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Red Cross halts most Pakistan aid after beheading

David James

Aug 23, 2012
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Red Cross halts most Pakistan aid after beheading


GENEVA - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Tuesday it was halting most of its aid programmes in Pakistan due to deteriorating security and the beheading of a British staff doctor in April blamed on Taliban insurgents.

The independent agency, which had already suspended operations in three of Pakistan's four provinces in May pending a security assessment, said it would carry on working in the country "but on a reduced scale".

"All relief and protection activities are being stopped. All projects of rehabilitation, economic projects, have been terminated," said Jacques de Maio, head of ICRC operations in South Asia, on one of the organisation's blog.

"We have closed a number of offices. We are also terminating all visits to detainees in Pakistan," he added.

The agency, which rarely suspends its operations even in war zones,
has worked in the country since the end of British colonial rule in 1947.

It was providing mainly health services and physical rehabilitation for victims of violence and natural disasters, many of whom have lost limbs.

The ICRC said it would focus on treating patients wounded in fighting and aimed to reopen a surgical field hospital in Peshawar. It has been closed since the murder of staff member Khalil Rasjed Dale, abducted by suspected militants in January.

The beheaded body of Dale, who ran a health programme in the southwestern city of Quetta in the Baluchistan province, was found on April 29.

De Maio said the plan was for Peshawar hospital to be its "flagship" operation in the country ... "unless we determine in the next few weeks that the prerequisites are not fulfilled and therefore the conditions are not met for us to redeploy".

ICRC offices in Sindh province, where flood recovery work is now complete, and in Quetta are being closed, the agency said.

In 2011, Pakistan was one of the largest ICRC operations in the world. The delegation employed 1,300 staff who assisted hundreds of thousands of people.

"We are ready to continue helping people in need, such as the wounded and the physically disabled, provided working conditions for our staff are adequate," Paul Castella, head of the ICRC delegation in Islamabad, said in Tuesday's statement.

Dale was the third Westerner to be beheaded by militants in Pakistan. The others include Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in 2002 and Piotr Stanczak, a Polish geologist, in 2009.

A senior police officer said when Dale's body was recovered that the Pakistan Taliban had claimed responsibility for the killing, saying a ransom had not been paid.

The Pakistan Taliban have been fighting a bloody insurgency against the Pakistani state since the group was formed 2007. It is close to al Qaeda and it claimed credit for a failed car bomb attempt in New York's Times Square in May 2010.

Pro-Taliban militants are also active in Baluchistan, which shares borders with Afghanistan and Iran.

Pakistan is an increasingly dangerous environment for aid workers.

Gunmen in Pakistan shot and wounded a staff member of the World Health Organization and an expatriate consultant working for the United Nations health agency in July.

A month earlier, a Pakistani militant group threatened action against anyone conducting polio vaccinations in the region where it is based, saying the health care drive was a cover for U.S. spies.

Read more: Red Cross halts most Pakistan aid after beheading  - NY Daily News

Read more: Red Cross halts most Pakistan aid after beheading  - NY Daily News
They are Mossad cia Agents...along with Raw going around for polio vaccination campaign.....Behead all these Enemies !!
no probs Pakistan has plenty of local Charities to fill the gap...

They are Mossad cia Agents...along with Raw going around for polio vaccination campaign.....Behead all these Enemies !!

Only garbage comes out of your mind?
Pakistan does not need aid.I echo most of the Pakistanis sentiment here that they dont need aid anymore.All money coming through aid does not reach to common people and is enjoyed by the elites of Pakistan.No more aid be it education,health should be given to Pakistan.
no probs Pakistan has plenty of local Charities
^^yeas , what Pakistan needs now is more Local Charities luring ppl away from the govt and into heaven.
Only garbage comes out of your mind?

If Sarcasm has to be underlined and highlighted to you...there here ......Dear Safriz , My #2 post was sarcasm , please do take it as it is

P.S thats the usual garbage reason the beheaders give later on...................

^^yeas , what Pakistan needs now is more Local Charities luring ppl away from the govt and into heaven.

hey you are missing the 72 heavenly gift ...........Kasab must be happy now ....
Pakistan does not need aid.I echo most of the Pakistanis sentiment here that they dont need aid anymore.All money coming through aid does not reach to common people and is enjoyed by the elites of Pakistan.No more aid be it education,health should be given to Pakistan.

You got that right..All of this aid is used to get political leverage and if anything goes wrong then to insult Pakistan world over...Pakistan will be better without this farce aid

If Sarcasm has to be underlined and highlighted to you...there here ......Dear Safriz , My #2 post was sarcasm , please do take it as it is

P.S thats the usual garbage reason the beheaders give later on...................

hey you are missing the 72 heavenly gift ...........Kasab must be happy now ....

Rest assured
Soon monkeys,cows and Elephant heads will be jumping all over this thread..
and that too will be sarcasm....
So if you can cut the krap that will be better

Man if u can take some sarcasm , just ignore me......you cant for more than three post in pdf with reading crap ........anyways i will stopp crapping here

R.IP to one went to helo
They are Mossad cia Agents...along with Raw going around for polio vaccination campaign.....Behead all these Enemies !!

Was it not USA who confessed itself that fake vaccination run by a Pakistani Doctor helped spotting OSAMA...so who knows what?...Only God knows. We ordinary people can just make guesses or miss the guesses of these international political games...
no probs Pakistan has plenty of local Charities to fill the gap...

Only problem is that the Taliban in your country seems to have developed a taste for killing aid workers, irrespective of their nationality. I read in the above post that a local doctor was also killed. So, the problem will persist if the local charities step in.
Only problem is that the Taliban in your country seems to have developed a taste for killing aid workers, irrespective of their nationality. I read in the above post that a local doctor was also killed. So, the problem will persist if the local charities step in.

Problem will persist until this global war against terrorism is not stopped by some negotiation...AS this war is amplyifying terrorist...with every drone attack and war-torn situation in PAkistan imposed from a decade has made sentiments agaist this war....we Pakistanis are undoubtedly are paying the price...God has given us ample resources, if this international attention go off only then Pakistan can survive at least itself...I'm no political expert...But this war seems to expand :(
Only problem is that the Taliban in your country seems to have developed a taste for killing aid workers, irrespective of their nationality. I read in the above post that a local doctor was also killed. So, the problem will persist if the local charities step in.

Thats a different subject..but the fact is that one christian charity packing up wont make difference..there are plenty of locl charities to fill the gap..if there will be any gap..
and right you are Pakistanis in general do not trust international charities anymore...
it reflects the condition of security amongst the normal ppl and the foreign workers in pakistan.

"All relief and protection activities are being stopped. All projects of rehabilitation, economic projects, have been terminated,"

Pakistan is an increasingly dangerous environment for aid workers.

A month earlier, a Pakistani militant group threatened action against anyone conducting polio vaccinations in the region where it is based, saying the health care drive was a cover for U.S. spies.

for red cross militant group for ppl of pakistan local mullahs running ngo and doing social work.:rolleyes:
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