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Reflections on Germany and Japan after WWII: A Comparison


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Attitude of Government

Germany: Besides the symbolic scenario of former West German chancellor Willy Brandt's kneeling down at the monument to victims of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1970, the German nation has taken clear and steady steps of repentance and compensation.

Japan: Chinese cartoon about U.S. "Flying Tigers" to air on TV


Germany: It is shown in its promises Germany would take permanent responsibility for Nazi crimes, in continued compensation for victims and creation of memorials, in laws forbidding Nazi ideology promotion, in anti-Nazi education to the youth.

Japan: Luxembourg MP highly appreciates China's contributions to World War II victory

History Education

Germany: German Education Ministers Joint Conference issued a special order, emphasizing all types of middle school must truthfully account Nazi history. All textbooks must go through examination to guarantee historical facts are not distorted.

Japan: Chinese DM expresses concern over Japan's security bills

War Compensation

Germany: In Germany, historical reflection has led to anti-Nazi education and laws, and has prompted the German government to take sincere measures to compensate Holocaust survivors.

Japan: China voices stern concern over Japan's security bills

Historical Root

Germany: In the postwar time, Germany has fulfilled replacement of the old political system and has done a thorough clean-up with Nazi Germany's crimes. Germany's effort to tracking down the Nazi criminals is still in progress today.

Japan: Foreign diplomats attend Beijing war exhibition
Germany seems to be truly remorseful about what they have done in the world war, the opposite for Japan.
Japan seemed to be proud of the crimes they committed, look at @Nihonjin1051 proudly posting pictures of Yasukuni Shrine that he worships a lot.
Another great post for the die-hard Japanese right-wings to reflect upon
Thanks @TaiShang for your tremendous contributions in related topics which is second to none on PDF
German deserves global respect, the Japanese are not. It is that simple. Japanese are lucky to hide under the US's shoulder.

I put the blame on the US who created this weird psyche in Japan: Initially they ruthlessly punished Japan and then they rewarded for everything Japan did wrong during the war.

That apparently created a personality disorder among the Japanese political elite.
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