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Redefining the Policy over Yemen Crisis & New Era for Pak-KSA relations


Sep 25, 2016
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A new era of Pakistan-KSA relation begins yesterday when Pakistan officially Invited KSA to become Partner in CPEC project , and today against the expectation the Saudi's become the first country after Pakistan and China to become a Strategic Partner in CPEC , A deal was signed to not give Pakistan few Billion dollars and Oil but something far more fruitful , The Saudi's decide to build a Oil City in Gwadar along with a Oil Refinery . While Prime Minister Imran Khan was busy in his Diplomacy in KSA bringing the best out of his first official Foreign trip , the COAS was in China on a Visit by Chinese President ( Xi ) .

I believe in near Future we will be seeing Pakistan Army if not in Yemen but in border Areas on Saudi Arabia . some of the recent Developments are hinting towards a flexible strategy from Pakistan in terms of Yemen war . Today PM Pakistan give an interview to a Arabic TV saying " We will not let any Country Attack KSA " , understanding this statement from PM khan I believe he is indirectly talking about the Houthie Rebels and them often Launching SCUD missiles in the Kingdom . The other regional Rival for KSA is Iran which is a constant hostility against the Kingdom , their conflict is strictly religious and Sectarian which so far has burned multiple Middle eastern Countries .

So, What if Pakistan Army sends some 20,000-25,000 Troops in KSA/Yemen ? we have stayed neutral in Yemen War under Raheel Sharif which I personally support the Decision , but now I am starting to rethink on that Neutrality like many Other Pakistani's , Iran was and still is involved in Anti Pakistan activities , we have catch a high level India Spy from Baluchistan who enter Pakistan from Iran and than there was famous Liyari Gang war head Uzair Baluch who happens to be a Iranian Citizen caught by UAE and handed over to Pakistani Authorities . Iran is about to be hit by another wave of Sanctions by America and with Trump leading the Charge Anyone who will not side with him will face his twitter fury .

Some of the PDF members along with me have had major concerns on Pakistan army sending troops in Yemen . some of them were
1) A strife between a Shia and Sunni Population in Pakistan .
2) Why would our PA soldiers will die for some other country and their WAR .

A Conflict between the two Major sects in Pakistan is highly unlikely over Yemen Crisis , in fact Pakistani troops entering Yemen not as Invaders but a Peace keeping force to stabilize the Situation can be welcomed by the Shia's in Pakistan , as a lot of the Shia world wide is pointing their Fingers at KSA and other GCC allies to brutally target civilians and blockades that put thousands of Yemeni Kids without food and basic Medical needs . Second reason is why would our soldiers Die for KSA's Fight , we don't want our Forces to work as Mercenaries but upon thinking I realized that American in Kuwait War came to rescue KSA from the Iraq and in Return they got Contracts and Billions of dollars worth Defense deals and Projects from the Kingdom . Let us be honest here that our main rival is India , A country that is more than 10 times larger than Pakistan , They have the standing Army of around 1.2 Million almost double the size of PA , their Airforce is More Modernized than PAF with more Capable fighters and many more Modern Fighters joining their ranks , there is no Question that their Navy is huge and not even comparable to PN , our Navy has initiated some of the Modernization programs by Purchasing 8 AIP Submarines , 4 Type 54A 's and Possibly 4 ADA class corvette from Turkey but All of those inductions will take a fair time and by the time IN will be even more stronger and more Advance than what we will have . If we want to keep the Minimum deterrence against the Indian Armed Forces we need Money to purchase a lot more than what we are , Our purchasing Power is so poor that we have to reject the most need 8 F-16's block52 and later 12 AH-Z1 from the US as both of them we wanted under the CSF which America is cutting shorter every year and finally put a stop to all AID few weeks back when they stop last remaining 300 Million dollars of CSF .

So how can we benefit from Entering this Yemen Conflict as a balancing force with a narrative of a Peace keeping force ? the Following list is strictly my personal view Point so you are open to criticize them but i hope you do in civilized way .
In this Hypothetical Situation lets say Pakistan formally enters the conflict by sending around 25,000 troops to Yemen . this is what i would want to happen or what Pakistan should ask for in return

1- Around 5B$ on yearly basis .
2- 20-40 MARPS for Patrolling the Hostile territories in Yemen . ( Paid by Saudi's )
3- Ask Kingdom to use its Influence on America to release the 18 F-16's and 12 AH-Z1 with a possible future follow up order for another 12 Zulus , so we can station 4-6 units in our base to provide Air support to our troops in case of any Ambush or engagements .
4- Station 10 Armed Drones .
5- Station a full squadron of JF-17 thunder block 2 into KSA .
6- Ask Saudi's to Install a PAC battery inside PA base to protect it against any SCUD missile , and also help PA purchase a SHORAD like BukM2 or Pantsir S2 .

I understand some of the things sounds unreal and stupid but we are living in a strange World where the Geopolitics in the region is changing with every Month . Pakistan is the only country which not just crushed a Full scale insurgency but solve the humanitarian crisis of more than a Million IDP's inside the war torn Area . Our forces and their Experience in fighting the Guerrilla Warfare is among the best in the world which puts Pakistan in a unique Situation .

Lets discuss this, Please refrain from Troll fest , Sectarian BS or India Pakistan war Past .

@Horus @Oscar @HRK @war&peace @Indus Pakistan @django @Inception-06 @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER @tps77 @Signalian @Zarvan @TOPGUN @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Mentee @Hell hound @pakistanipower @AUz @Mrc @Maarkhoor @Moonlight @Retired Troll @somebozo @BHarwana @xyxmt @Jango @Jungibaaz
A new era of Pakistan-KSA relation begins yesterday when Pakistan officially Invited KSA to become Partner in CPEC project , and today against the expectation the Saudi's become the first country after Pakistan and China to become a Strategic Partner in CPEC , A deal was signed to not give Pakistan few Billion dollars and Oil but something far more fruitful , The Saudi's decide to build a Oil City in Gwadar along with a Oil Refinery . While Prime Minister Imran Khan was busy in his Diplomacy in KSA bringing the best out of his first official Foreign trip , the COAS was in China on a Visit by Chinese President ( Xi ) .

I believe in near Future we will be seeing Pakistan Army if not in Yemen but in border Areas on Saudi Arabia . some of the recent Developments are hinting towards a flexible strategy from Pakistan in terms of Yemen war . Today PM Pakistan give an interview to a Arabic TV saying " We will not let any Country Attack KSA " , understanding this statement from PM khan I believe he is indirectly talking about the Houthie Rebels and them often Launching SCUD missiles in the Kingdom . The other regional Rival for KSA is Iran which is a constant hostility against the Kingdom , their conflict is strictly religious and Sectarian which so far has burned multiple Middle eastern Countries .

So, What if Pakistan Army sends some 20,000-25,000 Troops in KSA/Yemen ? we have stayed neutral in Yemen War under Raheel Sharif which I personally support the Decision , but now I am starting to rethink on that Neutrality like many Other Pakistani's , Iran was and still is involved in Anti Pakistan activities , we have catch a high level India Spy from Baluchistan who enter Pakistan from Iran and than there was famous Liyari Gang war head Uzair Baluch who happens to be a Iranian Citizen caught by UAE and handed over to Pakistani Authorities . Iran is about to be hit by another wave of Sanctions by America and with Trump leading the Charge Anyone who will not side with him will face his twitter fury .

Some of the PDF members along with me have had major concerns on Pakistan army sending troops in Yemen . some of them were
1) A strife between a Shia and Sunni Population in Pakistan .
2) Why would our PA soldiers will die for some other country and their WAR .

A Conflict between the two Major sects in Pakistan is highly unlikely over Yemen Crisis , in fact Pakistani troops entering Yemen not as Invaders but a Peace keeping force to stabilize the Situation can be welcomed by the Shia's in Pakistan , as a lot of the Shia world wide is pointing their Fingers at KSA and other GCC allies to brutally target civilians and blockades that put thousands of Yemeni Kids without food and basic Medical needs . Second reason is why would our soldiers Die for KSA's Fight , we don't want our Forces to work as Mercenaries but upon thinking I realized that American in Kuwait War came to rescue KSA from the Iraq and in Return they got Contracts and Billions of dollars worth Defense deals and Projects from the Kingdom . Let us be honest here that our main rival is India , A country that is more than 10 times larger than Pakistan , They have the standing Army of around 1.2 Million almost double the size of PA , their Airforce is More Modernized than PAF with more Capable fighters and many more Modern Fighters joining their ranks , there is no Question that their Navy is huge and not even comparable to PN , our Navy has initiated some of the Modernization programs by Purchasing 8 AIP Submarines , 4 Type 54A 's and Possibly 4 ADA class corvette from Turkey but All of those inductions will take a fair time and by the time IN will be even more stronger and more Advance than what we will have . If we want to keep the Minimum deterrence against the Indian Armed Forces we need Money to purchase a lot more than what we are , Our purchasing Power is so poor that we have to reject the most need 8 F-16's block52 and later 12 AH-Z1 from the US as both of them we wanted under the CSF which America is cutting shorter every year and finally put a stop to all AID few weeks back when they stop last remaining 300 Million dollars of CSF .

So how can we benefit from Entering this Yemen Conflict as a balancing force with a narrative of a Peace keeping force ? the Following list is strictly my personal view Point so you are open to criticize them but i hope you do in civilized way .
In this Hypothetical Situation lets say Pakistan formally enters the conflict by sending around 25,000 troops to Yemen . this is what i would want to happen or what Pakistan should ask for in return

1- Around 5B$ on yearly basis .
2- 20-40 MARPS for Patrolling the Hostile territories in Yemen . ( Paid by Saudi's )
3- Ask Kingdom to use its Influence on America to release the 18 F-16's and 12 AH-Z1 with a possible future follow up order for another 12 Zulus , so we can station 4-6 units in our base to provide Air support to our troops in case of any Ambush or engagements .
4- Station 10 Armed Drones .
5- Station a full squadron of JF-17 thunder block 2 into KSA .
6- Ask Saudi's to Install a PAC battery inside PA base to protect it against any SCUD missile , and also help PA purchase a SHORAD like BukM2 or Pantsir S2 .

I understand some of the things sounds unreal and stupid but we are living in a strange World where the Geopolitics in the region is changing with every Month . Pakistan is the only country which not just crushed a Full scale insurgency but solve the humanitarian crisis of more than a Million IDP's inside the war torn Area . Our forces and their Experience in fighting the Guerrilla Warfare is among the best in the world which puts Pakistan in a unique Situation .

Lets discuss this, Please refrain from Troll fest , Sectarian BS or India Pakistan war Past .

@Horus @Oscar @HRK @war&peace @Indus Pakistan @django @Inception-06 @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER @tps77 @Signalian @Zarvan @TOPGUN @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Mentee @Hell hound @pakistanipower @AUz @Mrc @Maarkhoor @Moonlight @Retired Troll @somebozo @BHarwana @xyxmt @Jango @Jungibaaz

Thanks for tag .. I dont think they are worried about houthies...houthies are done deal... they are worried about other issues...countries on their borders have just disappeared into chaos....

Any ways .... it's better to introduce some chinese systems to them may be jointly producing... they need to move away from single untrustworthy supplier
One thing regarding the sunni-shia spectacle and Saudi Arabia that I wonder about is how was Musharraf able to handle it? Musharraf was raised as a shia AFAIK yet his tenure was pro KSA and reasonably friendly with Iran.

In recent times he even endorsed the idea of backing KSA in the qatar scuffle
Thanks for tag .. I dont think they are worried about houthies...houthies are done deal... they are worried about other issues...countries on their borders have just disappeared into chaos....

Any ways .... it's better to introduce some chinese systems to them may be jointly producing... they need to move away from single untrustworthy supplier

their problem is not material but man power who can defend them, this cannot be achieved unless they have the same equipment Pakistani forces uses and they mostly have US equipment which will be off limit to Pakistan by US. They must buy equipment from Pakistan and go into joint development. This brings us to another problem which is again US, wont let it happen and if they try it mean ISIS will soon appear in the KSA.
This is a very convoluted perspective @Starlord , and I would have one as well.
Have the Saudis really invested in CPEC? Or is this their investment “again” in Pakistan since they need their security?
Back when Gwadar was cited as Pakistan’s future there was the same commitment by Arabs to investment, which turned out to be a delaying tactic because they did not want Gwadar to compete with Dubai.

Still, what if it is a true “investment”? Considering we have recently calmed things with Iran, is this a request for working back to the usual things or a request to help clean up Yemen where the Egyptians and other forces arent able to?

Notbing is free.
Pakistan is not going to get involved in Yemen war. Imran Khan don't has the power to make that decision. This decision rests with parliament and opposition is strong and many within PTI will vote against it.

Saudis are being involved in an oil city project and not CPEC. Yes it was a Chinese project being given to Saudis but with Chinese approval and the project is not totally related to CPEC. This is a good move, in one context and a bad in other. It has both its pro and cons.

Saudis have not invested yet they will invest in October and by then we will know the actual status and their plan.
I think Pakistan clearly stated it is not getting involved in Yemen. Imran's policy is to bring the conflicts down in Muslim world. This is what he has been saying all along.
All this because you simply think it will happen : ) could have saved some time and waited till there were at least rumours.
We lost more then what we gain from not joining the War...………… Tell me one thing , Iran is neutral or Anti Pakistan...……….. Iran is fully Anti Pakistan...……… Check sectarian violence in GB and don't forget Uzair balooch , kalbhoshan , and that mola Mansoor .

Let me tell you all one thing , If KSA failed (some thing like Libya or Syria) Pakistani economy will go down with it automatically ,,,,,, Why , very simple , KSA failure means failure UAE too and that will result in 5m+ Pakistani coming back home...……. Do the other maths by your selves …...
I do not understand the conflicts but i want that port secured for Pakistan's economic growth.
Pakistan is not going to get involved in Yemen war. Imran Khan don't has the power to make that decision. This decision rests with parliament and opposition is strong and many within PTI will vote against it.

Saudis are being involved in an oil city project and not CPEC. Yes it was a Chinese project being given to Saudis but with Chinese approval and the project is not totally related to CPEC. This is a good move, in one context and a bad in other. It has both its pro and cons.

Saudis have not invested yet they will invest in October and by then we will know the actual status and their plan.
I have one question about Saudia oil City. What if somehow Pakistan going to have that oil from exxonmobile? in that case what will happen. Currently saudia export oil to china about 65% and the rest is from Iran and other. If we have the oil field then how we will manage the balance of exporting oil to china.
I have one question about Saudia oil City. What if somehow Pakistan going to have that oil from exxonmobile? in that case what will happen. Currently saudia export oil to china about 65% and the rest is from Iran and other. If we have the oil field then how we will manage the balance of exporting oil to china.

We have to wait until more details are out on what type of project is this. I know why PTI went to Saudis to invest in this project.
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