weapons and equipment, and way too many. However, if you want to solve a weapon reliability problems, and its complexity is staggering, often do not have rules to follow, only a thorough investigation. Specifically, the reliability of the weaponry involved from design to materials, processing, use, maintenance, security and other aspects, or even a failure of bolts and bearings, a fine crack or some kind of processing of skilled workers used would lead to unpredictable consequences.

For example, the middle of the last century 80 ‘s, ordnance industry were fully research the introduction of traction howitzer 155 mm’s domestic development, and strive to design as soon as possible. However, when domestic fine samples of the 155 mm howitzer gun comprehensive diagnostic test, appears in the shot for complex system reliability issues-body is driving too fast, the impact is too large, causing breech seriously damaged, unable to continue shooting. If this problem is not solved, traction-made 155 mm howitzer will be impossible to complete the design, is not enough to make people proud of the huge domestic trade 155 mm howitzer family as well as the PLZ-05 howitzer on their own.

Therefore, the ordnance industry experts and technicians were immediately launched a comprehensive investigation of the gun, a parts clearance, first check the breech, and found no problems, and then check the recoil and recuperator, and found no problems, and even original recoil oil change for overseas. The result, in parts failed to identify problem cases, gun driving too fast the problem still exists.

In desperation, the weapons industry experts again fully to understand, digest the foreign-supplied drawings. In the process, when experts at the time of check out drawings of complex, suddenly found the valve parts. Because foreign in this length 140 mm, diameter 80 mm was noted on the part of edge position “sharp corners” words, this immediately attracted the attention of the experts.

Readers should know familiar with machining, parts for sharp edges, technician in the preparation of specifications and process used to add a chamfer of about 1 mm. Even when old cultivate skilled workers, also an unwritten custom passed on this, even if it’s not indicated on the drawings to be machined chamfer. Generally after the processing is complete, old parts lathes at the sharp edge of a sharp knife gently, it came out a perfect angle, its skilled apprentices usually marvel at technology. However, foreign case indicated here must be conspicuously horns, there must be truth, then follow the process used to make the chamfer, it may well be the reason for driving too fast.

Sure enough, when experts when she got the part drawings, shows them to have been processed out of the chamfers of different sizes (in popular words, experts instantly ran over 10,000 head of camel). After this part of the reverse design, experts believe foreign special emphasis on sharp corners, is to flow through the compound feed produced some resistance. However, when the original after the sharp-angle machining chamfering, complex fluid flow drag reduction, leading to complex problems arise too quickly. In order to validate this conclusion, experts called on workers in strict accordance with the original drawings for foreign parts, and specifically to retain a sharp corner. When new parts are installed on the artillery test, was driving too fast problem disappear, comprehensive diagnostic test completed successfully.



Homemade engine struggling

Compared with the 155 mm howitzer, almost at the same time developing another type of Chinese-made weapons is to become a victim of reliability problems, this is still a lot of people missed and regret of the f-8 fighter ⅲ.

The late 80 United States unilateral termination of cooperation with China “project 82”, the aviation industry hope to mainly rely on its own strength to achieve the Jian-8 II fighters “reborn” relief for the Chinese, this is the later j-8 III, also known as the f- -8C. It received full support from the national leaders and military: central key models of the f-8 third in national, under very difficult circumstances and for its funding; the military is the workhorse to cope with war as 2000 years ago, asks its combat performance than the “ghost” of 2000, and have the ability to compete with the F-16.

In order to achieve the goal of military, aviation industry had developed ambitious f-8 III improvement programme, including replacement of advanced digital integrated fire control system and internally developed WP-14 “Kunlun” turbojet engine, and air refueling and self-defence electronic countermeasure capabilities, can be launched from the aim air intercept missile, using overload up to 8, and so on.

F-8 III prototype first flew on December 12, 1993, No. 01, through a “three-four” goals. F-8 III’s ultimate goal is “to become six-seven”, the 1996 conclusion designed, no later than 1997. However, the f-8 III had plans to use a large number of advanced airborne equipment is far from practical. If said fire control system of not mature just delay has fighter-8 III of development progress words, so WP-14 “Kunlun” Vortex spray engine delay to solution of reliability problem, is eventually evolution for whole project dismounted of died points (at, fighter-8 III Executive Vice President Division Yang Fengtian has realized that has engine not reliable of problem, so proposed hope can will technology more mature but performance slightly poor of WP-13 as alternate engine).

01 after the prototype first flew in 1994, WP-14 in the installed using exposed in the numerous reliability problems, including engine leaking more fuel, even discovered during ground tests the tongues of flame or smoke marks, engine temperature, oil consumption high, gas leakage and so on. WP-14 constantly return to depot repair, causes the entire 1994 01 prototype only flew 4 ups and downs. Thereafter, on December 30, 1994, first flew 03 prototype implementation, is a fully completed “three-four” task.

In fire control system, and engine, supporting equipment parallel development of stumbling in the, fighter-8 III project hard to toward “race six insurance seven” of target forward: on October 31, 1995, 01 frame prototype machine transitions to Shaanxi yanliang flight hospital; that same year December 17, 04 frame full State prototype machine flew success; on September 23, 1996, 03 frame prototype machine also transitions to flight hospital, and 01 frame together for flight task. According to this schedule, the “six seven” target is desired.

However, bad luck comes in succession on the j-8 project III: on January 24, 1997, the air force test pilot Li Ting optical drives 04 prototype ready by Shenyang and transferred to yanliang flight home. However, the airport’s visibility is only about 3 km from flight, Li Tingguang missed the alternate airport, landing barely implemented under instructions from commanders on the ground. But outside the aircraft main landing gear tires on the runway end touches the ground at 21 m, before entering the runway, the right main landing gear into a freshly dug trenches and break. The machine continued to slide after about 500 meters on the runway, serious damage to the body, test pilot suffered minor injuries.

After the 04 prototype was scrapped, State funding for the aviation industry produces 05 prototypes with the State, in order to complete our test flight, but stereotypes pushed back two years to 1999. On September 10, 1998, 05 flight test prototypes and transferred to hospital, instead of 04 on stereotypical flight assignment. But, has been buried “mines”–WP-14 “Kunlun” turbojet engine reliability issues at this critical moment to detonate the: May 20, 1999, 05 prototypes in flight in the left engine burst into flames, test pilot bailed out successfully, the plane crashed and exploded.

The second accident eventually became the last straw that broke the camel’s back: when the newly established General armament Department decided j-8 III technical appraisal for project to be completed before 2001, no longer required for design, has in fact announced the machine out of service. In addition, the f-11 and three generations of the f-102 projects were relatively smooth, to the military status of the j-8 project III has been superseded by the new machines.

The funny thing is, although the host project off the horse, but the WP-14 “Kunlun” turbojet engine is still tenaciously survived and have developed several improved models. Even late in the test flight, j-8 the third has only existed as a WP-14 the air platform, which in the history of new China Aviation is also a miracle.

By contrast, while CAC j-10 project research and development on the engine choices make the most informed decisions, that is equipment technology maturity, high reliability of the Russian-made AL-31FN large thrust turbofan engines, rather than non-matching WS-10 “Taihang” turbofan engine installed.


WS-9 military jet engine

Reliable “scrap” thrive

So, in numerous which model the reliability of domestic military jet engine the best, I think that ought to be a generic United Kingdom Spey Mk202 WS-9. As for reliability, WS-9 and WP-14 are two extremes. It mainly comes from the prototype of the WS-9 Spey Mk202 reliability is very high, the fuel consumption rate and life expectancy is also leader in contemporary military engine. WS-9 thrust-weight ratio of only 6.55, Afterburner thrust 9800daN, performance was not great, but precisely because of its excellent reliability, the achievements of the JH-7 “flying Leopard” series of fighter bomber glory.

In the early years of this century, it is WS-9 domestic development is the most difficult time. For emergency, aviation industry at very low prices from the United Kingdom to buy back a large number of retired Spey Mk202 engine and spare parts. Spey Mk202 year mainly equipped United Kingdom procurement of us-made F-4 carrier-borne fighter as “ghosts” have been retired, these engines and spare parts was almost a waste, Mr Royce, too, may not be disposed of earlier. Aviation industry on the original engine and spare parts filter screen, select new or used for refurbishment and Assembly, in order to maintain the active JH-7 fighter-bombers of the engine used in the supply and logistics support.

Thus, emergence of such a strange scene: advanced fighter of the 21st century are still equipped with 40 years ago, was serving out behind the engine. Without him, Spey Mk202 reliability is good. Taste, an infinite pain.

(“Wu Tanbing speaking” is from modern weapons Magazine senior editor Huang Guozhi runs Column for surging defense, with an objective and rigorous attitude, combined with lively and refined language, trying to “get rid of fog of defence” for readers to a better understanding of China and other countries the technology gap between providing information and reference. Every Monday, or the second portrait of dedication. )
why are ranting against china Mr
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