On March 25 2008, I took an Air Blue flight to Islamabad from Karachi. My parents were with me.
The flight was already late, seemingly waiting for some passenger to come on board. As this gentleman arrived, obscured from our vision, there was pandemonium on the door as the crew was about to close the door to be pushed back on the tarmac. There was this respectable looking bespectacled guy gesticulating towards the crew in aggressive manner hurling abuses and threats in typical Pakistani elite manners. He was holding the plane to let one of his colleagues/friends to come who was late coming to the airport. As this man walked in the plane with his friend, I recognized him. It was Qazi Faez Isa. He was then a judge in Baluchistan High court. He used to write very good articles in Dawn and used to read them. Since then, I stopped reading him. I saw his misbeahvior with my own eyes.
When the reference came, I was not surprised. If you had seen him that day, you too wont be surprised.
His discomfort is quite visible in his two letters to the president. He should be writing letters to the Chief Justice to who he reports, not the president! Instead of him defending his case in front of his Chief Justice, he is writing letters to the president.
If you have nothing to hide, go to Supreme Judicial Council and defend your case. Why insinuating against Imran Khan in the letter that he too may have properties of his wife he has not declared? This is a typical Pakistani corrupt political counter allegation.
The reference was admitted by Supreme Judicial Council only if it had some merit. The military court is not trying it that people have started implicating military in this case!