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Oct 18, 2010
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Strategic direction of Pakistan Army.
Brig. (R) Nadir Mir.

What is Pakistan Army’s strategic direction? Is it to focus on western border, internal front/security, or eastern border? The simple answer to these questions is that existential threat remains from India and thus the primary focus must be on it.

The new army doctrine has done well to highlight the concept of deterrence and defence. Sub-conventional, conventional and nuclear tiers are the facets of warfare faced by Pakistan today. Yet, the Green Book and Pakistan’s new army doctrine are being misquoted, misunderstood and even exploited by sinister forces. The ISPR that is doing a good job needs to clarify again that the threat from India is increasing in terms of its military build-up, even as Pakistan deals with the post-9/11 non-state actors.

Western Border: By 2014, the US-Nato forces will be leaving Afghanistan, but the Taliban will be staying back! As they withdraw, it will be with the realisation that the use of military force proved inadequate. Also, the Afghan National Army that will be left on its own may collapse just like the South Vietnam Army did once the Americans left Vietnam. Even if Kabul does not fall for some time, the Afghan Taliban will emerge as a dominant force. So Pakistan’s army needs to build friendly relations with the Afghan Taliban.

Indeed, Pakistan has no conflict with the Taliban or other Afghans. A negotiated peace in Afghanistan facilitated by the ISI is in our national interest. After the withdrawal of the US-Nato troops from Afghanistan and reduced stress on the war on terror, the Pak Army’s focus on the Afghan border would reduce considerably. Therefore, logically the western border cannot be the strategic direction of our army in future.

Internal Front/Security: Terrorism has wrecked Pakistan’s internal fibre, economy, terrorised the society, resulted in thousands of deaths and untold tragedies. To deal with it, the state needs to pursue political, social and economic reforms. All elements of national power need to be harmonised to achieve synergetic effect against the terrorist malaise.

For the security component, an internal security force (perhaps under military command, but a separate organisation) must be established, trained and equipped. Globally, several internal security force models are available. The Pakistan Army was not created, nor is configured for policing duties. It should not be reduced to a glorified, elevated police force that is, probably, the intention of the state’s internal and external enemies.

Eastern Border: India continues to occupy Kashmir, the water issue has aggravated, resource clash with India rises. It arms feverishly and has become the world’s biggest arms importer. The Indian military developmental strategy (fleets of helicopters, high-tech airpower build up, etc) is to give teeth to its ‘Cold Start’ strategy. But the ‘Cold Start’ or attack within 72 hours of preparation cannot conquer Pakistan. Even the American view was that it could have mixed results.

In fact, now the ‘Cold Start’ offensive can lead to catastrophic effect. Pakistan’s defensive preparations, besides early mobilisation would be augmented by the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons Nasr against advancing Indian military forces. This, in turn, can lead to strategic nuclear exchange or an all-out nuclear war. A nuclear war will destroy the world in general, not just South Asia.

So a nuclear war must be avoided, which actually means that all wars between Pakistan and India need to be avoided. Peace is required between the two states. Diplomacy, trade and travel can prove helpful. However, absence of conflict can be the real guarantee of peace.

Nevertheless, Kashmir remains a flashpoint between India and Pakistan, and has to be resolved. A recent military clash in Kashmir could always escalate. If our army is oriented towards the western border and embroiled in the internal front, New Delhi will not even talk about Kashmir, let alone the desire to resolve it.

Peace with India: Peace talks with India, besides Kashmir, should focus on defence budget limits and military hardware inductions to ensure strategic balance. Both countries need to improve the quality of life of their citizens, rather than an open-ended arms race.

In future, the Pak Army will have to disengage from the western border, make peace on the internal front (Taliban, Baloch militants) and refocus on the eastern border.

After 2014, Pakistan Army will need to redeploy itself. This would add conventional deterrence to the ‘Cold Start’ and reduce the use of nuclear weapons, even though Pakistan’s credible nuclear deterrence would be in place.

However, peace with India can be achieved. For this, Pakistani statecraft should be backed by a lavishly nuclear armed, professional war fighting military machine called the Pakistan Army!
1: Strategic depth evolves into a new stage.
2: Internal instability is solved by politics.
3: Focus shifts to India again
4: PA becomes a leaner but hightech, heavily armed,highly trained combat force to fight Indian cold start.

Sounds like a 'sane and realistic' plan.
First of all, this is the source:

Strategic direction of Pakistan Army | The Nation

The writer is a retired brigadier and has authored a book titled Gwadar on the Global Chessboard. Email: nadirmir13@gmail.com Blog: wwwpakistangeopolitics.blogspot.com

Secondly, this is the key quote: "If our army is oriented towards the western border and embroiled in the internal front, New Delhi will not even talk about Kashmir, let alone the desire to resolve it."

After 2014, it will be to India's advantage to foment as much trouble as it possibly can to keep the Army entangled on the Western front, and also internally with a deteriorating civilian law and order situation. With those two issues, it is unlikely that the Pakistani economy can generate the resources needed to fund "a lavishly nuclear armed, professional war fighting military machine".

A rational way forward will need a much greater use of diplomacy than is being suggested, whether by choice or by force.
In future, the Pak Army will have to disengage from the western border.

I highly doubt so upon this point. Pakistan suffered heavily from the western borders. It is simply impossible for us to leave the daily Threats that emerges even after any sort of peace deal is reached in the Future it is now a confirmed "flash point" for generations to come it can't be left unattended we know the trend of taliban and similar groups.

We would still need to deploy highly mobile men and modern equipment/machines, if you look at the current strategy it has failed we are losing men like ants on daily basis all because our strategies are poor equipment aside warning systems and authorities are lazy, lets start with bunkers and other building protections miserable condition.

Aeronaut for PA becomes a leaner but hightech, PA/PAF would have to even make those bunkers solid enough even the US embassy in Pakistan is well protected and built better than any checkpost on the western borders and in FATA where our poor soldiers are suffering.
Strategic direction of Pakistan Army.
Brig. (R) Nadir Mir.

What is Pakistan Army’s strategic direction? Is it to focus on western border, internal front/security, or eastern border? The simple answer to these questions is that existential threat remains from India and thus the primary focus must be on it.

I'm going to have to call BS - And I would challenge any who don't think so to point out that Indian will be doing the bombings that will come during the entire election ans beyond -- for long the supporters of the Taliban within the security establishment have gone to great pains to bring the attention of the ordinary Pakistani to the Indian border -- fact of the matter, we have no as in ZERO problems on he Eastern border, where we do make problems is on the Line of Control, which is not a border -- whereas we have nothing but problems inside the borders of Pakistan, and in those areas attached to the Western border and the ideology of religious extremism.
I'm going to have to call BS - And I would challenge any who don't think so to point out that Indian will be doing the bombings that will come during the entire election ans beyond -- for long the supporters of the Taliban within the security establishment have gone to great pains to bring the attention of the ordinary Pakistani to the Indian border -- fact of the matter, we have no as in ZERO problems on he Eastern border, where we do make problems is on the Line of Control, which is not a border -- whereas we have nothing but problems inside the borders of Pakistan, and in those areas attached to the Western border and the ideology of religious extremism.

Even there was an existential threat from India, We do the work for them anyway; so all they have to do is lay-off redundant people since the Pakistan-Problem seems to be solving itself.
get real man..nobodys leaving....the usa will still have several thousand troops plus thousands more contractors and the puppet ex communists lackeys of karzai &co afterr 2014...the status quo is going to last for next 75 years...espcially after kiyana met kerry and they finalized NRO part II recently.....so terrorism has no chance any more.........
Thanks all seniors
For quite an informative writing. Many foreign analysts seeing unrest in Pakistan after the deployment of US-Nato forces from Afghanistan in 2014. I hope these analysis prove to be negative and Pakistan strengthen its border West or East from any intervention of extremists and terrorist forces.
Even there was an existential threat from India, We do the work for them anyway; so all they have to do is lay-off redundant people since the Pakistan-Problem seems to be solving itself.

We are our own worst enemies. The existential threat comes from within, but our leaders are unable to grasp this fact fully. And by the time they do, it might be too late.
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