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Reasons behind poor motivation and unprofessionalism in Indian military forces

the thinking that you can use 'sarkari mall' is rooted way back in 1800s. In bihar I heared that when people come from train family asks to member that 'what has you brought (from train).'
Anyway, the person is more agitated about why woman are commanding men. This is related to village/sub-urban mentality of men taking order from a woman.
there is no one single issue there are many many issues in indian forces .
And despite having more budget than pakistan army they under perform because of those issues.
As the soldier said in a video a militant with just a week training causes heavy damage to Indian forces because of the unprofessionalism prevails among them.
people of subcontinent never rose above slavery unfortunately. apparently they achieved independance in 47 but mental slavery is in their genes.

lets see when indian army will declare him psychiatric case and put him behind bars.
people of subcontinent never rose above slavery unfortunately. apparently they achieved independance in 47 but mental slavery is in their genes.

lets see when indian army will declare him psychiatric case and put him behind bars.
The concept of status counsiousness is not going anywhere even in our younger generation.
you dont tke back bodies of your own soldiers died in Kargil and talk about motivation and unprofessional in Indian military forces....
these type of disgruntled people are always there.... it will be addressed with proper channels.
you dont tke back bodies of your own soldiers died in Kargil and talk about motivation and unprofessional in Indian military forces....
these type of disgruntled people are always there.... it will be addressed with proper channels.
Aye Gupta aye...always find past stories to satisfy yourself and save your ugly face because your present is pathetic.
Keep bringing 1971 as well to save your ugly face , accepting what's wrong with you in not in your genes that's the reason your army is in such a sorry state.
Kargil was more than 20 years ago. Talk of today which is more relevant rather than what happened decades ago.
Aye Gupta aye...always find past stories to satisfy yourself and save your ugly face because your present is pathetic.
Keep bringing 1971 as well to save your ugly face , accepting what's wrong with you in not in your genes that's the reason your army is in such a sorry state.
Kargil was more than 20 years ago. Talk of today which is more relevant rather than what happened decades ago.

20 years is not too long.... if you know YouTube then check pakistani soldiers interview who are prisoners of war. You will realize how professional is pakistani army is.

and yes, your army chief is nowhere to be seen.... and entire army and its public relation officer is only seen on twitter. daily 5 tweets about how unprofessional army is will win the war for you..... idiots.

basically pakistan is super power and every other country is weak for you.... US came to Abbotabad and you were sleeping.... we came to Balakot and you were sleeping.... and you call other unprofessional...
20 years is not too long.... if you know YouTube then check pakistani soldiers interview who are prisoners of war. You will realize how professional is pakistani army is.

and yes, your army chief is nowhere to be seen.... and entire army and its public relation officer is only seen on twitter. daily 5 tweets about how unprofessional army is will win the war for you..... idiots.

basically pakistan is super power and every other country is weak for you.... US came to Abbotabad and you were sleeping.... we came to Balakot and you were sleeping.... and you call other unprofessional...

Since your are pretty new in PDF club. I would suggest to ignore to comments on such stupid (self satisfaction and self happiness) threads.
Since your are pretty new in PDF club. I would suggest to ignore to comments on such stupid (self satisfaction and self happiness) threads.

i see your point. and i actually ignore most of them. but when someone replies for the first time we need to set expectations. i was wrong.

but thanks ... i'll definitely ignore trolls hereafter :tup:
20 years is not too long.... if you know YouTube then check pakistani soldiers interview who are prisoners of war. You will realize how professional is pakistani army is.

and yes, your army chief is nowhere to be seen.... and entire army and its public relation officer is only seen on twitter. daily 5 tweets about how unprofessional army is will win the war for you..... idiots.

basically pakistan is super power and every other country is weak for you.... US came to Abbotabad and you were sleeping.... we came to Balakot and you were sleeping.... and you call other unprofessional...

Actually we were trying to prevent him from getting roasted by unprofessional hands just a few hours after Balakot incident. Thank God soldiers on the ground were also alert as well. Balakot and Abbottabad were two different incidents as Pakistan's engagement with the USA in Afghanistan is different from your perceptions. Ohh but if you wanna send your professional forces again to repeat Balakot you folks are most welcome than my dear. Our response would be more merciless next time...for the sake of clarity.
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