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Reconsider Ties BCB ..IPL and India's help over cricket I ask?


Apr 7, 2012
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We may have to reconsider ties with BCB: Zaka Ashraf

The Pakistan Cricket Board chairman says future cricketing ties with Bangladesh will depend on whether it becomes the first test-playing country to tour since the deadly gunmen attacks in 2009.

Zaka Ashraf says ”we will have to reconsider our cricketing relations if they don’t come” to play either two one-day internationals and a Twenty20 match or three ODIs later this month or in early May.

The Bangladesh Cricket Board is yet to receive clearance from its government after submitting a security report on Pakistan.

Afghanistan played three ODIs in Pakistan year, becoming the first country to tour since gunmen killed several police officers and a bus driver in their attack on a Sri Lanka team bus during a test in Lahore three years ago.

We may have to reconsider ties with BCB: Zaka Ashraf | DAWN.COM

I'm no political expert, but why India can't come to Pakistan ...and Why Pakistan is not playing in IPL....is it not a Discrimination (not normal ties?)?
^^^ yeah would have liked to see Pakistan players in this years IPL.
We may have to reconsider ties with BCB: Zaka Ashraf

The Pakistan Cricket Board chairman says future cricketing ties with Bangladesh will depend on whether it becomes the first test-playing country to tour since the deadly gunmen attacks in 2009.

Zaka Ashraf says ”we will have to reconsider our cricketing relations if they don’t come” to play either two one-day internationals and a Twenty20 match or three ODIs later this month or in early May.

The Bangladesh Cricket Board is yet to receive clearance from its government after submitting a security report on Pakistan.

Afghanistan played three ODIs in Pakistan year, becoming the first country to tour since gunmen killed several police officers and a bus driver in their attack on a Sri Lanka team bus during a test in Lahore three years ago.

We may have to reconsider ties with BCB: Zaka Ashraf | DAWN.COM

I'm no political expert, but why India can't come to Pakistan ...and Why Pakistan is not playing in IPL....is it not a Discrimination (not normal ties?)?
They don't have NOC from PCB I guess.
Problem is that BCB promised that if they feel security is effective than their team will visit but later they start ignoring the tour & came up with some fckd up stories, also they did a drama after the final of Asia Cup so that they will make it an issue but ACC & ICC reject it & they left with none options. What a two face $cums.

About ipl, leave it man except players no one have much interest in it now.
Problem is that BCB promised that if they feel security is effective than their team will visit but later they start ignoring the tour & came up with some fckd up stories, also they did a drama after the final of Asia Cup so that they will make it an issue but ACC & ICC reject it & they left with none options. What a two face $cums.

About ipl, leave it man except players no one have much interest in it now.
No country or players will want to come to a country where there is no safety for them.
few days back Pakistan's interior ministry denied NOC to an Indian band on the issue of security.

Pakistan should not talk big now. Players safety is a major concern.
Arey yaar, as long as Mumbai accused walks freely in the streets of Pakistan further dispensing anti-India rhetoric, I am against any ties with Pakistan except trade. Trade would be in our favor. Hehe.

i guess we need to reconsider MFN status

few days back Pakistan's interior ministry denied NOC to an Indian band on the issue of security.

Pakistan should not talk big now. Players safety is a major concern.

it was not because the band was from india but because previously there were some deaths in some concert incident of atif aslam
few days back Pakistan's interior ministry denied NOC to an Indian band on the issue of security.

Pakistan should not talk big now. Players safety is a major concern.

International Community Are You Not Responsible For Piecing Out Peace In My Motherland? :
in response to below article looks Mr. Shafat has taken money from US or ICC for writing this article ::guns:

Saad Shafqat: Peace must return to Pakistan before cricket does | Opinion | Cricinfo Magazine | ESPN Cricinfo

MY reply of above linked article is blow:

It is very pain-some, annoying and loads of grievances to see above
link entitled 'peace must return before cricket' ...we need to ask USA and ally to send their some
team, after all they are responsible to put us in this situation.... and
we all see they would come to Pakistan to dictate our insincere
Governments (Even Hillary was here in October 2011 and other dictators
would keep coming ).....at that time when they would come to Pakistan
to dictate their terms about GLOBAL war on terror,
then the ICC
cricket and other international community would not suggest and
remind them of insecurity conditions and particularly of Siri-Lankan
case in Pakistan.......Aha then no problem of security, when they
would come to their puppet (our Government)...double standards, isn't?

I were to ask certain questions to a Karachi based writer Mr saad, I'm
not convinced with his version of honesty, though he has earned favor of mostly those who need an excuse to conspire about my county...You (MR SAAD) have given figures how
Pakistan winning rate is high at neutral grounds...how can you only
measure a tangible material fact (STUPID SUCESS), and forgetting the
(180-1) millions Pakistanis who feel ashamed and bow-downed and
depressed when the fellow-continents
would tell them that you are from
a such country that no one would like to visit either see even your
so-called Muslim brother don’t bother to visit...

How come the international community can fell sleeping (insensitive),
when they themselves are responsible for putting us in this deep
I remember we have been the most active ally and the most troubled,
most suffered (physically and by soul, May Allah take our worries)
allay in the GLOBAL (international) war against the terrorism form
decades (first it was Russian afghan war, and then global war against
terrorism from a decade which is more like centuries), so please
recall , whatever the incident of terrorist activity happen in
Afghanistan or Pakistan, please remember it is the outcome of that
famous OUR GLOBAL war (international community) we are fighting for
you all from a decades. Though you say we pakistanis are paid loads of
money, but to whom you have given the money (corrupt leaders), as you
can see we are still among poorest country, my country has been never
in this chaos, instability and mass killing . If you really have
in-turn help us with money , then tell us how you have helped (do you
have reduced our poverty? Do you have increased our security, Do you
have spent that money for our self-esteem or good image ..? ...it is so frustrating to live in
Pakistan with load-shedding (massive power outage) an low economy and
certain SPECIFIC cities are facing OUR terrorism attacks)...

..So when SRI LANKAN team was attached as a part of OUR WAR against
terrorist activity (OUR WAR, international community remember please),
the it is my Pakistan who has given their blood to save SRI LANKAN
team...those poor police men given their lives to save SRI-LANKAN
pardon me but I feel, he has written with just surfaced
thinking as he has raised a question (problem in Pakistan; is it
mature for BD to visit Pakistan? MR. SAAD says 'peace must return in
Pakistan before cricket' ..
....In his whole article I love only one
word, i.e., ‘return’. I believe every writer is the source of hope
whilst Mr. Saad has given the nation no hope as with no solution, no
guidance, no suggestion towards the pointed out problem. Even his
thinking is truly monotonic one (as international community can visit
Pakistan when they have to give orders to us, their security is then
no problem, but when they have to send their teams then it’s
conditional to peace. Great (tch!)....In the end of the article Mr.
Saad has asked another interesting question to Pakistani Government
when peace is going to happen in Pakistan?...
But this interesting question has raised more significance
questions... as I said before I really love a word which is
unconsciously uttered in the article, i.e., RETRUN. This return is
asking all my lovely fellow human-beings on the earth certain
questions (including the writer)?
So when Mr. Saad, you are asking peace must need to be RETURNED...so
you are confessing that there was a peace in MY pakistan once upon a
time which needs to ReTurned...
So who is then responsible for piecing
out this peace in my homeland? Let’s figure out this as well as you
are truely good in, besides the success rate of Pakistani teams on
others ground , when last team was peace witnessed in MY country? Is
it when international community has not stepped in Afghanistan? HOW
can this peace be return to Pakistan? As the so-called terrorists
openly say that we are doing terrorism activities in Pakistan as they
are supporting the international community? --- This means peace can
only return to Pakistan when this international community will
PAKistan (as USA says it’s the Global war and not their own and west
is supporting them more , while other countries are silent against the
earth giants masters, so in one way all endorsing by staying silent) ?
SO, Mr Saad may I ask to international community when they are
getting removed without any footprints then peace can return (if it is
the only condition on this earth to return the cricket for poor
Pakistan, whilst every other foreigner would keep coming)...

The most importantly, Mr SAAD, I appreciate your effort that you have
calculated ratios of success rates, but I’d rather be more happy if
you calculate the terrorist-activities rate of MANY cities and town of
Pakistan --- where never a single incident of terrorist activity
happen, so you may possibly suggest the international community that
these citifies are safe by your ability to calculate ratios ---
Further sir (international community), your consulates and other
routine work and other delegation from INDIA has keep visiting
Pakistan and they are returned and still alive on the earth...so we
could provided high security and remember we already promised to SRI
lankan that they will return alive to their country and, God at least
helped us by costing our low-priced lives (as we on the earth are so
low-priced that we are in a state of war without no acknowledgement
from international community...come on you all are afraid of super
powers and you would have done the same if you are forced in to go for
a war every time (Even it’s not our choice from heart)..We have got no
benefit at least no parameter indicates so...)

Peace Can Return Only If OUR GLOBAL War Is No More Imposed On Us.
i guess we need to reconsider MFN status

it was not because the band was from india but because previously there were some deaths in some concert incident of atif aslam

No you'll not be at loss. Actually you'll gain as well. You don't have to buy our products from a third country. With MFN, you can directly buy from us albeit at a cheaper price. Win-Win. We can probably trade more products then.
No you'll not be at loss. Actually you'll gain as well. You don't have to buy our products from a third country. With MFN, you can directly buy from us albeit at a cheaper price. Win-Win. We can probably trade more products then.

what products we buy from india?
looks like a dhamki to bcb.
i don't think these dhamkis gonna work as long as the security situation is improved in pakistan. pakistan should stop playin cricket for sometime. should take some time off. it should start playin again once the security in place. looking at the present scenario- establishing security will take may be decade.
so pakistan should just stop playin cricket for the next decade. this way pakistan don't have to request any cricket team to come and play.
my personal views.
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