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Reception For the Chinese Ambassador


May 24, 2011
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Reception For the Chinese Ambassador

1.In the backdrop of intense political strife in the country,Li Jun , the Chinese Ambassador to BD was given reception by eminent citizens last night, 17 Nov at a posh restaurant at Dhaka. Political Counselor Qu Guangzhou and all Chinese embassy officials were present at the dinner meet. In attendance were prominent citizens, retired military officers including a former army chief,two air force chiefs,several former ministers, sitting members of parliament, etc.

2.Various BD speakers highlighted the current events which appeared aimed at playing a "great game" in BD to turn this peaceful nation into a zone of proxy war. The object is to create a situation which the capitalist hawks and arm peddlers could exploit for profit. Speakers warned that in such a situation blood would flow down the Brahmaputra valley from S Tibet to the Bay of Bengal,and from Maoist E India to the Kaladan valley.

3. A clarion call was sounded to China to declare in unambiguous term her support to BD incase an ingress or physical intervention was made.

4. Meanwhile, Nisha Desai Biswal, US Astt Secy of State is in town parleying with local political leaders to establish US agenda.
what the the chinese ambassador say... and most importantly did he like the bengali food ? :cheesy:
China deserves our appreciation and more interaction btw people to people. Timing and context is something speaks volume. I would have made some more comments but I think anyone can read between your lines should get the message.
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কথার অর্থ বুঝে নিবেন / খুব খেয়াল করে...
নির্বাচনের তফসিল ঘোষণা ও অবরোধের বিষয়ে দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করলে তিনি বলেন, আমরা দৃঢ়ভাবে বিশ্বাস করি ভ্রাতৃপ্রতীম দেশ হিসেবে স্থিতিশীলতা, শান্তিপূর্ণ-সমৃদ্ধ ও স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশ
এদেশের মানুষের মৌলিক স্বার্থ।
কী ইঙ্গিত করা হচ্ছে বুঝতে পাচ্ছেন?

Exactly what BD patriots had sought during the reception of 17 Nov.

Sino-BD Friendship/Zindabad
3. A clarion call was sounded to China to declare in unambiguous term her support to BD incase an ingress or physical intervention was made.

Why would/should China do it? what strategic importance does BD hold for the Chinese, other than a market to dump their low end products.
Why would/should China do it? what strategic importance does BD hold for the Chinese, other than a market to dump their low end products.

1. Not only to PRC, BD is becoming important to all regional players- local or outsiders.We are an important exporter and a major consumer with a large population concentrated in a small space.

2. Not China but India sends us raddi third class goods.Quality conscious organizations like MoD have never bought even a pin from India. China sends us quality goods. For instance, most electric/electronic manufacturers are exporting off Chinese base. After Pakistan we are the number 1 recipient of Chinese arms meant only to thwart any Indian adventure.

3.That India has been planning to Bhutanize/Sikkimise BD in their Project Akhand Bharat interests China.

4. Look at the map. The McMahon Line issue remains unsettled. S Tibet remains under adverse possession of India. NE is fighting Indian occupation forces. Maoist east borders us. P/bangla is IOB. Our traditional/historic homeland extends up to the Rajmahal Hills. Much remains under Delhi. A-N must revert to us.

5.Beside these,China wishes to build a deep-sea port in BD. That will entrap India in a pincer with another arm in Gwadar.She wants to build sub bases and have proposed to base at least one PLAN nuclear sub here. Once the Indian installed traitor Hasina govt is ousted we will allow the Chinese to undertake these projects.
Why would/should China do it? what strategic importance does BD hold for the Chinese, other than a market to dump their low end products.

Well, after China; Bangladesh is technically the 2nd largest exporter of RMG products in the world. So yes, it has value. At least, in a business sense.

The Chinese are also interested in a deep sea port in Chittagong. The Dhaka-Chittagong route is very important since majority of the country's inbound and outbound logistics take place on that route.

Given that China is to gradually move away from the "t-shirt age", they'll shift their operations to some place cheaper such as Bangladesh.
1. Not only to PRC, BD is becoming important to all regional players- local or outsiders.We are an important exporter and a major consumer with a large population concentrated in a small space.

2. Not China but India sends us raddi third class goods.Quality conscious organizations like MoD have never bought even a pin from India. China sends us quality goods. For instance, most electric/electronic manufacturers are exporting off Chinese base. After Pakistan we are the number 1 recipient of Chinese arms meant only to thwart any Indian adventure.

3.That India has been planning to Bhutanize/Sikkimise BD in their Project Akhand Bharat interests China.

4. Look at the map. The McMahon Line issue remains unsettled. S Tibet remains under adverse possession of India. NE is fighting Indian occupation forces. Maoist east borders us. P/bangla is IOB. Our traditional/historic homeland extends up to the Rajmahal Hills. Much remains under Delhi. A-N must revert to us.

5.Beside these,China wishes to build a deep-sea port in BD. That will entrap India in a pincer with another arm in Gwadar.She wants to build sub bases and have proposed to base at least one PLAN nuclear sub here. Once the Indian installed traitor Hasina govt is ousted we will allow the Chinese to undertake these projects.

Are you serious!!! the reply seems more like articulated day-dreaming.

I simply asked what is your Strategic/Economic importance vis a vis China.

I cant even seem to find a saner way to reply to this day-dreaming, but still I will hazard a reply.

I wonder what high end Chinese products do you import? Train/Engines, Car, Buses, High end Comm equipment, you still are not able to afford most high end products even from China. Maybe some garment manufacturing equipments, don't know anything else that the Chinese sell you.

Don't over-estimate your importance in global scenario if you have become a diplomatic playground for certain nations. None of them need you for anything, cause you are merely a playground, like those East bloc nations during Cold-war.

India will do whatever it needs to do for its national interests, if you harbor anti-India elements then don't expect us to respond otherwise. If India believed in akhand-bharat, then there wont have been any Bhutan/Nepal/Burma/Ceylone and even Bangladesh post 1971, so get your blinkers off that India want to inundate you. We don't need anymore lungi clad, slum dwelling Bangladeshis into folds of India, we already have more than enough.

You claim whole of NE when you don't even have a real claim to BD even, as Muslims were just invaders into India and not natives. If you want to claim over anything then go to Afghanistan/Persia/Turkey/Saudi Arabia because this is where you came from. And if you are claiming on the basis of being a Bengali then the whole of BD should be merged into India as there are far more Bengalis living in India than in BD.

Its not that you are buying Chinese weapons because you like them, its more because its only that you can afford to have. Those MiG-29's that you bought from Russia are too expensive for you to maintain and operate. And once that economy of your can afford it, you too will be buying Russian equipment not Chinese. Chinese are not providing you any super duper weapons that be a real threat to India. You can have another Gwadar or a Hambantotta but nothing more than that, it will be just economic. Stop dreaming that China will be basing its Nuclear subs there in Bay of Bengal, which is "Vikramaditya's" realm.

I still have to see China getting interested in you as you claim as they are.
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Well, after China; Bangladesh is technically the 2nd largest exporter of RMG products in the world. So yes, it has value. At least, in a business sense.

The Chinese are also interested in a deep sea port in Chittagong. The Dhaka-Chittagong route is very important since majority of the country's inbound and outbound logistics take place on that route.

Given that China is to gradually move away from the "t-shirt age", they'll shift their operations to some place cheaper such as Bangladesh.

Think logically, if you are 2nd to the Chinese in RMG business then it means you a competitor to the Chinese. And if you are a competitor to them why would they shift their RMG business to BD?

Other than that, as China is growing so are you. And after Rana Plaza collapse there is a lot of clamor from the labor and the clients of this industry about improving facilities, which will only enhance the production costs in BD.

And about the Chittagong deep sea port. I believe its too early to say anything as BD has just proposed China to join the project. Lets see if they are interested to invest into BD.
Think logically, if you are 2nd to the Chinese in RMG business then it means you a competitor to the Chinese. And if you are a competitor to them why would they shift their RMG business to BD?

No one ever said that Bangladesh can fully replace the Chinese. Their supply chain is unique, and hence difficult to duplicate.

They'll shift their operations in Bangladesh where the businesses see fit. Thanks to Bangladesh's plentiful supply of cheap labor. And as long as there is a large workforce in the country's agricultural sector, the RMG will continue to be a sustainable one. Nearly 70% of Bangladesh's workforce are in agriculture.

China's population demographics are not quite the same as they used to be. They are changing.

Other than that, as China is growing so are you. And after Rana Plaza collapse there is a lot of clamor from the labor and the clients of this industry about improving facilities, which will only enhance the production costs in BD.

True, the RMG industry is at an image crisis. More specifically in the Western world. Especially after Hasina's retarded interview on CNN.

The Chinese only want business. That's just about it. And if it makes business sense, then why not?

And about the Chittagong deep sea port. I believe its too early to say anything as BD has just proposed China to join the project. Lets see if they are interested to invest into BD.

That project is now on hold. It was one of the ruling government's election pledges.
Almost all Bangladeshi products including garments and textile enjoys duty free access in China. As China grows, that is much bigger market for Bangladesh than EU. Besides, export to Chinese market is rising at a rate of 14 percent in 2012-13. Once Bangladeshi businessman get familiar with language, business culture export will further accelerate. Most Importantly, logistics need to be build out which present regime had stalled for last 5 years.

China to increase duty- free access of BD products up to 95pc | UNB Connect

Exports to China rising fast | Shipments to China rose 14pc year-on-year to $458.11m in fiscal 2012-13

Having said all these about trade relation, I think Asad bahi (please correct me if I have misread) opened this thread to discuss strategic/Geo-strategic stake for China in Bangladesh. I would rather focus on that.

Chinese ambassador statement "as brotherly nation China wish to see independent and stable Bangladesh" is quite significant. Chinese way of doing things are quite different than Western and indians that we are familiar with. Although China stayed away form direct involvement in world affairs, specially in Asia and in its own neighborhood, that is changing slowly. That is why reading Chinese ambassador statement in such context is important. And What I understand there is growing understanding in Chinese policy circle that stakes are high in Bangladesh and has significant implication for Chinese interest that China can not stay in passive mode any longer.

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