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Red in Tooth and Claw: China Arms L-15 AFT Trainer


Apr 28, 2011
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The model at the air show was outfitted with the KG600 jamming pod, a Luoyang SD-10 self-guided medium range air-to-air missile (AAM) and PL-5 short-range AAM, and a precision guided bomb.

Outfitting options include 800L drop tank, gun pods, dummy bomb, PL-5EII and SD-10A AAMs, KG600 jamming pod, unguided 250kg/500kg bombs, HF-18D rocket launchers, and 250kg LS-6 and 500kg LS-6 laser guided bombs, according to a CATIC brochure.

“As the chined nose of the L-15 has not been modified on this model, it could also be that AVIC/Hongdu intend to equip the L-15 with a small active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, which would boost its combat potential,” Fisher said. At present, it comes with pulse-doppler radar.

Fisher said there is some irony that CATIC is marketing the L-15 at the Singapore Airshow. The L-15 is now the primary competition for the subsonic Russian Yakovlev Yak-130 multirole combat and LIFT aircraft, and Yakovlev had played a decisive role in helping Hongdu refine the L-15 design. The Russian’s are also exhibiting a model of the Yak-130 at this week’s show.

The Singapore Airshow is being held at the Changi Exhibition Center from Feb. 16-21.

Email: wminnick@defensenews.com

Red in Tooth and Claw: China Arms L-15 AFT Trainer
Developing a small enough radar isn't the issue, the question is if that small radar has enough output to beat the KLJ-7V2 in range.
I think if AESA radar is developed for BLOCK I and II it would be able to beat the KLJ- 7V2 in range
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The model at the air show was outfitted with the KG600 jamming pod, a Luoyang SD-10 self-guided medium range air-to-air missile (AAM) and PL-5 short-range AAM, and a precision guided bomb.

Outfitting options include 800L drop tank, gun pods, dummy bomb, PL-5EII and SD-10A AAMs, KG600 jamming pod, unguided 250kg/500kg bombs, HF-18D rocket launchers, and 250kg LS-6 and 500kg LS-6 laser guided bombs, according to a CATIC brochure.

“As the chined nose of the L-15 has not been modified on this model, it could also be that AVIC/Hongdu intend to equip the L-15 with a small active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, which would boost its combat potential,” Fisher said. At present, it comes with pulse-doppler radar.

Fisher said there is some irony that CATIC is marketing the L-15 at the Singapore Airshow. The L-15 is now the primary competition for the subsonic Russian Yakovlev Yak-130 multirole combat and LIFT aircraft, and Yakovlev had played a decisive role in helping Hongdu refine the L-15 design. The Russian’s are also exhibiting a model of the Yak-130 at this week’s show.

The Singapore Airshow is being held at the Changi Exhibition Center from Feb. 16-21.

Email: wminnick@defensenews.com

Red in Tooth and Claw: China Arms L-15 AFT Trainer

what is its unit cost?
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